Workout DVD People

erinhale Posts: 137 Member
I am very interested to see who has tried what, what results they got, and what other DVDs have they tried and why they stuck or didn't stick with the DVD. A client and I got into an interesting discussion about at home workout DVD's and wanted to see if its true.

I have no interest in doing a DVD or joining a BeachBodies team, so please don't message me about it. I went to school for 4 years to learn about exercise adn the science behind it and have been a trainer for over 7 years. This is just a question about what you have tried, what you likem why you liked it, what you tried and hated, and how you feel about it. ALso, what was your fitness level before you started it.


  • JustMichelleB
    JustMichelleB Posts: 290
    I haven't belonged to a gym since 2005, so I either run or do workout DVDs.

    I've done Jackie Warner dvd's for the past 2y until starting P90X 4months ago. I also just started Turbo Jam Cardio Party 2 (for the days I want cardio but don't want to run). JW toned me up decently, but I got more notable results w/ P90X.
  • brian90
    brian90 Posts: 285 Member
    Beachbody workouts are great. I am a big fan of p90x and insanity.
  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    I've been doing P90X for 3 weeks so far, and I love it. My results even to this point have been amazing. I've dropped very close to my goal weight, and I went from fitting into a size 8 pant to a size three weeks, that's pretty dang good.
  • mindy14456
    mindy14456 Posts: 552 Member
    I am also a huge fan of beachbody workouts. I have done turbo jam in the past, loved it. And just finished week 4 of a hybrid Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme workout. In 4 weeks I am down 15 inches :)
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I got all my results from various jillian michael dvd's. She has intense cardio up to yoga and in between
  • stavarez
    stavarez Posts: 1
    I've done P90x in the past and lked it. Right now I am doing slim in 6(also beachbody) since I just had a baby and am not ready yet for P90X. It's been one week and I've lost 2 pounds. Once I've hit 15-20 lbs down I will start P90X.
  • biged335
    biged335 Posts: 734
    5 more workouts and I finish Insanity. It's great and I plan on doing another round. So far, in 2 months, I've lost 13 lbs and 4.25" around my waist.
  • MayMaydoesntrun
    MayMaydoesntrun Posts: 805 Member
  • diembroadhurst
    I'm currently doing 30 day shred on top of my normal exercise - I reckon if i'm honest i'm doing it because a few friends said they were doing it and I thought I would give it a whirl. I don't mind it - I like that its 20 mins and its quick fire. I have a couple of other dvd's - 10 min soutions - I did them for a while and got bored frankly. I run mainlyy and even though I run alot I don't get bored because the terrain is different every time, the distance the speed all change the run. I have people to talk to - or not - I use the gym - away from home away from homelife and have some me timeI don't have to talk to anyone - its so peaceful!At home I have to compete for the living room to workout in - I now get up at 6.30am to make that happen- I hate waking up at 6.30am but it beats having the guilt of kicking family out of the living room just because I want to work out. 30 day shred is only holding my interest because I have one more level to go and i've ot previewd it yet -plus I don't have unrealistic expectations about what it will do for my body.
  • halejr23
    halejr23 Posts: 294
    Fitness level before: none, sedentary, sat on bar stool 4-5 times a week drinking big mugs of beer. About 30 pounds overweight.

    Tried 3 DVD workouts so far with another on the way.

    P90X - 1st one tried
    What I liked - variety, challenging workouts, modified exercise shown on DVD for those not able to do exercise perfect yet. tried it originally because I hate the gym - most people go to BS and show off and then there are the a$$es that sweat all over equipment and don't wipe it down after done. I wanted a way to avoid the gym scene and get my workout done quickly.

    What I didn't like - nothing really other than the occasional time when first started out that wanted to quit ... but put it in my head that this was a challenge and I was going to show I could complete it. I lost about 10 pounds but added strength and stamina.

    Insanity - 2nd one tried
    What I liked - originally ... absolutely nothing! the 10 minute warmups whooped my *kitten* and there was still 30 minutes of intense workout left after the warmup! I got this workout DVD because I had completed 2 rounds of P90X and wanted a new challenge - I was starting to get the sickness ... if I didn't work out I was cranky and felt terrible!

    What I didn't like - the 1st couple of weeks were hell. I couldn't even come close to completing the workouts but then I started watching the people behind Shawn T when I was trying to catch my breath and noticed that they were dropping as well. So, I figured hell, if they are dropping and jumping back in I can do that until I can complete more.

