Help! Question for females struggling

I need help! I just starting getting serious with my workout this month. My monthly lady business has struck and the bloating and laziness is throwing me off my game. I'm eating bad not exercising and starting to lose confidence again. What do u do??


  • drxl34
    drxl34 Posts: 48 Member
    Try to get out of the house - if you're too tired/lazy to workout, distract yourself with friends, shopping, activities. It'll make you forget about food cravings. And drink a lot of water.. that helps me
  • deluxmary2000
    deluxmary2000 Posts: 981 Member
    Yep, the period is just another excuse. Stop using it as justification to derail your progress. There's no reason you can't exercise during your TOM.
  • Vaprrenon
    Vaprrenon Posts: 12 Member
    If it's just a case of the lazies, try and start small--something is better than nothing. Take a walk...outside, at the mall, even if it's to a food joint a mile down the road for lunch!

    If inactivity is due to extreme pain, like it used to be for me, definitely try to see a doctor to see if there's something you can do to lessen its impact on your life.
  • lolly2414
    lolly2414 Posts: 186 Member
    Allow yourself a cheat snack if you want (I always crave a Snickers bar during my period, but I'd go with a snack sized one). Try to stick within your diet goals otherwise. Skip the intense workout if the bloating and cramps are really bothering you, but try to fit in a leisure stroll if you can.
  • mgonyer123
    mgonyer123 Posts: 74 Member
    Depends.on the seriousness of it. I have PMDD so it wasn't an excuse for me as some people might think.

    Take vitamin B complex and saint.johns wart. See if that helps.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    It's just blood, for heaven's sake.
  • nalathegreat77
    nalathegreat77 Posts: 3 Member
    It's just blood, for heaven's sake.

    It's not just blood. It's an evil curse. But I can get through it. Its the confidence that's my biggest issue.
  • Cari93
    Cari93 Posts: 8 Member
    Fail is part of success. This time around you may now have been able to have self control. Take notes and remember how you feel now. Next month when all comes back be prepared. Have a calendar filled with events to keep you busy. Stray away from the places that makes you lazy. Keep a picture of what you looked like before eating healthy and where you are now so when you crave you compare the photos and keep your head straight. Get someone to hold you accountable during your TOM. It's one thing breaking a promise to yourself, but id be damned if I fail someone else. Health and fitness is an opportunity not an obligation. Don't let it feel like another chore. Wake up and tell you're blood you ain't got time for it. If craves get to bad eat dark chocolate it's healthier (but not excessively). If laziness is too much do an activity you enjoy instead. These are somethings that I've done to avoid set backs.
  • mary251
    mary251 Posts: 7 Member
    Exercise is really good for menstrual cramps, so going for a walk or getting some other form of exercise is really beneficial. Allow yourself a treat, but don't overdo it. If you crave ice cream, say, have one scoop of low fat ice cream a day and no more. If it's chocolate, have a fun size bar. Remember to eat lots of iron-rich foods to help compensate for the blood loss, and stay hydrated!
  • ameliarunner
    ameliarunner Posts: 3 Member
    When it's my monthly time I drink lots of water and go for tons of walks. I also add on some gentle yoga. The amount you do depends on your level of discomfort but it should be your goal to continue working out during this time.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I don't do what you're doing.