How does MFP stack up to WW?

anunnemaker Posts: 2
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
I just joined MFP today! I've been doing Weight Watchers Online for years. I would lose some and gain some but have never reached my goal. Can anyone tell me if they like this site more than WW. I'm liking that it's free! Let me know if you've done WW and if you like this site more. Thank you!


  • nudqt
    nudqt Posts: 98
    I have used WW online and in person....I like this site, but it does not give you food gives you calorie limits...and it works for me....but you can bring all your WW skills here and make them work more efficiently for you.... And you get all the encouragement from the users here....THEY ARE GREAT!!!
  • BeautyFromWithin
    BeautyFromWithin Posts: 290 Member
    I didn't do Weight Watchers Online, but I did the actual program for a couple years.
    I love MyFitnessPal because I have the app for my phone and it's like having a journal tracker where ever you go and it makes it so much more easier for me to remember to write down what I ate for the day! It allows you to see how much nutrition your getting and adds in your exercise too. I still use some of the things I learned from WW though! To answer your question, I like this program more because it's less of a hassle then counting points was, and it teaches you a healthy lifestyle, just portion sizing things!
    Good luck on your weight loss!
  • amysuemartin718
    amysuemartin718 Posts: 99 Member
    I've done WW three times- the first time I was really motivated and lost over 50lbs. I put all of it back on plus more. I tried 2 other times and was just not motivated. I was told about MFP by a friend at church and I'm loving this site! I have lost 21 lbs so far. It is really easy for me. I am still eating out at restaurants and fast food too! The phone app is a major help too! I really like the site tell you how many calories you burn for exercise. I never thought throwing a football in the warehouse at work burned calories until I logged it in on MFP!
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    I agree with the above poster. I used WW on-line and lost. If I remember correctly WW states if you work the plan you will lose. If you stop then well.... you'll probably gain the weight back.

    I changed to this site also because it is free. It will probably help to see how many calories you are taking in.
  • angelacasey736
    angelacasey736 Posts: 249 Member
    I did WW and lost about 20 lbs in 6 mths (no excercising) but then hit a severe plateau and gave up. I started MFP one month ago and am down almost 14 lbs already and love the site. I log in everyday and there are so many people out there to offer support when you may need it the most. Well worth it and I'm only a beginner :-)
  • Kelblue1
    Kelblue1 Posts: 139 Member
    I did WW for a few months before MFP and lost a few lbs but nothing big. I think it's great for some, but as many plans not one plan works for everyone. I started MFP and actually logged my food in MFP and WW website both for about a week and not alot of difference in where I was at point wise versus calorie wise except that with WW I got that extra points to use for the week. I felt in that case I might as well do MFP and save the money I was spending on WW. I did learn things from WW but I use them here too. I noticed more that yo yoing my calories thruout the week alittle over one day alittle under the next has helped me alot. I love MFP and have lost 7 lbs so far but have lost more in inches. I measure in about a week or two from now! Can't wait for results! Also way.... easier to use too!!
    JDRBT Posts: 264 Member
    I just joined MFP today! I've been doing Weight Watchers Online for years. I would lose some and gain some but have never reached my goal. Can anyone tell me if they like this site more than WW. I'm liking that it's free! Let me know if you've done WW and if you like this site more. Thank you!
    I did WW and got stalled out after 20lbs lost. After months and months of no changed, I floated around until a friend recommended me to this site.
    Weight Watchers has some great tips and recipes, however I find this to me more realistic. In the real world, I'll have to look at my food and estimate calories and other nutrients. Menus use nutritional information measured in "Calories" not "points" (though some chains now have a few points listed, I don't forsee this catching on too much). So I feel that this is more "real world" and practical in the long term, than counting 'points". I also appreciate this because it's free!
  • I have done both and this has worked better for me. First of all it is free, I don't think about food so much and the message boards are very user friendly. WW seems to edit or monitor theirs. Meetings are even worse! Hated that. I have found the 1200 calorie day to be super effective and easy to live with. Sure I get hungry but no pain no gain! I often use WW Smart ones meals and WW desserts to ease cravings for Italian and sweets and I also use lean cuisines. But my main thing is Volumetrics, huge salad with tons of veggies and some grilled fish or chicken or steak . Cereal like Spec K or Kashi go lean mixed with yogurt. I do rely on lots of frozen entrees and add veggies for volume!
  • smketchum
    smketchum Posts: 94 Member
    I went to the WW meetings and it was very effective for me. I think I lost a total of 30 pounds (which put me at my goal) and the accountability was fantastic! I went off and the weight gradually came back. Not all of it, but 22 pounds of it. I have been using MFP since January and I like it better. It's so much easier for me to count calories than having to calculate points and I have the tracker in my phone so it is with me at all times. I plan my daily meals at the beginning of the day and that way I can determine how many calories I have available for snacks or a sweat treat and I love seeing how many calories all that exercising I'm doing is burning off. I also love getting advice from others on here.