    Insanity : The Asylum
    After 2 rounds of P90X and a round of Insanity I was looking to push myself even further. What did I like? By this point what I liked in these workouts was pushing myself harder and seeing what my body was truly capable of. I just completed this workout about a week ago and it is killer. Very little rest period and nothing but intense strength and cardio moves. I had a blast even though I was gasping for breath most of the time.

    In 1 year I have gone from 177 down to 154, I am stronger, have endurance (had none before) and have lost most of my beer belly. I can see abs, am training for a half-marathon and am in the best shape of my life - including my 4 years in the Army.

    So, what do I like about the DVD workouts? 6 days a week, 1 hour a day commitment and I don't have to wait for or clean equipment.
  • angelacasey736
    angelacasey736 Posts: 249 Member
  • deadliftmom
    I just joined this forum, but I'm watching with interest b/c I'm cancelling my gym membership due to the time and expense (especially with skyrocketing gas prices!) So now I need to set up a home gym and home workout program. I just bought 30 Day Shred and some dumbbells, and will maybe go on to Supreme 90.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,753 Member
    If you'd told me 30 years ago when I first joined a gym that I'd be working out to DVDs, I'd have said you were crazy, but I've been using Beachbody DVDs for the last three years, and I don't imagine I'll ever go back to a gym. I've tried a bunch of them, and for me personally, I like alternating between P90X and Slim Series, although I do each one for five weeks rather than 90 days. I like the convenience of the DVDs. When I was in my 20s, the social aspect of the gym was a big draw. But I didn't have a husband, kids, dogs or a business, so I had time to spend in the gym. My time is more precious now, and I can pop a DVD in whenever it best fits my schedule for that day. Sometimes I barely have time to get the workout im, let alone drive to a gym and wait my turn for whatever it is I want to do.
  • Shushonet
    Shushonet Posts: 37
    I'd be happy if you people will write if the program is using tools like hand weights, the elastic band etc.
    I don't have these in my house but would really like to do workout in front of the TV.

    What I tried and liked is Bodies in motion with Gilad. It's really good for those grumpy mornings you don't want to jump and sweat but still workout.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I'd be happy if you people will write if the program is using tools like hand weights, the elastic band etc.
    I don't have these in my house but would really like to do workout in front of the TV.

    What I tried and liked is Bodies in motion with Gilad. It's really good for those grumpy mornings you don't want to jump and sweat but still workout. has tons of workout DVDs (but not BeachBody products) ...... they list the required equipment for every DVD they sell. You can also find professional reviews that tell you: Impact level, fitness level, choreography level, etc. I typically don't buy any video without checking Collage first. VERY informative. I even check out Netflix rentals at Collage first.
  • 4jenniferk
    4jenniferk Posts: 307 Member
    Fitness level before: none, sedentary, sat on bar stool 4-5 times a week drinking big mugs of beer. About 30 pounds overweight.

    Tried 3 DVD workouts so far with another on the way.

    P90X - 1st one tried
    What I liked - variety, challenging workouts, modified exercise shown on DVD for those not able to do exercise perfect yet. tried it originally because I hate the gym - most people go to BS and show off and then there are the a$$es that sweat all over equipment and don't wipe it down after done. I wanted a way to avoid the gym scene and get my workout done quickly.

    What I didn't like - nothing really other than the occasional time when first started out that wanted to quit ... but put it in my head that this was a challenge and I was going to show I could complete it. I lost about 10 pounds but added strength and stamina.

    Insanity - 2nd one tried
    What I liked - originally ... absolutely nothing! the 10 minute warmups whooped my *kitten* and there was still 30 minutes of intense workout left after the warmup! I got this workout DVD because I had completed 2 rounds of P90X and wanted a new challenge - I was starting to get the sickness ... if I didn't work out I was cranky and felt terrible!

    What I didn't like - the 1st couple of weeks were hell. I couldn't even come close to completing the workouts but then I started watching the people behind Shawn T when I was trying to catch my breath and noticed that they were dropping as well. So, I figured hell, if they are dropping and jumping back in I can do that until I can complete more.

    Insanity : The Asylum
    After 2 rounds of P90X and a round of Insanity I was looking to push myself even further. What did I like? By this point what I liked in these workouts was pushing myself harder and seeing what my body was truly capable of. I just completed this workout about a week ago and it is killer. Very little rest period and nothing but intense strength and cardio moves. I had a blast even though I was gasping for breath most of the time.

    In 1 year I have gone from 177 down to 154, I am stronger, have endurance (had none before) and have lost most of my beer belly. I can see abs, am training for a half-marathon and am in the best shape of my life - including my 4 years in the Army.

    So, what do I like about the DVD workouts? 6 days a week, 1 hour a day commitment and I don't have to wait for or clean equipment.

