Tortilla Chips- 18 cals each!

Makes 8 decent sized chips (to make a bigger quantity simply use extra tortillas)

Per chip: 18 calories (~140/8)


1 tortilla wrap (I used Sainsburys Be Good To Yourself- 135cals. For other brands, calorie content will vary)

Oil- the healthier the better

Salt, pepper, chilli, paprika, or any other seasonings (optional)


- Preheat the oven to 200°C

- If you have an oil spray, lightly spray each side of the tortilla. I don’t, so I poured a little bit of oil on a plate, swirled it around then lay each side of the tortilla on it.

- Using scissors or a knife or whatever, cut the tortilla in half, half again and half again, so you should end up with 8 triangles. You could cut them into smaller strips if you wanted, or even go crazy and use cookier cutters to make shapes.

- Place your shapes on a baking tray, and lightly sprinkle with salt and any other seasing you want (I just used salt)

- Bake for 7 minutes. The tortillas should be starting to curl up at the sides and are golden brown and crispy. Leave to cool (don’t burn your mouth) and then enjoy. Eat with dip, as an accompaniment to salad or soup, or even on their own like crisps.

Enjoy! :)

Edit: Here's a pic of the ones I made earlier (with salad and OJ).. I had the whole plate and they were so filling...



  • cem789
    cem789 Posts: 231 Member
    great idea, i will give this a go :)
  • roxiedo
    roxiedo Posts: 154
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    What an odd temperature! I'll try them!
  • Thompsonic7
    Thompsonic7 Posts: 32
    I thought it was a little high but I guess the baking needs to be intense and quick to get the right consistency... It worked anyhow :)
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,171 Member
    this is brilliant! that way you doesnt have to buy the whole back and accidentally eat it all lol
  • Jovannyr
    Jovannyr Posts: 108 Member
  • misslyssx
    misslyssx Posts: 87
    Bump. Would be great with a nice salsa!
  • ang5593
    ang5593 Posts: 16
    bump! those look delicious!
  • xmillax
    xmillax Posts: 23
    I have another idea for using these beautiful wraps which also makes a great low cal dinner!

    1X wrap
    1X turkey or chicken breast
    1X low cal tomato or pesto paste
    and some rocket salad

    preheat oven to around 200'C

    spread paste on wrap and place in the oven for around 5min until it goes all crispy
    (putting the paste on first also ensures the paste doesnt cool the wrap .. it's nice when it's all warm!)

    in the meantime prepare the turkey or chicken (i normally george forman mine!)

    remove the wrap from the oven and pop the chicken on top and spread the rocket salad on top with a small amount of dressing oil

    my boyfriend likes this meal too with a small amount of cheese grated and melted on top too!

    it's almost like a super thin based pizza and really filling ... a nice way to use meat aswel!
  • xmillax
    xmillax Posts: 23
  • jersey0725
    jersey0725 Posts: 62 Member
  • MintyCandy
    MintyCandy Posts: 44
    Yeah that's smart.
  • sms9497
    sms9497 Posts: 58 Member
    what is rocket salad?