new to ths & a bit confused!!

melissabowers515 Posts: 17 Member
edited July 2015 in Getting Started
Hi my names melissa, ive not long had my scnd baby, I have a 3 yr old and 16 week old so im desperate to lose weight now, Ive been staying under my cals but when u excersise it adds some on, can u eat thm?! Also can I eat Wat I want if I stay under? Xx


  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    This is my friend's standard advice. Good luck!

    1. Enter stats into MFP and set for x amount of weight loss.
    2. Eat to the number that MFP gives you.
    3. get a food scale and weigh all solid foods, and as many liquids as possible.
    4. log everything
    5. make sure that you are using correct MFP database entries
    6. realize that there are no bad foods and that while the majority of foods should come from nutrient dense sources, there is nothing wrong with having pizza, ice cream, cookies, etc, as long as ones micro and macro needs are met.
    7. macro setting are typically .85 grams of protein per pound of body weight; .45 grams of fat per pound of body weight; fill in rest with carbs.
    8. find a form of exercise that you like and do it < not necessary for weight loss, but is for overall health and body comp.

    couple stickies I would recommend:



    sidesteels guide:
  • melissabowers515
    melissabowers515 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks, sorry ive just skimmed just now feeding my littlest, so aslong as my nutrient bit N tht looks ok N im under and doin some sort of excersise I shld lose?? I just feel ive at a lot of rubbish today but its actually lookin ok on my page! Also do u know about the extra cals? I was goin to reward myself but not sure if they r ment to b added lol xx
  • melissabowers515
    melissabowers515 Posts: 17 Member
    Macros are currently 1% under each thts me added my dinner im gonna have and a snack xx
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    So, weight loss is all about calorie management. Eat less than your body burns, you'll lose weight. Eat what your body burns, you'll stay the same weight. Eat more, you'll gain. Exercise is good for overall health and cardio gives you a nice burn, which allows for more calories to be eaten.

    Food does not equal rubbish. Food is just food. Some is more nutritionally dense than other food, but it's all just fuel for your body.

    And yes, if you burn calories for exercise, you can eat those back if you'd like. You definitely should eat some of them back if you're burning a lot.
  • melissabowers515
    melissabowers515 Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you so much! I have an excersise bike so I gain bk about 500 thrn addin my cleaning and carryin a 17lb baby around in a carrier it all adds up and I thnk ill b treatin myself every ne and thn haha xx
  • HikeCyclist
    HikeCyclist Posts: 153 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hey there! I have a four-month-old too, but he's my first. So I understand what you're going through with the baby weight thing. I have 20 pounds to lose to get to my prepregnancy weight then I want to lose another seven.

    For me personally, I always eat back my exercise calories. If I don't, I get too hungry and put myself at risk of over eating. Also, I use a heart rate monitor to figure out how many calories I burn when I do cardio. I don't do it for strength training though. Anyway, I feel that my heart rate monitor is a more accurate gauge of how many calories I burn than the MFP app.

    You don't have to eat back your calories that you burn, if you as a person can tolerate it. But try not to go under your BMR, which is the amount of calories that you need in order to basically live and keep your body functioning. There are a lot of calculators out there that can tell you what your BMR is.
  • melissabowers515
    melissabowers515 Posts: 17 Member
    Well I get bk around 500 on average and my allowance is 1250 im wantin to lose 3stone!! So a long way to go! I went to bed starvin last nite as I didnt eat the callories I burned! So prob will tonite just wanted to make sure id still lose lol, my bike tells me what ive burned and its not far off Wat it says on here im just stickin to cycling on my excersise bike just now as its convenient I can do it anytime kids r asleep lol xx
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited July 2015
    Well I get bk around 500 on average and my allowance is 1250 im wantin to lose 3stone!! So a long way to go! I went to bed starvin last nite as I didnt eat the callories I burned! So prob will tonite just wanted to make sure id still lose lol, my bike tells me what ive burned and its not far off Wat it says on here im just stickin to cycling on my excersise bike just now as its convenient I can do it anytime kids r asleep lol xx

    1250 - 500 = 750

    Your body needs more than this for basic bodily function (heart, lungs, kidneys). This is why MFP adds exercise back in. Ideally eating 100% of your exercise calorie just gets you back to your original deficit.

    However, calorie burns are estimates. How much data did you plug into the bike.....height, weight, age, gender? The bike can't know how hard the workout was for you. Many MPF users eat back 50-75% of exercise calories. Then as weigh loss progresses, tweak this percentage to match the weekly goal you set up.

    Really fast weight loss makes it hard for your body to fuel existing lean muscle. Moderate weight loss goal help you lose a higher % of fat.
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    Well I get bk around 500 on average and my allowance is 1250 im wantin to lose 3stone!! So a long way to go! I went to bed starvin last nite as I didnt eat the callories I burned! So prob will tonite just wanted to make sure id still lose lol, my bike tells me what ive burned and its not far off Wat it says on here im just stickin to cycling on my excersise bike just now as its convenient I can do it anytime kids r asleep lol xx

    1250 - 500 = 750

    Your body needs more than this for basic bodily function. This is why MFP adds exercise back in. Ideally eating 100% of your exercise calorie just gets you back to your original deficit.

    However, calorie burns are estimates. How much data did you plug into the bike.....height, weight, age, gender? The bike can't know how hard the workout was for you. Many MPF users eat back 50-75% of exercise calories. Then as weigh loss progresses, tweak this percentage to match the weekly goal you set up.

    Really fast weight loss makes it hard for your body to fuel existing lean muscle. Moderate weight loss goal help you lose a higher % of fat.

    Good advice, especially the bolded part.
  • melissabowers515
    melissabowers515 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks :) ive anothr question ths is prob daft! On most diets u dont count fruit … do u add ur fruit here!? Xxx
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Thanks :) ive anothr question ths is prob daft! On most diets u dont count fruit … do u add ur fruit here!? Xxx

    Absolutely. Fruits (and even some veggies) can make a big difference. 1 Banana = 90 calories, I can scarf that down in no time flat.
  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    Good advice above :) Be aware that Cleaning is already accounted for in your regular daily activity unless you are doing something extra strenuous on occasion. You should only count the calorie burn from intentional exercise, and eat back50-75% at most. Yes, you also need to account for fruits and veggies..... Everything that you put in your mouth. Best wishes
  • melissabowers515
    melissabowers515 Posts: 17 Member
    Ino! Ive been avoiding bananas lol got more melon today as its 120cal for a massive pack lol xx
  • melissabowers515
    melissabowers515 Posts: 17 Member
    The past 2 days the cleanin ive counted is clearing out for my boys bday and moving rooms around I dont normally do tht but thanks as I would have counted normal cleaning probs!! Xx