    In summary, I prefer MFP not just because it's free (but that is a perk!) but because it is more convenient and fits my needs better than WW. Although, if you are someone that is really, really struggling, I think the weekly weigh-ins at WW might be beneficial. Some really need that accountability.

    As another said on here, it will only work if you stick with it. WW worked for me because I stuck with it (until I fell off the wagon and let the weight creep back up on me) and MFP is working for me because I am sticking with it and I will NOT let the weight come back on this time!
  • Terriann7
    Terriann7 Posts: 78
    Hello- welcome to MFP! I am reletively new here and I am amazed at how easy it is to use and all of the cool features MFP offeres for free! I like this so much better than WW. I could never get past a certain point with WW. I love it here. Good luck! Feel free to friend me if you want to co-encourage. :happy:

    Scottsdale Arizona
  • katijjane
    katijjane Posts: 57 Member
    i used to do ww too and initially lost a lot of weight but as soon as i stopped i gained it all back, this is much more realistic i think and saves converting things to points....also i'm a student and this is free so it's definitely better in my books!
  • roxann925
    roxann925 Posts: 2
    WW Pros - The added information on the web site i.e., recipes, health and fitness articles and information.
    Cons - changed point system in past year forcing long time users to relearn point values.

    MFP Pros - Counts calories and other nutritional information such as carbs, fiber and vitamins. All this same information is also on food packaging. Also, once you learn calories, you shouldn't have to relearn it in any other way.

    AT the moment, I still subscribe to the on-line WW. However, I'm only tracking in MFP and haven't had any problems with it. In terms of tracking, MFP works just fine adn is free! So, I do intend to cancel my WW subscription, however, I want to make sure I have a copy of my favorite recipes from WW before I do.
  • Thank you everyone - this has been a big reassurance to try this website! I initially lost 20 lbs in the beginning with WW, but like many of you said, I stopped the program and gained it all back. It will absolutely work if you work it but I've just lost my drive with WW. And I'm sure all my friends and family are sick of me saying how many points everything is! Thanks again for all the tips and motivation! Good luck everyone :smooched:
  • robston
    robston Posts: 67 Member
    HI, I did WW 3 times. The last 2, was Jan 2010, and i did lose about 40lbs, then had an ER Appendectomy and could never get back on track. I tried again in Jan 2011, when they had released the Points Plus plan , and I just could not get with it, and I finally figured out why.. As soon as I went over weekly points..I felt like i had totally blown it, and would just say screw it, and I'll start fresh next Monday..well we ALL know how that I ended up gaining about 10lbs back..but joined MFP, and since have been doing great..Not big #'s yet, lost about 4.2 over the last month, but I'm working out min of 4 days a week, cardio and strength I know some of that is balancing the numbers lost (gaining muscle etc) I really feell these 4.2 lbs have been TRUE fat loss..and with MFP, I feel SO much more flexibility..with this site and my BodyBug, I know exactly the amount of calories I'm consuming and burning (RMR and Activity) its kept me feeling like I can have a bad meal, or day, but as long as I get back on track the next meal or day, i'm still in a deficit, so no attitude of "oh well, I blew it, miswell start fresh next week"..thats my story..
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