A rant about driver's vs. bikers



  • burnsgene42
    burnsgene42 Posts: 102 Member
    Here in Fla. people on bicycles have the same rights and responsibilities as motor vehicle drivers. (Some states not so.) If the lane so narrow or obstructed that it is unsafe to be passed , bikes can "take the lane". You can still pass them in a car ,but if you hit them , kiss your ---- goodbye.
    I give signals , stop at all red lights , use the bike lane . Sometimes If I can see both ways, I fudge a little as to complete stop at stop sign but remember I have much greater range of vision on a bike, and I'm moving a lot slower. If I use the sidewalk (legal) I'm a pedestrian and act like one .
    If I make a mistake on a bike likely I'll be the one to suffer. If I make a mistake in a motor vehicle and hit a person on a bicycle I'll probably kill or injure someone ,and it's all on me .
    It's like comparing one person playing with a pop gun and another with 30-06 rifle in their urban back yards. Who has the most responsibility ? Whose mistakes endanger others ?
    When you go to countries like Nederlands you see a completely different situation. Lotta bikes, people grew up with them . Respect them. They all get along.
    There are going to be more and more people on bikes on US highways. We all better learn to deal with them. After all they are so easy to kill.
  • AquabearGO
    AquabearGO Posts: 232 Member
    After watching Sons of Anarchy, I dont mess with bikers anymore.......
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    @AquabearGO Yep. Our lycra might not say Harley Davidson on it but we are all bad a**.
    @burnsgene42 Well said.
  • smabus51
    smabus51 Posts: 11 Member
    RGv2 wrote: »
    What about not biking through a construction zone?

    As a biker I'd rather not put my life in other's hands and make sure I know my routes don't take me into areas with no shoulder.

    Sorry, I see both culpable here.
    Yesterday I rode a route I ride several times a week. To my surprise they were resurfacing the street. I had no idea this street was under construction.

  • smabus51
    smabus51 Posts: 11 Member
    Bronty3 wrote: »
    I get annoyed when I safely pass a cyclist that is moving at a slow pace only to have to stop at a stop sign and have the cyclist ignore the stop sign and go by me. I then have to wait to pass them safely again. You want to be a vehicle on the road then you have to follow the rules of the road. That means stopping at stop signs and traffic lights. You can't have the best of both worlds. When there is traffic and a line don't suddenly, after taking up a whole lane so people could not get around you, move off to the side and then pass all the cars waiting their turn. Then all those have to travel behind you while you once again take up the whole lane so that no one can pass.
    Today I was biking to work. A city bus got annoyed because she couldn't pass me safely. So at the next stop light she passed me on the right in a right turn Lane and yelled obscenities at me for riding in a traffic Lane. There were no bike lanes nor sidewalk available. At any rate, when the light turned green, she forced her bus into traffic on her left and continued straight as did I. Then, probably because she was late on her route, she ran a red light that I stopped for. Yes I reported her to the company, but so far no response from her supervisor. I'll call him Monday to follow up. ,