Running tips?

Allison1385 Posts: 353 Member
edited July 2015 in Fitness and Exercise
What advise for eating do you have before a race/5k run? - eat what the night before? Eat day of?

I've read online not to stretch before you run, but always after? - I always stretch before, so I don't know about that..

Any other tips that you care to share? :)

I run usually 11-12 min miles.. & have only done 3 miles at a time. .. I'd like to keep going but I feel dead at the end of that!


  • littlekitty3
    littlekitty3 Posts: 265 Member
    I don't stretch beforehand. If you are going to stretch then do dynamic stretching (aka leg swings) to warm up your muscles. You shouldn't stretch with "cold" muscle anyways as it increases risk of injury. Stretching after a run helps improve blood circulation for recovery.
  • edack72
    edack72 Posts: 173 Member
    For a short race like a 5k I don't do much as far as changing or increasing what I eat there is no need to carb load for a race that should take less than an hour but I do make sure I hydrate at least 3 days before the race my biggest fault as a runner is not warming up and cooling down need to work on this ..whatever you do don't eat or try anything new on a race day or else you may find yourself in the portajohn or in the woods
  • jlewisrn74
    jlewisrn74 Posts: 94 Member
    I don't stretch before a run. As far as what to eat everyone is different. I don't eat before I run unless it's a long run. But what I do eat is a bowl of steel cut oats, 1/2 banana slices in it, some cinnamon protein powder in it and some chopped almonds. It's good and full of carbs, protein, and potassium. Some people will just eat some toast and a banana. But this is my favorite pre run meal
  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    Before a short race, eat the same things in the same time frames as when you normally train. You don't need to do anything special for distances like 5/10K. What you do NOT want to do is try something crazy or new and upset your stomach.

    As for running farther--have you tried slowing down? Think paper bag pace. If you're not so embarrassed you want to pull a paper bag over your head, you're going too fast. :)

    @littlekitty3 is right about stretching. In studies, you can do static stretching ("reach and hold") for up to 60 seconds at a time BEFORE a run and it won't hurt, but it won't help. Beyond that, you actually take a performance hit. Dynamic stretching like hip circles, leg swings, or foam rollings beforehand is a good way to wake up your muscles. Afterwards, dynamic and static stretching have their uses.
  • AndyP2018
    AndyP2018 Posts: 34 Member
    edited July 2015
    Some pasta the night before, light breakfast race day with a banana, with u at 3 miles and 5 being your race challenge, enjoy the day and pace yourself and have fun ✊
  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    Stretching cold muscles can lead to tears. Not a terribly good idea. For a 5k I wouldn't change anything about what I eat the day before. Day-of I prefer to have nothing at all in my stomach (assuming a morning race). The race is too fast to have anything in there.

    For a warmup I usually just run 2-3 miles really easy to get the muscles warm enough for going full-speed when the gun goes off. Then usually another 2-mile cooldown jog afterwards.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    I agree with the others. Skip the stretching (at least static stretching) before you run. Stretching afterwards isn't really needed either, unless you have some tight areas.

    As for eating, you don't need to do anything special for that distance. I will say that many people do well eating a banana or toast/english muffin with peanut butter before running. I usually do the english muffin & peanut butter. My husband, however, can't eat anything before running. Liquids, like a smoothie or yogurt, do OK with him.
  • arussell134
    arussell134 Posts: 463 Member
    Depends what you want to achieve with your 5K. Just running it for fun? Pretty much pick up and go, the way you would for any training run.

    I've lately started racing 5Ks more competitively. For this, I like to get there early and warm up for a half mile or so easy running. Then do a little stretching. I try to pick a good position behind the start line (not right at the start line usually, but behind a row or two).

    I always eat before every race - whether it's a 5K or marathon. I prefer a cup of coffee and something carb-y like a small bowl of oatmeal. I sip a little water, but have learned not to guzzle water before a race. Instead, I focus on hydrating the days/week leading up to the race. For a 5K or 10K I do not take fluids or food during the race as I don't want to stop and don't train with it at these distances.

    As glevinso said, sometimes I find it helpful to do a bit of a cooldown at a slow jog afterwards (even later in the day) to help loosen things up, particularly if you raced at a very hard effort.

    I hope this helps! Do a few races and you'll find what works for you. Feel free to friend request me or PM me if I can help.
  • jchite84
    jchite84 Posts: 467 Member
    Wake up early. Get there early and relax before you start running. Eat something light (for a 5K I'm usually good on a banana and some peanut butter toast). You won't be depleting your glycogen, so there is no need to carbo load or anything like that. Don't do anything crazy, your stomach will probably already be in knots if this is your first race. Hydrate extra in the days leading up to the race, don't go crazy trying to get in your hydration day of, you'll end up with a sloshy watery stomach and you'll feel like crap the whole time. Find a group of people who are running at a similar pace and who don't look too "serious" and chat them up. Have a good time and enjoy the experience.