binge eating

In dying need of help and motivatio, im sitting here once again already threw up and bloated after a weekend of binge eating need help to stay focus i do really well all week eating healthy and treadmill 30 mins and jillian michael dvd.on weekends when husbands home i eat,eat and eat till im actually sick.i have holiday booked for three weeks time and need to stay on track till then.please help


  • PixelPuff
    PixelPuff Posts: 902 Member
    Seek help from a doctor. We can only really tell you don't... Works for me, but not for others.
  • mgoutzounis
    mgoutzounis Posts: 1 Member
    Can you pre-plan your foods so that you get plenty of bulk low cal foods like salads, healthy proteins, small amounts of healthy fats, and don't let yourself get hungry. Can you also keep trigger foods out of your home, and otherwise avoid them? Can your family or a buddy help you? Of course, if you can get professional help that would be good.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    If you do "really well" during the week, and then your behavior changes on the weekends "when the husband is home", maybe it would help to try to identify what changes for you emotionally. It sounds like you're responding to stress. . . so what is it about the weekends that is stressful? Is it a feeling of lack of control because someone else is in the picture with whom you have to make decisions? Do you give yourself permission to "be bad" on the weekends because he's your prince charming and will rescue you? Binging and then purging is SERIOUS. DO seek help. . .
  • winniemcrae
    winniemcrae Posts: 7 Member
    I didnt purge i just ate to much and threw up half an hour later.have to say husband aint the best for diet he likes bacon,susages,meat crisp u name it how can i stop his unhealthy eating effect my healthy eating,i only see him on weekends and he likes a drink which leads to hangover and take away how to stop all that but still have fun
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    I would say just don't have that stuff in the house full stop but it's hard when there's another person there. Can you maybe ask your husband to be supportive and lay off the trigger foods a bit when you're together?

    Ultimately though, it comes down to you and your coping mechanisms, you're going to be in similar situations a lot and learning how to deal with them will be critical to your success. "Save" some calories through the week and allow for some indulgence at the weekend, avoid the foods altogether even if it means abstaining. It's breaking the cycle I know that's hard, it's something I've had to do too.

    Finally, I think you probably should speak to your doctor and see if there is more support you could be getting. Some people can get a handle on binge eating on their own, others need a bit more help in identifying what's going on and how to deal with it.
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Okay. This is simple. STOP DOING THAT!!!

    Come on. You are a grownass woman who is intelligent enough to recognise that doing something is bad for you. Stop blaming your husband for your own foolishness. If you honestly can't stop eating yourself sick you need to get professional help. That's not normal.
  • winniemcrae
    winniemcrae Posts: 7 Member
    Okay. This is simple. STOP DOING THAT!!!

    Come on. You are a grownass woman who is intelligent enough to recognise that doing something is bad for you. Stop blaming your husband for your own foolishness. If you honestly can't stop eating yourself sick you need to get professional help. That's not normal.

  • winniemcrae
    winniemcrae Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for all replys your right i cant blame my husband its me who puts the food in my own mouth,as for eating till im sick this only happened this weekend and thats why i posted it was a wake up call that i dont want to feel that horrible again still bloated today but im determined to get rid of bloat and start feeling normal again.just need some diet buddys to help me stay on track on weekends
  • Ironmaiden4life
    Ironmaiden4life Posts: 422 Member
    Eating disorders are complex and aren't about food, the food and your eating patterns are simply a symptom of the disorder.

    As others have said please reach out to your doctor. If you don't feel comfortable doing that there are a number of other resources available from therapists to support groups.

    OP you need help and you need it now. Recovery is possible and with time and the right help you can better. Good luck.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    This is all really good advice. There are actually centers and hot lines for binge eating now, I see the ad on TV all the time. I bet your doctor or local healthcare facility has a support group as well. Maybe you should try that and get yourself a real-life sponsor. Someone who you could call when you feel the urge to binge. Sometimes it's not as easy as just telling yourself not to do it. It depends on what's causing your binges. I've never actually binged but believe me there are times that I want too. Distractions work for me. When I feel like I want to devour a whole bag of something or start snacking I'll get myself up and do something... anything. Move around, do laundry, sweep, go for a walk, clean/putter around the house, do my nails, call a friend, go for a walk, play with my dog, read a book, chew some gum, have some tea, etc... after a little while the feeling goes away. That doesn't work for everyone.

    Why do you think this only happens over the weekend?