
Come say I and join my journey!my name is shane!I'm 27 from Ireland and I've decided to document my journey to bettering myself physically and mentally!so far I've lost roughly 25 pounds through excerise and eating better to a degree!I've done this before!I lost 4 stone when I was 20 yrs of age but over the last 3 yrs I've abandoned my healthier lifestyle due to various reasons I shall not discuss! Come say hello and together we shall all help each other along this long tough road!


  • mariadaniellemw
    mariadaniellemw Posts: 9 Member
    Hey hope you OK ? I've just started this week and it's the longest week ever dragging dragging dragging I no I will feel better when I weigh myself Monday but it's a lifestyle change not just a few week challenge and that's the bit that's hard .How is your week going?
  • shanefarrell2
    shanefarrell2 Posts: 2 Member
    Week went well mon-Thursday!I ran/walk to work every day!having 2 hard days off with being at a weddin yesterday nd spendin today with family!won't weigh myself till next Friday so I have time to lose watever damage I've done the passed 2 days!how is your journey going? Thank you for replying!
  • epcswim2009
    epcswim2009 Posts: 13 Member
    Can't help but reading your messages in an Irish accent