48 year old begins (again)

TrishaBates Posts: 18 Member
edited July 2015 in Introduce Yourself
I hope this works. I did this whole journey 3 years ago and managed to lose the 40 pounds. Sounds good right? Well...injury and then a major fall off the bandwagon and here I am, need to lose almost twice as much. :'(

I am going to try to log EVERY meal and begin the walking again to get back in the swing of things. My goal is to find the balance that makes this journey my last, because I am looking for a lifestyle change, not a diet this time.

Wish me luck!


  • mas518
    mas518 Posts: 3 Member
    good luck.. I have been on and off the weight loss wagon for longer than you have been alive.. But this time I have different reason.. my health and not my appearance..
  • mhlong2015
    mhlong2015 Posts: 8 Member
    Good luck!! I'm starting again today... It's the first step! :)
  • LauraP1220
    LauraP1220 Posts: 3 Member
    Good luck. I'm in the same boat. I'm 44 been struggling with weight issues all my life. I lost 50-60 lbs 4-5 years ago. But because of medical issues, medication, and stress I've gained over half of it back.
    I made the decision a week ago to get back on track and make a healthy lifestile change . I'm logging all the food and drink that goes into me not counting calories yet just getting used to what a healthy portion size is etc. And I'm making a point to get some kind of exercise 3 times a week.
    MapMyWalk is a great app. Even if you use it while walking to the store. You get to realize just how much even a little physical activity helps.
    My partner and I are also trying the C25K app.
    Plus a fun one to use is spectrek lite where you go out to a park or open field and hunt ghosts with your gps on your phone. It gets you moving with a type of treasurr hunt. I run the map my walk app in the background to track my milage.

    I wish you the best of luck.

  • BasicGreatGuy
    BasicGreatGuy Posts: 857 Member
    Welcome, Miss Trisha :smile:

    You definitely have the right attitude. Life is about balance and your long term success is better improved when you embrace a lifestyle change, versus a quick fix.

    Don't focus on where you were. You can't change that. You can control where you are going, and how much you want the very best for yourself. :smile:

    Be patient with yourself. Life is a steady marathon. Enjoy the scenery, the music, and the new woman you have already embraced, by taking that first step forward.

    You can do it.
  • ejudd13
    ejudd13 Posts: 4 Member
    Trisha...Number One...change your picture...We all experience ups and downs. Just got back from a little week of vacation and gained 5 lbs. added to the 5 that has already creeped up. I am not going up a clothes size this time. I know I can get back under control. Walked my 3 miles today, first time in like 12days. And I know that exercise is the key for me to keep the weight off. Now I am back on FP again and that makes me accountable for my eating. Day by Day, Little by Little is all I ask, but in the right direction...We can do it...Emily
  • TrishaBates
    TrishaBates Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks everyone for the support!

    My top reasons to begin / complete this journey

    #1 - I want to get and STAY off diabetic, blood pressure and migraine meds
    #2 - Feel better when I move, not get out of breath so fast and be able to move freely
    #3 - To look better and feel better about myself
    #4 - Get in shape so I can truly enjoy a trip I'm planning to Cabo San Lucas Mexico Feb 2016

    What are yours?

  • headlock_lynn
    headlock_lynn Posts: 79 Member
    Wishing you all the best. So many of us have been at the same spot. Lost the weight and regained it. We always kick ourselves and wonder how we managed to get from getting it off to putting more back on. We do need to support each other. Well done for not giving up. You have taken the biggest step and that's getting back to it. Keep going.
  • TrishaBates
    TrishaBates Posts: 18 Member
    ejudd13 wrote: »
    Trisha...Number One...change your picture...We all experience ups and downs. Just got back from a little week of vacation and gained 5 lbs. added to the 5 that has already creeped up. I am not going up a clothes size this time. I know I can get back under control. Walked my 3 miles today, first time in like 12days. And I know that exercise is the key for me to keep the weight off. Now I am back on FP again and that makes me accountable for my eating. Day by Day, Little by Little is all I ask, but in the right direction...We can do it...Emily

    Why change my pic?
  • MistyBlue9
    MistyBlue9 Posts: 109 Member
    I can't see your pic very well as i'm on my mobile but if it's an elephant or elephants then don't change it! I love elephants. Good luck. I lost 14lbs ish then put it all back on again. Still at it :)
  • TiberiusClaudis
    TiberiusClaudis Posts: 423 Member
    If you can stay on course...this one decision may be the best one of your life. Everything and I mean EVERYTHING is better when you are in shape. Good Luck!
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    Yeah, 45 year old right there with you. I'm at 238 and I was under 200 a year and a half ago. :/ I've slowly been getting back on track and am on day 7 of solidly tracking and working out.

    I need to be healthy.

    Good luck to you as you move forward.
  • jpikey66
    jpikey66 Posts: 127 Member
    Hi another 48 yr old here, feel free to add me. Only had a months break but need to get back on track
  • phillipdean299
    phillipdean299 Posts: 113 Member
    I'm 46 and recovering from a massive hemorrhagic stroke and two brain surgeries. I was blessed just to survive, much less make nearly a full recovery. Those type of events tend to light a fire under your butt when it gets to living healthy. I do wish you luck, but your own motivation and dedication will determine your results.
  • TrishaBates
    TrishaBates Posts: 18 Member
    MistyBlue9 wrote: »
    I can't see your pic very well as i'm on my mobile but if it's an elephant or elephants then don't change it! I love elephants. Good luck. I lost 14lbs ish then put it all back on again. Still at it :)

    It's a pic of the elephant I got to WASH and PLAY with on a trip once, and me (I am underneath him!)
  • Kathy535
    Kathy535 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I hate the way I look and feel and I know it's affecting my health. I'm hoping I can keep the motivation going but working away from home and a husband who just doesn't get that I want to lose weight, wants to treat me with food and is hurt when I don't partake is making it all more difficult than I want it to be although these are just excuses.
  • TrishaBates
    TrishaBates Posts: 18 Member
    I understand the husband thing all too well! I know though if I stick to it for a while he begins to get it - its really hard those first few weeks to get him to remember to HELP instead of HINDER!

    And working away from home IS really hard to do and keep up the healthy eating, but it can be done :wink: Try to get a hotel/motel that has a mini fridge and ask while you are checking in where the GROCERY store is...You can bring ziplock bags and set yourself up some healthy eating on the go right there in the hotel :smiley:

    Good luck and keep in touch!
  • TrishaBates
    TrishaBates Posts: 18 Member

    Good luck to you too! I have added you as a friend, so we can keep in touch and keep encouraging each other :smile:
  • mhlong2015
    mhlong2015 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you!!