New to site

JenLovesHerChis Posts: 5
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone. I am a 28 y/o mother of a beautiful 2 1/2 year old boy. I have an amazing and supportive husband who is also taking this journey with me to get to our goal weights. I have 96lbs to lose to get to my goal weight of 170lbs. I'm hoping that this site will help to keep me on track and hold me accountable. I have been struggling for the past few years with my weight and have made a lot of unsuccessful attempts at weight loss. My issue is that I was always small growing up and into my early 20's so I have never had to think about what I eat or excercise. Because of that I am struggling with what to do, where to start, and all that. I don't know what I should be doing to make my weight loss successful. I've never been to a gym, but I really want to join, but I'm scared becuase I don't knwo what I should be doing and I don't have the funds available to hire a personal trainer. I'm really hoping that through this site I will be able to learn what I should be doing and meet people who will guide, help, support and encourage me on this journey.


  • ged630
    ged630 Posts: 145 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend for support if you would like. I think you will find this site VERY helpful in your journey!
  • auri77
    auri77 Posts: 39
    feel free to add me :) my goal is for the 170s as well! :) WELCOME!!!!
  • Mtsidad
    Mtsidad Posts: 242 Member
    Welcome to the site. And awesome how open you are about your journey!

    My only advice (and boy can I give advice!) is while it is GREAT to look at so many things you want to work on & perhaps improve, start with one or two with reachable goals, such as "for one week I will simply write down & record on MFP everything I eat." And then maybe "for one week I will make a conscious decision every day to do one form of recordable exercise & post it on MFP." The act of being conscious about what we do is an enormous step, but (IMO) it is the key step. Because as you say, the journey isn't simply about losing weight - it's about looking at ourselves and getting to the stage where we make our own decisions (and not our emotions or our mother's voice in our head saying "clean your plate!").

    See what you do (eat and exercise) will really help you figure out where you can make the next changes. Plus, by focusing on things you can do that bring success, you'll be laying the groundwork for the choices that lie before you that, right now, might seem overwhelming or even impossible.

    I know for me I said "I'll never be able to run/jog, as I'm Too Fat," but here I am in the C25K program. Me. Mr. "Exercise-is-of-the-devil."

    So good luck!
  • msailor1
    msailor1 Posts: 1
    Congratulations on getting started! I just starting using the app and website on Sunda,y May 29th. I just want to lose 15 lbs. but they have been stubborn. My main exercises are running, walking and biking which don't require a gym so don't worry too much about that yet. I have a gym membership but rarely go when the weather is good. So far this program has been great about holding me accountable for what I eat and for helping me track calories without too much hassle or obsession. I am glad that you have the support of your husband so meal planning will be easier if he is doing it with you.
  • aejbx4x7s
    aejbx4x7s Posts: 111
    I also just began on this site, and am relatively new to dieting. I wanted to say that I had never used a gym until recently and was very intimidated. Trainers are expensive! I was able to take a free class at my gym to learn how to use the equipment, which made me feel a lot more comfortable. Your gym might offer a similar service to new members. Also, I began with the equipment with which I felt most comfortable, i.e. the stationary bike or treadmill. I would watch how other people used the machines I didn't know how to use. I would also stretch before using the machine which allowed me a bit of time to read the instructions on the side without anyone noticing. Honestly, I stayed away from the gym for a long time because I was uncomfortable, but I have felt much better and more confident each time I go. And if you can bring a friend or your husband along, even better! It's much easier to laugh about not knowing how to use a machine when you're not alone!

    Best of luck!
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