Menopause Maniac

BIccan1959 Posts: 10
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
It's official - I woke up recently & discovered that I've gained weight & now have rolls that weren't there the other day. I hate looking in the mirror & doing my best to stay upbeat & positive. Definitely exercising more & just discovered that I don't eat enough (who thought that was possible). I'm looking forward to trying this program to help me see where I need to improve, as well as finding other women who might be going thru the same issues. I need help reminding myself to keep it "slow & steady" and not expect overnight results. I have a wedding to attend next August & would love to be a shadow of my current self. Any & all help is appreciated and I look forward to talking to others soon. Have a wonderful day & good luck in our goals.:smokin:


  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    You can do this! I say this all the time, but if this junk-food-a-holic can do it, so can YOU!

    Remember that you didn't gain the weight in a week and you can't lose it in a week. Slow and steady weight loss is - as a rule - the key to keeping it off.

  • robinaddison
    robinaddison Posts: 232 Member
    I'm a member of the pre-menopausal slooooow weightless club...(I define pre-menopause as hot flashes, mood swings, insomnia and metabolism slowdown combined with PMS and monthly cramps - it's just all so fabulous). Anyhow, my point is, I've lost 20lbs since starting this thing at the end of January...with an average weekly loss of around 1lb. If I look only at my weekly losses, it's really easy to get discouraged, but when I look at pics from Christmas vs Memorial Day... Well all I can say is it makes me feel great!! And, I know that if I continue at my snails pace, I'll still be at or very near my goal in time for this years Christmas pictures. So, I guess what I'm saying is you need to look at the big picture, not the little ones!!
  • fab50G
    fab50G Posts: 384 Member
    I hear you sister! I know people who have lost a lot in a short period of time doing diet pills or some other fad diet and it seems unfair to be struggling just to get the scale to budge even one pound sometimes. But, I keep reminding myself of the tortoise and the hare: "Slow and steady wins the race." I also know that if I continue on the slow and steady path, when I do hit goal (and I'm confident I will) I won't have all that loose skin hanging around.

    You can do this! Chin up Wilbur (one of my favorite quotes, from Charlotte's Web). :happy:
  • DayAtATime
    DayAtATime Posts: 72
    Menopause was a very rude awakening for me and I have had to change the way I live. I was amazed at how quickly I put on weight and it all settled in my mid section. I had always eaten pretty much what I wanted and had a flat stomach. Anyway, I have lost about 10 lbs since joining MFP and I exercise on a regular basis. I just keep at it and realize that it is a lifestyle change. I am probably in the best shape since my 20's and now actually enjoy working out and seeing the benefits of being healthy. I am looking to lose another 10 lbs and have found this site and the incredible people on this site very inspirational. Add me as a friend if you want.
  • spackham
    spackham Posts: 252 Member
    I was not eating enough too. I have to watch both ends but don't worry going too low once in a while. You can drop a good 20 pounds in 2 months but you wont want to stop there cause you'll be addicted! Check out the forums as they keep you excited and motivated and inspired. Feel free to add me.
  • BIccan1959
    BIccan1959 Posts: 10
    So fellow fitness pals - this will probably sound like a silly question but here goes: Today, my calorie goal is: 1440. I've had 400 calories as of lunch & walked off 282 @ lunch for a net of 118. It says I have 1322 calories remaining. I'm presuming that I'm supposed to "meet" or "come close" to my calorie goal of 1440 - is that correct? I noticed that I've had 2 days of under 1000 calories and the notation on the bottom said that I was calorie deficient & that my body could go into "starvation mode".

    I take it that I should be eating more, as well as exercising more - is that the basic idea?
  • BIccan1959
    BIccan1959 Posts: 10
    Thank you all for the inspiration. I'm starting back on my Wii Personal Fitness program & will keep my progress posted. Good luck to all of you as well & feel free to add me as a "friend" who will do my best to keep you motivated if you need.
  • sfmathews
    sfmathews Posts: 36 Member
    Robin, I'm right ther with ya! Ugh!
    "I'm a member of the pre-menopausal slooooow weightless club...(I define pre-menopause as hot flashes, mood swings, insomnia and metabolism slowdown combined with PMS and monthly cramps - it's just all so fabulous)"
  • carolescott604
    carolescott604 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello fellow menopausal women, I have never posted anything like this before but I am quite discouraged and wanted some input. I've been at MFP for about a month now. I am only 5'2" so felt like I needed to keep my calories around 1200 or below. I initially lost a few lbs but then put them right back on the next week. This week I gained another half lb. I exercise regularly, try to eat something every couple of hours to keep my metabolism going, and drink my water. I am only trying to lose about 5 lbs (which I was down about 10 a few years ago). I would appreciate if someone would give me some input. Feel free to friend me and check out my food diary. Not sure if anyone out there in menopause land has a word of wisdom and encouragement for me.
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    Does your exercise routine include some serious strength training along with the cardio? If it doesn't, it should. I'm post menopause and found that diet and cardio exercise alone would take me only so far before progress slowed to a crawl. Playing around with my calorie budget didn't help. Increasing my cardio time didn't do anything but wear me out and leave me depressed. To turn the situation around I had to cut back on cardio and start hitting the strength training a lot harder. Had to, had to, HAD TO strength train.

