Anyone else breastfeeding?

sbrumett09 Posts: 19 Member
Im 30yo and have a beautiful 7 month old daughter. I need to start getting back in shape but also not loose her supply. Anyone else in the same situation? Any good tips besides eating the "super foods"?


  • longtimeterp
    longtimeterp Posts: 614 Member
    Oh i thought this thread was looking? dang, oooops.
  • rizzorosetta
    rizzorosetta Posts: 1 Member
    Yes I am. Ds is 5 months old,just need to loose about 6-9lbs
    What super foods are you eating?
  • sbrumett09
    sbrumett09 Posts: 19 Member
    Almonds and oatmeal are my favs. But also trying to drink Gatorade here and there. That will always help me produce more :)
  • kaitlinconidi
    kaitlinconidi Posts: 17 Member
    Yes I am breastfeeding. My son is 4 months old. So far I have lost 50 pounds since giving birth. I have 25 more to go. I know they recommend only losing 1 pound a week to keep your supply. But I have been losing at least 3 pounds a week and it hasn't affected my supply. I usually eat a bowl of oatmeal in the morning and then don't have many starchy carbs the rest of the day.
  • supersocks117
    supersocks117 Posts: 169 Member
    edited July 2015
    Yes. I have a two year old, she nurses about 4-5x per day (I'm guessing 20 ounces) but not at night. I put myself at losing 1 lb a week (I want to lose 50 total) and am keeping an eye out for lowered supply or feeling really hungry. I figure if I was losing faster from the BF, I could always add more calories. I'm not doing any serious workouts. Just trying to add a walk every day, move more through out the day, and eat less processed food. It's been about 2 weeks and I have lost 5 lbs (so more than I set it at) but I think some was water weight from eating less sodium. LO has not complained about a dip in supply, but I am going to probably up my calories around my period, since I usually have a dip there anyway.

    Edit: I don't eat anything special, because I feel my supply is already well established.
  • amy13diggs
    amy13diggs Posts: 2 Member
    My daughter is 12 months and nursing. I'd like her to be weaned in another month or so because I'll be going back to teaching then. I've been using breastfeeding as an excuse to gain weight and overeat and it's beginning to affect my health.
    I think the key to success is to keep moving.
  • sbrumett09
    sbrumett09 Posts: 19 Member
    In hoping to keep my supply and feed her till at least 12 months but I also cannot keep living the way I am. Before I got pregnant I was losing weight but had to stop due to the pregnancy. Currently looking to lose 80-90#.
  • sjp_511
    sjp_511 Posts: 476 Member
    It seems some women drop loads of weight while breastfeeding. Sometimes it is without too much effort at all! Unfortunately I am not one of those lucky ones. I had my son back in November. After the holidays, I started to exercise again and count my calories in hope of dropping some weight. I was producing enough to feed him, but it was always a concern - I was never able to build up much of a stash to let me feel like I had a cushion. I increased my calories to aim for even slower weight loss in hopes of bringing my supply up. Between the frustration of the slow weight loss, the stress of pumping enough at work, and issues with making time for exercise, I eventually just stopped counting calories, overate, and gained weight.

    Now that we have begun weaning (not counting solids, we are about 50/50 breast milk/formula), I am getting back in the habit of logging my calories. Finding time to exercise is still a bit of a challenge, but my husband is able to help with feedings so I can go for a run a few days a week.
  • sbrumett09
    sbrumett09 Posts: 19 Member
    I feel you there im also not a lucky one to lose weight while feeding.
  • ewinship
    ewinship Posts: 2 Member
    I have never been one of those ladies who drops tons of weight while breastfeeding. My daughter is 10 months old and still breastfeeding around 4 times a day and 4 times at night (yeah, she has yet to sleep through the night...) When I was 9 months pregnant with her I was around 190, after she was born (in September) I was 167 and now I'm 155 and I'm totally stuck at this weight! I still keep my calories around 1550 so I don't lose my milk supply but I've been tracking my calories, activity and weight since January and my weight has fluctuated between 156 and 152. I don't want to cut any more calories because I would like to breastfeed at least a few more months but I am at a loss as to what else I can do to lose weight. I don't have a ton of time to exercise without the children so I mostly walk, jog, swim and do yoga and do at least 30 minutes of exercise a day. My goal weight is 135-140 but it seems to be taking me FOREVER to lose any weight. Since you ladies are in the same boat I thought I'd ask for any suggestions. :)
  • sbrumett09
    sbrumett09 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm actually at a loss as well. I'm just trying to lower my calories and adding some of the super foods into it. One thing that does help me when I feel my supply is low is Gatorade. I would like to feed her till at least 12 months. Still have a little over 4 months to go.
  • krs83301
    krs83301 Posts: 9 Member
    I am breastfeeding my 2 month old. I spoke with my doctor at my 6-week pp checkup. She said limiting calories should burn fat before cutting supply as long as I ate 1500-1700 calories per day. Below that and my body could go into starvation mode and cut supply.
    :) good luck!!!
  • Layama
    Layama Posts: 17 Member
    I'm breastfeeding my 8 month old daughter as well. I'm worried about my supply but also feel fed up with my weight. I'm trying to aim for 1lb a week until she is 12 months old. I work full time so I have a pretty good idea of my milk output and can keep a close eye on it. Would love to support/get support from other breastfeeding mamas. Add me as a friend if you are interested in keeping each other accountable and troubleshooting supply issues. :)
  • healthychops_gets_fit
    healthychops_gets_fit Posts: 35 Member
    Hey you can add in breastfeeding in the food - eg in snacks search foods for breastfeeding. It -500 for exclusively feeding and -300 for mixture of milk and solids! So usually if your little one is over 6 months. I try not to drop below 1800 calories as I have heard it can effect your milk. Plus I try to burn 500 calories a day in exercise. - add me if you like we can help each other xx
  • kaitlinconidi
    kaitlinconidi Posts: 17 Member
    Hey you can add in breastfeeding in the food - eg in snacks search foods for breastfeeding. It -500 for exclusively feeding and -300 for mixture of milk and solids! So usually if your little one is over 6 months. I try not to drop below 1800 calories as I have heard it can effect your milk. Plus I try to burn 500 calories a day in exercise. - add me if you like we can help each other xx

    I tried doing this and it seemed to screw up my whole diary and it won't log my calories properly. Am I doing something wrong?
  • MissOjLt
    MissOjLt Posts: 1 Member
    I actually have the opposite problem. I am nursing my 11 week old, supply is fine, but I can't stop losing weight! Last week I was officially 1 pound lighter than I was before pregnancy. I am just barely within the range of a healthy BMI. I didn't have this problem with my first child. I started using this as a way to make sure I eat enough calories a day. My doctor says I should be eating 2,200 a day to have a healthy weight and keep my supply. It just seems impossible.
  • antennachick
    antennachick Posts: 464 Member
    Listen to your body...if you feel hungry eat! High protein and working out is was worked best for me. I wont be so set on a certain amount of calories because a grilled chicken salad may contain the same calories as two cookies. However the difference is one is full of empty calories and sugar that wont fuel your body. Also certain foods such as oatmeal for breaskfast will help you produce more milk (google foods to eat whilr breastfeeding) Also I set my active to moderate to make sure I get enough calories. Some people add breastfeeding to exercise instead. depending on the age and how often your baby eats, you can burn 500 calories just breastfeeding.
    On another note it may be harder to lose those last 5-10 pounds while breastfeeding since your body wants to keep it as reserve and just producing milk can cause you to wiegh more. So dont