Day 1 of my new life- help!

sue1244 Posts: 2 Member
edited July 2015 in Introduce Yourself
H! My name is Susan and I am obese. I'm 56 and it's been over weight most of my life. I can't stand the way I look or feel and my lack of energy so today is the first day of my journey to take back control of my life. Would love to help and encouragement from you all. I'm starting today at 255 pounds and my height is 5'1". Got up early and went for a walk for 45 minutes so that's a good start. Please share my journey with me!


  • lightboss
    lightboss Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Susan!! You can do this. All you need is drive and some guidance. Add me as a friend if you'd like. Good luck in your journey.
  • Noodle797
    Noodle797 Posts: 366 Member
    Hi Susan, welcome to MFP. Great job on the walk! Take it one day at a time!
  • Jonny15121983
    Jonny15121983 Posts: 573 Member
    Hey Sue!

    Good on ya for getting out for that walk, I hope you are feeling proud of yourself! You will totally hit your goal weight as I can see from what you write that you are determined to seize control of your life and make the changes you want to make. Feel free to add me if you want some friends along for your journey :)