    I've lost about 10 pounds since joining the gym a couple of months ago, which doesn't sound like a lot at my height until you know that I've also dropped from size 14 or tight size 12 jeans to well fitting size 8s. I'm smaller than I was when I was 40 and I'm not done yet.
  • vpsmith14
    vpsmith14 Posts: 71
    Amazingly it is possible. I just turned 50, have given birth 12 times and determined to lost the last 10. It is definitely a snail's pace but hey, I've come a long way. I've been doing Jillian Michaels for nearly 4 months, only cardio for the last few years but it wasn't until I began with JM that the weight started coming off. I have all her dvds and I would recommend her to anyone. It's great and you get amazing results. You can do this. The worse part is getting started. Make a plan and go from there.

  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    My weight started creeping up 4 years ago (I'm 50) but I found out I have a thyroid condition. So, I would suggest that you get that checked before you assume it's menopause. I was having hot flashes and muscle aches, too, but they have all disappeared due to the thyroid medication that I am taking, and I am now able to lose weight also. (I have lost 11 since joining MFP in early March and have another 11 to go). I agree with the others that strength training is essential. I've been doing it for years. I also think that cutting back on carbs and sugar is really important at our age. Personally, I eat no sugar, and feel better than I have in a long time.
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    duplicate erased
  • I've just started with myfitness pal and I sure hope it helps. I'm 51 and just woke up one day with an extra 30 pounds and a huge tire around my waist. I've never had a problem with my weight until now. And, when I felt like I needed to lose weight, I just watched what I ate for a few days and it disappeared. This is certainly not the case now. I have to watch my exercise as well as I've developed osteo arthritis in my knees (years of teaching Jazzercise and other aerobic activity). Now, I try to work out at lest 5 days a week; but I'm finding that my endurance is not what it used to be as well.

    I'm trying hard not to be discouraged - but my emotions are up and down and I hate feeling this way about the way I look. I feel so bad for my family! I have a doctor's appointment soon and I hope she can help me come up with a plan. Until then, I'm going to continue counting my calories and working out the best I can.

    Any tips would be appreciated.:explode:
  • portianay
    portianay Posts: 13
    It's a relief to read other women going through the same thing I am! Yes, pre-menopause weight loss snail's pace, that is me, too. Hot flashes, midsection gain, plus cramps and mess at random times... But, I have been on MFP since late April, and am down thirteen pounds. I have more to go, but am doing better at accepting, at age 52, that slow and steady IS the key to permanent success! I am getting great tips from this thread; I need to increase my strength training! Bless you all today, and here's to a successful food-intake-exercise-fruitful day for us all.
  • portianay
    portianay Posts: 13
    Sorry, Teresa, did not see your post with the others, for some reason! Hope you are feeling better about things today, and that the doctor's appointment helped!
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    Boy am I glad I found THIS thread, lol! I have the exact same issues and if a beeraholic can do this, so can you! There will be some trial and error on this journey and things may not happen as quickly as you think they should but the main thing is that IT DOES HAPPEN and you CAN do this successfully without having to completely deprive yourself...I'm not what is called a 'clean' eater, but I do love my veggies, but I like other things too that I'm not willing to give up(like beer) and the occasional double whopper with cheese...I know how you feel about the sudden appearance of fat rolls - happened to me too but guess what...THEY ARE ALMOST GONE NOW, so feel free to friend me if you like and we can get thru this fitness thing together along with the hot/cold flashes, insomnia, mood swings and all out hostility that besets me at any given moment, lol...otherwise, I'm quite laid back...I wish you much success on your journey so ROCK IT OUT!!!:drinker: :smokin: :glasses:
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