Staying clear of one trigger- for me, it's soda pop.

While I am not advocating a one-size-fits-all menu or preaching on a soap box about the evils of soda pop (diet or otherwise)
- In my own personal journey of living a healthier lifestyle, I have become increasingly aware of what I should eliminate completely from my life
AND what I can handle in moderation- and practice it faithfully.
I have discovered for myself that one of the main things for me that I must eliminate from my life is soda pop.
This is the reason:
For whatever reason- I do not know- I just know it's true for me...
it triggers a sugar binge that becomes completely insatiable for a period of time ( until the beast passes out I think)

Just wondering if I'm the only one who's found this to be true, or if I'm the only one in this boat?


  • Mamapengu
    Mamapengu Posts: 250
    Not soda for me, I don't like drinking syrup except very rarely. But tortilla chips... had a very considered portion yesterday and lost it completely. Fighting their influence today and loosing the battle so far...

    I think I have to put them on the 'absolutely not' list.
  • sarahlyzzibeth
    Absolutely! I notice it too. Soda, especially diet soda, makes me crave sugar. I've been without soda for about a month and I feel great and don't even crave it anymore. Not only that, but my teeth are whiter :)
  • KPaden1221
    KPaden1221 Posts: 433
    no.. i need to cut out bread and sweets.. COMPLETELY b'c when I eat these things I can't stop.. I just keep eating them... Soda is included in that too.. but i've TAUGHT myself to have one soda a week and that's all I need. (I really dont even NEED that anymore) we usually do mexican once a week and I do a soda with mexican.. I cut out sodas completely for over a year and that's what I probably should do again..
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I don't drink any pop and haven't in over a year. When I first started this journey, I thought I could be successful and still have 1 can of Mt Dew a day. I did it for awhile and one night on the treadmill I had burned 170 calories... I realized that all I had burned off was that 1 can of Dew. I knew then and there I had to stop drinking it. I weaned myself off with diet Dew and now, I don't drink any of it. For me, it was just something I NEEDED to eliminate from my life all together. :) And getting rid of it felt like I was shedding part of the "old" me.
  • thatgirlLeah
    thatgirlLeah Posts: 44 Member
    I definitely have a weakness for sugar in any form. I have an easier time indulging in small/moderate portions if I'm not overly hungry. If I'm too hungry, all bets are off! I don't like the chemical taste of diet sodas and do indulge in an occasional Coca Cola but would welcome the shift of finding it too sweet...perhaps someday. :happy:

    Good for you for finding that boundary for yourself! You're doing great and taking this task so seriously. I know it's a "mom" thing to say and I'm not your mama, but I'm proud of you!!!
  • thatgirlLeah
    thatgirlLeah Posts: 44 Member
    I definitely have a weakness for sugar in any form. I have an easier time indulging in small/moderate portions if I'm not overly hungry. If I'm too hungry, all bets are off! I don't like the chemical taste of diet sodas and do indulge in an occasional Coca Cola but would welcome the shift of finding it too sweet...perhaps someday. :happy:

    Good for you for finding that boundary for yourself! You're doing great and taking this task so seriously. I know it's a "mom" thing to say and I'm not your mama, but I'm proud of you!!!
  • thatgirlLeah
    thatgirlLeah Posts: 44 Member
    Options for the multi posts!
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    I was never a big soda drinker growing up. If it was my only option, I'd go for clear stuff like Sprite/7 Up. This is one thing that my sweetie blames himself for. He is a soda junky. The man has a soda problem. Because he was drinking soda all the time... I started drinking soda all the time. It gives me so many problems. I'm a lightweight with caffeine, so it doesn't take much to keep me up all night. Plus I have digestive issues, so the carbonation tears me up and makes me miserable.

    I drank soda for many years and then I made a decision. I wasn't going to buy it anymore. If he wanted soda, he had to get his own. I was no longer going to enable. lol

    To my surprise, he was very supportive of this initiative and it's really the first wave of events that led me down the path I'm on now. A soda-free path. All that said, every few weeks I'll have a diet soda and be horrified at how bad it tastes and how awful it makes me feel. It's a healthy reminder. He's cut his soda intake dramatically at first in effort to support me and now because he's signed up for this website and is paying attention to what he's eating.

    Once I made the decision and committed to it, it wasn't too hard to do. But soda makes me feel really bad... I just had to focus on that.

    Water, tea, juice or pass.
  • dmest
    dmest Posts: 98 Member
    I don't know if it's a trigger for me, but we try to stay away from it. I don't typically keep it in the house and usually order iced tea when eating out. If I'm really craving a soda or need some ginger ale when I'm sick, I try to get soda from the health food store. But it's definitely something we only drink once in a great while.