
caddi_wench Posts: 2
edited 12:13AM in Introduce Yourself
Hi to all the myfitnesspal community!

I am brand new to this site, though definitely not to dieting! :ohwell:

Seems I have 'been on a diet' for ages, but it's my 25th in a few weeks and I am now nearly the heaviest I have EVER been, and I worked out my goal is to lose 1/3 of my current body weight! :o BUT...I'm determined to keep a positive attitude, because as long as I'm losing weight as of now - I'll never be "the heaviest I've ever been" again. Thats my motivation anyway :happy:

I'm looking forward to getting some support from such a large community, and to hopefully give lots back to you all!



  • Hello there!

    I'm new-ish here, and have been trying to slim down for a while. I used to be lean and fit, but then I became a desk jockey...

    Good for you with your goals! I'll offer encouragement where I can. Fingers crossed for both of us!

  • Thanks Kirsten!
    I think it's always hard to introduce yourself to anyone, whether virtual or face to face, so I'm quite excited about my first reply ie yours lol very easily excited person :smile:

    I suppose one good thing is that if you've been slim n trim before, is that maybe you know 100% your capable of it? It's amazing how much affect your job has on your fitness, though I work at a desk now and its much better pay benefits etc, sometimes I miss working in retail, being on my feet all day. Just standing around all day made a difference! Mind you, it is ONLY sometimes :tongue:

  • kateq321
    kateq321 Posts: 97 Member
    Welcome onboard :) I only joined 2 days ago and I love it. So easy going compared to some sites I've been on for fitness...some people can be sooo uptight :tongue:
  • Noonoo757
    Noonoo757 Posts: 280 Member
    welcome welcome welcome. You are def in the right place, i too am no stranger to diets ughh but this time im going all out. i love new friends hope ya dont mind i sent you a request
  • dloveena
    dloveena Posts: 2
    Just joined today. Have tried several ways to lose the excess weight and with all your encouragement am sure this will work.
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