I am back and Need Help :"(

I am back after 6 months of pausing on counting I won't tell you I felt bad and that! but I've been feeling FREE like too much :D
I could eat whatever i want :expressionless: hmmmmmm but the result is not what i have been looking for before those 6 months when I was counting here :(
I used to know what is basic here in setting goals and exercising but now it seems like I have forgotten EVERY SINGLE THING :s:'(
I need motivation badly ...
am looking forward to your inspiring replies as always
love you all <3:*<3<3<3


  • fattylivis
    fattylivis Posts: 82 Member
    Hello muffins and cakes! Such a sweet name! You can add me for morivation. Good luck on this journey!
  • geddie30
    geddie30 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey, I'm back after a bout of "freedom" as well :wink: Feel free to add me for a motivation kick!
  • clairew931
    clairew931 Posts: 89 Member
    Hey! I joined MFP to help, support and motivate people with their health and fitness goals! So if feel free to add me if you would like! I offer support messages and buddy ups where I help you find someone with similar goals who you can get some good support from. We also have a Skype workout network if you're interested

    P.s - all my help and support on here is free. I don't charge or try to sell you anything!. All I ask is that if you send a friend request you send a short message too! :smiley:
  • schpanks
    schpanks Posts: 468 Member
    Ha. Yeah. 30 pound pause. Probably would still be paused except that my back is killing me since I put my weight back on. Back to it.
  • malathen
    malathen Posts: 4 Member
    Very interesting name
  • chase8oliver
    chase8oliver Posts: 27 Member
    Always remember that YOU are responsible for what the outcome of your progress will be. The way I look at it is six months ago you could have been much further along your goals if you kept it up. Believe me. I've been there. We all have. Do what is best for YOU. The hardest thing for anyone to do is get out of their comfort zone and push themselves to achieve!! You can do this!! Every time you want to quit ask yourself, "Do I really want to start all over again??" Good luck!
  • staraschi
    staraschi Posts: 2 Member
    I'm back too after a break that shouldn't have been taken. Anyone feel free to add me
  • mrloserpunk
    mrloserpunk Posts: 92 Member
    Same boat... About a 34lbs increase... Basically took my pause in December. :-( not happy with the result. Time to get crackalackin!
  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    Same boat... About a 34lbs increase... Basically took my pause in December. :-( not happy with the result. Time to get crackalackin!

    Same here. Sounds like a few of us are getting back on track! We have to do this :smile:
  • ddarpel
    ddarpel Posts: 14 Member
    Same here. 32 lbs pause. It was a great summer, but that is not what is importantt ot me. I need to get back at it. Looking forward to the gym.
  • singingmommy25
    singingmommy25 Posts: 41 Member
    So many people with so much in common! I'm in the same boat, but my "break" has been about 3 years in the making. I'm vegan, and I like to fool myself that that means I don't have to keep track. Well, let's just say my clothes could fit a bit less snugly ;) I love the idea of community, though - maybe together we're stronger?
  • mrsdmiller74
    mrsdmiller74 Posts: 34 Member
    Wow...I guess I thought I was the only one that took a long break. Had lost 80 but gained 28 back. I thought the summer would help me lose more weight but that did not happen. I never wanted to do anything it was sooo hot I went to a lot a lot a lot of cook outs. So I am back trying to get it started. I started last week lost 6 pounds last week which was amazing to me. I agree with chase8oliver I do not want to start all over again. So I am stopping with the excuses and starting now
  • kdank171
    kdank171 Posts: 5 Member
    I lost 63 and gained back 31...so yeah im there with you. Add me
  • DeMentL
    DeMentL Posts: 5 Member
    Same with me - just started back today. Add me.
  • muffinsandcakes
    muffinsandcakes Posts: 333 Member
    ohhhhhhhhhhhhh Thank you for all your words each one of you! <3<3
    but does counting really does help ??
    hmmmmmm like I haven't lost much when I was counting :(
    is that possible??
  • muffinsandcakes
    muffinsandcakes Posts: 333 Member
    my love! :D