Memorial Day to Labor Day Challenge!!! Who's with me!

jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
I'm tired of being at this plateau! And It hasn't helped that I've been a lazy bum since mothers day, have eaten junk and barely worked out for three works... I'm pretty sure I've put back on 10 of the 30 pounds I've lost, in that short of time because I knew there was another holiday coming up that I was going to cheat on... so I've just kept up the cheating the whole time...

No longer! I want to come out of the summer looking like one of MTV's "I used to be fat" contestants! I want to shock people with how much weight I can loose over the summer! Since unlike on the show... I do actually need to maintain a job and would like to have somewhat of a social life as well...

But I'm going to be really hard core on the work out and dieting... but healthy food is expensive :( But I always feel so much better about myself when I make healthy choices! Made a bunch of ladies in my area get on the band wagon with me! We are walking/jogging every morning from 6-7 before work. I'm back to logging and really watching what I eat, really having a lot of fiber and protein, and really watching my fats and sugars (which will hopefully take off those 10 lbs in a week... since it has before :) and working out for a good 1-2 (maybe more ) hrs per day.

Who is with me! who wants to loose 30-50lbs this summer! Lets shock people this fall by how much we can loose! Who is with me? I need all the support and motivation I can get!


  • syates83
    syates83 Posts: 87
    I'm in!!! I want to be in the 100's by the time summer is over! The lower the weight the better!
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    Sometime withing the next week (if I can figure out how to get pictures to load) lets all upload our before pictures and then our after pictures a the end of the summer and share our successes!
  • mollygirl61
    mollygirl61 Posts: 23
    I'm in:flowerforyou:
  • Emma33021
    Emma33021 Posts: 71 Member
    I'll join, too. I want to lose 30-35 lbs more. I've been good so far.
  • dawnstl
    dawnstl Posts: 90 Member
    I'm in. Hopefully a summer challenge will spur me on!
  • beverlyl64
    beverlyl64 Posts: 381
    I'm in, this would get me so close to my goal weight.
  • hotmamato3
    hotmamato3 Posts: 2
    Im in too babe! I just delivered my sweet little girl on May 6th and I have about 80 pounds to loose. WOW!! But I know that if I put my mind to it, I can do anything, just like us all:bigsmile: The secret is to remember that this is a lifestyle change and if we cheat we are haulting our progress from being a consistant daily thing. Lets do it. Cheers the the girls of the hot mamas!!:drinker:
  • hotmamato3
    hotmamato3 Posts: 2
    Great idea!!
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    Hooray!!! glad we have some takers! What are some of your fitness goals for the summer, both weight related as well as stamina related, diet related, etc. How are you all planning on getting fit this summer? I would love healthy recipes and fun exercise ideas!!! For breakfast this morning I mixed Strawberry fat free greek yogurt with blackberries and Kashi go lean... sounds kind of weird I know... but had a ton of fiber and protein!
  • Emma33021
    Emma33021 Posts: 71 Member
    Well, what's your regime girls?

    I am currently cycling calories, since I have hit a plateau (stayed there for a while) and now losing again.
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    Well, what's your regime girls?

    I am currently cycling calories, since I have hit a plateau (stayed there for a while) and now losing again.

    Yay! good for you for loosing again!... I've been doing the whole Eat 1200 calories a day and work out until I burn off 1000 calories a day (just for a few more weeks until my family reunion is over... then will still have the same basic concept, but at a slower pace)... Good for your for getting out of that plateau! Feels great huh?
  • dawnstl
    dawnstl Posts: 90 Member
    I run 3 days and do strength training 3 days each week. Try to mix it up here and there in an effort to avoid those plateaus. Water, water and more water has been my friend this week!!