National slimming centre

lucylinc Posts: 18 Member
Hi. Had anyone on here tried the national slimming centre?
I went there yesterday and have bought a 2 week supply of their slimming aid phentermine.
I have lost 6 stone thru exercise and diet but have put on weight recently due to poor eating choices!
I train 6 days a week. A mix of HIIT and weight training.
NCS have put me on an 1100 calories a day diet and I am allowed nothing extra for the 5-600 calories I burn every morning.
I did question this with the doctor as I am not (that!) stupid!
Just wondering if anyone had any success with their appetite suppressants or whether once again I have mugged myself off!!!!


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    if you lost 6 stone before, why not just do that again?
  • lucylinc
    lucylinc Posts: 18 Member
    Because I've stopped losing and felt I needed a little nudge!!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    lucylinc wrote: »
    Because I've stopped losing and felt I needed a little nudge!!

    you said you gained back because of bad eating habits - so change those habits?
  • lucylinc
    lucylinc Posts: 18 Member
    I am! I am back to my paleo diet, but got disappointed that with all the exercise nothing was shifting.
    I just wondered if anyone had any experience of the national slimming centre really!!

  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    lucylinc wrote: »
    I am! I am back to my paleo diet, but got disappointed that with all the exercise nothing was shifting.
    I just wondered if anyone had any experience of the national slimming centre really!!

    not many people on here would agree with/support a diet where you're supposed to eat 1000 cals and no exercise calories.
  • lucylinc
    lucylinc Posts: 18 Member
    No. But oddly national slimming centre promote myfitnesspal and actively tell you to use it!!!!
  • hupsii
    hupsii Posts: 258 Member
    there is another thread on phentermine - search the forum - unfortunately it can be quite harmful
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    lucylinc wrote: »
    No. But oddly national slimming centre promote myfitnesspal and actively tell you to use it!!!!

    I would suggest you try MFP instead of paying for more appetite suppressants and going down the starving yourself route, but thats just me!
  • lucylinc
    lucylinc Posts: 18 Member
    I am with you, I just wanted a little kick! But it's only kicking my bank balance!!!!!
    I had forgotten about this app so I will use this, I know what to eat, I know how to exercise so I will just keep doing what I'm doing!!!
  • lucylinc
    lucylinc Posts: 18 Member
    Will read up on it now! Thanks
  • lucylinc
    lucylinc Posts: 18 Member
    So I wrote to NCS and explained that I must of been having a moment of madness to sign up to take their ridiculous pills and to follow a starvation diet! I must have put it very eloquently, as I am getting a full refund!!! (it was mentioned repeatedly that there were no refunds at yesterday's meeting!!)
    Will trust in my own willpower, my love of exercise and putting all my food and exercise into MFP!!!