Food diary - honest feedback required please

hi all,

My diary is now open for the world to see and I wondered if anyone can take a look at today's entries and give me some feedback, after I provide a little explanation?

Today represents my average day. More often than not I'll have 2 hard boiled eggs instead of the toast and chocolate spread for breakfast but sometimes I just feel like I NEED it.

Then I do generally have 5 ginger nut biscuits a day as it gives me that little bit of sweetness that I crave.

Are they really something I should get rid of?

My exercise regime includes me running about 5k every day Monday to Friday, I play football on Sunday evenings for 90 minutes too and I do pull ups and push ups at various times but with no real program.

I've lost around 3 stone since January which I'm thrilled about of course, but the last few weeks have been hard and I've slacked off on the food side.

I don't really need to lose anymore weight to be fair but I'm petrified about putting any back on.

Thanks for listening to me ramble on...!

Now for the brutal honesty...


  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Why are you still in a deficit if you're not trying to lose? I guess I'm making a bit of an assumption with that 2000 calories...

    Protein seems a bit low.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    You need more protein. Why are you not eating at maintenance, if you're done losing?
  • boredfatman
    boredfatman Posts: 100 Member
    Fair comment, the protein normally increases with the eggs but not today. Deficit just seems safer that increasing it...

    5'9" height by the way...average around 10-15000 steps per day according to my Fitbit.
  • boredfatman
    boredfatman Posts: 100 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    You need more protein. Why are you not eating at maintenance, if you're done losing?

    Seeing as you are the second person to mention it, I suppose I'm not really sure what my maintenance would be anymore.

    Also, what go to sources of tasty protein would you recommend? I'm not keen on the whole idea of protein shakes if I'm completely honest.

    Thanks for the feedback so far...
  • quilt938
    quilt938 Posts: 57 Member
    for me I have to sorta balance out the protein/carbs/fats throughout the day (or night if I"m working night shift rotation) - you seem to be very carb heavy for the first couple of meals then heavy protein at the end of the day along with the cookies. I eat snacks (dove dark chocolate promise(s), pretzels, popcorn) I don't think I'd go my entire life never wanting them so I try to fit them in as I'm losing so I'm not scared after losing that I'll gain the second I eat something I like. my tastes are changing though. I spent thurs-sun this past week eating out and eating junk food - candy, chips, etc - and felt it big-time - heartburn for the first time in a long time. so happy I was ready to be back on-track yesterday but I plan on some dark chocolate later today. I've also noticed that event ryign to lose that some days I feel hungrier and have really gone over on calories- then I weight and find out I've lost. I think for me that means I need some calories sometimes though it doesnt' make sense. I just try not to binge emotionally or out of boredom.

    could you maybe try adding an egg or 2 or do half the toast/spread and 1 egg then eat it again midmorning? see how your body likes it?
  • AngelaAlario
    AngelaAlario Posts: 46 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    You need more protein. Why are you not eating at maintenance, if you're done losing?

    Seeing as you are the second person to mention it, I suppose I'm not really sure what my maintenance would be anymore.

    Also, what go to sources of tasty protein would you recommend? I'm not keen on the whole idea of protein shakes if I'm completely honest.

    Thanks for the feedback so far...

    Why does more protein mean protein shakes? Eggs, meat, low fat dairy, etc. are all great sources of protein as are beans and legumes.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    edited July 2015
    I suppose I'm not really sure what my maintenance would be anymore
    Your FitBit will tell you what your TDEE is for each day and I think averages it for you too. Do you get the reports that say "this week's intake: x. this week's burned: y" The Y is your week's TDEE. That's your maintenance calories to eat. If it says your maintenance is 2400 on average every day, let's say, you might want to add 100 every day this week, then 100 the next week until you reach the 2400 calories per day (if your TDEE is 2400, I mean).
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    You need more protein. Why are you not eating at maintenance, if you're done losing?

    Seeing as you are the second person to mention it, I suppose I'm not really sure what my maintenance would be anymore.

    Also, what go to sources of tasty protein would you recommend? I'm not keen on the whole idea of protein shakes if I'm completely honest.

    Thanks for the feedback so far...

    Since you're not a vegetarian, meat. Chicken thighs are my go-to protein - I like the flavor better than chicken breast and feel that they are more versatile as they don't have the issue of drying out that breasts can have in certain methods of cooking.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I suppose I'm not really sure what my maintenance would be anymore.

    Your Fitbit burn is TDEE (total daily energy expenditure), the calories necessary to maintain your current weight. I've maintained for more than a year by syncing Fitbit with both MFP and with (it's free). Trendweight plots a moving average of your weight without the "noise" of water weight, and shows you a goal range rather a goal weight.

    Connect your accounts at

    Set your goal to maintenance:

    Enable negative calorie adjustments:

    Ignore your Fitbit calorie goal and follow MFP's, eating back your adjustments.

    You can learn more in the Fitbit Users group:
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    You need more protein. Why are you not eating at maintenance, if you're done losing?

    Seeing as you are the second person to mention it, I suppose I'm not really sure what my maintenance would be anymore.

    Also, what go to sources of tasty protein would you recommend? I'm not keen on the whole idea of protein shakes if I'm completely honest.

    Thanks for the feedback so far...

    Since you're not a vegetarian, meat. Chicken thighs are my go-to protein - I like the flavor better than chicken breast and feel that they are more versatile as they don't have the issue of drying out that breasts can have in certain methods of cooking.
    Mine too!
  • boredfatman
    boredfatman Posts: 100 Member
    Thanks very much everyone, helpful advice re mfp too...