    Thank you for such a thorough detail of likes and dislikes. I can't stand the social aspect of the gym but more than anything I hate inconsiderate people who don't wipe down the equipment and make me wait to use a piece of equipment.
  • BArdovino78
    BArdovino78 Posts: 66
    As a divorced, single mother of two young children I struggle with gym costs and finding the TIME to be at the gym regularly enough to put in the hours needed to get the results I want. My sister, a certified personal trainer/nutritionist/bodybuilder rode my *kitten* for YEARS about my health and exercise and to take her strength classes, etc. It wasn’t until this past winter that I decided I wasn’t satisfied with the way I looked, being skinny-fat wasn’t cutting it, that I wanted to be fit and toned all over. I heard about Jillian Michaels dvd’s and started with 30 Day Shred because I knew I could fit a 20 minute workout in at least every day and still run 3 times a week. Even with the kids home I could get a half hour workout in at home with weights, for the $9 it costs for the dvd it was well worth it. I’ve completed 30DS twice and moved onto Jillian’s latest dvd Ripped in 30 and I absolutely LOVE this dvd. She uses the 3-2-1 interval training 3 minutes strength, 2 minutes cardio and 1 minute abs….I find it very effective, I’m sweating from start to finish and it’s a half hour workout, can’t beat that. My fitness level with beginner-intermediate when I started and now my endurance is just amazing. I’ve lost 9 lbs so far, gained at least 5 in muscle and have lost inches everywhere. I’d love to be able to join a gym, unfortunately its the costs and time needed to put in at the gym and at this point in my life I can’t swing it, financially or schedule-wise. As it is, I get up at 4:00am to workout otherwise I cannot get a workout in every day, as I’d like.
  • metalgearpanda
    metalgearpanda Posts: 43 Member
    I recently bought the zumba fitness dvds I've been doing the odd class here and there for a year but I relented and bought the dvd set, so far I reckon that it is quite good and gets my heart pumping fast and sweating to the point of mopping the floor after me, what I don't like is I can't do the samba no matter how hard I try lol x
  • katt742
    katt742 Posts: 196 Member
    Im a big fan of Jackie Warner and Cindy Whitmarsh. They just do regular old weight lifing and strength exercises with some jumping jacks and jogging in place. So easy to follow and quick! However...Ive been at a standstill with my muscle tone. I want to bump it up and get bigger. So, I just found Cathe Friedrich...apparently she is kick *kitten*! Im just ordered her Slow and Heavy DVD.
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    I've been a home workout person for the past 2 1/2 years. Prior to that, I've joined the gym twice and it was a ridiculous waste of my money. I find that if I have to drive somewhere to workout, I simply won't stick with it. So, for me, home DVDs are perfect. I can drive home from work, let my dogs out, have a snack, walk the dogs, and then push play. Since I have to drive home first (because my precious pups have already gone 10 hours holding their bladder), to change clothes and drive 10 minutes to the gym just doesn't work for me.

    Anyhow, my first full DVD program I did 2+ years ago was P90X. I was fat and out of shape, so I did the Lean version. I was so disgusted with myself prior to starting that I was determined to finish. Did 90 days, lost 20 pounds, could finally do push ups on my toes...success. The next 90 days I did another round of P90X...this time doubles. The schedule was brutal, but I perservered and really cut my overall body fat percentage. I did a 3rd round, this time using P90X+ for some variety that fall.

    After that, I gave Insanity a shot. I hated every workout, but I loved the results I got. I truly can say I was the leanest and fittest I've ever been. I also ended up with a tweaky knee and a torn intercostal ligament that sidelined me for 2 months. That part sucked. I decided that the wear and tear with that kind of plyometric wasn't going to work for me long term, so after I healed the rib area and could workout again, I chose ChaLean Extreme.

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE ChaLean Extreme. I had no idea how heavy I could lift, and I had no idea how lifting that heavy could truly make me slimmer and leaner. I've done another 3 rounds of CLX since then, two of which I combined with Turbo Fire workouts. This, to me, is a perfect combination for strength training and cardio. They're MY soul workouts.

    Last summer, I toyed with the idea of gathering more knowledge about fitness and nutrition, so I purchased the books to study for my ACE personal trainer certification. I sat for that exam this past month and also became certified to teach Turbo Kick. For the first time in my life, I actually enjoy the gym. That said, as much as I love teaching group fitness classes, when I'm working out for myself, I prefer to do it at home.

    Some of my other favorite home DVDs are the STS series by Cathe Friedrich. They're VERY good.