kidney stones

has anyone had kidney stones? What does it feel like? I thought my whole bottom was gonna fall out and it hurt like hell. wondering if it was a kidney stone or something else, ive had a hysterectomy so i know its not female stuff.


  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    I've had them before and they hurt like hell! I honestly think its worse than having a kid sometimes lol. I know that I had to start drinking more water and sometimes cranberry juice. It was an intense pain on my back, the doctor said at the hospital that they would have to pass but they gave me some pain medication while I was there. Sorry to hear :(
  • The_Saint
    The_Saint Posts: 358 Member
    Had kidney stones once.

    Pain scale of 10.
    3.5 mm confirmed via CT scan.

    Pass it the old fashioned way. Painful for the first 48, then from there it got better. 30 days later, same pain except for about a week.
    Started with vomiting, and flank pain in the kidney area. Initially when it started I thought I was constipated something fierce. But the pain just got worse and worse over the next couple of hours. To the point where I could not sit still. I kept trying to find a comfortable position. Impossible.

    If you have one, I'm so sorry. The urologists usually have a urine test that can confirm the presence of chemicals associated to kidney stones. Perhaps if the pain is not as bad this would be a good route. But I was in so much pain I had to hit the ER.
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    if you are saying you had that kind of pain and did not already know it was kidney stones you really should see a Dr immediately... while it may be kidney stones, it also may not, and only a qualified Dr can tell you .. you but NEED to find out.
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    I've passed many many many stones. I was hospitalized when I was PG with my youngest because of them. It's like a mixture between a UTI, kidney infection, and labor contractions. The most pain I've ever had in my life (and I have 2 c-section babies!) You should call your Dr. they may or may not help with the removal, but it is important to know for sure what you are dealing with. KWIM?
  • jeff261159
    jeff261159 Posts: 385
    has anyone had kidney stones? What does it feel like? I thought my whole bottom was gonna fall out and it hurt like hell. wondering if it was a kidney stone or something else, ive had a hysterectomy so i know its not female stuff.

    Ive had 4!! It feels like somebody beside you has just reached inside your body and is grabbing hold of yoour kidney and trying to tear it out. It is the most excrutiating pain I have ever had in my life!!!

    The pain is centred around the left or right side of the back, just above the hip. The pain is caused by the urethra contracting, trying to push the stone out, they are very jagged, made of calcite and cause cuttiing of the urethra on their way out, hence the blood in the uring if you have one. They are generally caused by too much calcium rich foods and protein, ie Dairy food is a common cause!!!

    If the pain is in your butt its unlikely to be a kidney stone
  • teampen3
    teampen3 Posts: 10
    I've had several bouts of kidney stones and they've always felt like intense pressure in my front lower region. (think lower than your pubic bone) My symptoms always start out with mild discomfort after urinating (like I couldn't quite finish), feeling like I could go to the bathroom even though I just went 5 minutes ago, and with one bout I had a sharp pain (again in the front) that put me to my knees. I flush my system with cranberry juice and water. I drink as much as I can possibly hold and try to NOT go to the bathroom for as long as possible. So far I haven't had to have any surgically removed. (unlike my poor husband)
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    Never had one, but is there anyway to prevent them from forming? This thread has freaked me out
  • reginabroyles
    I've had several bouts of kidney stones and they've always felt like intense pressure in my front lower region. (think lower than your pubic bone) My symptoms always start out with mild discomfort after urinating (like I couldn't quite finish), feeling like I could go to the bathroom even though I just went 5 minutes ago, and with one bout I had a sharp pain (again in the front) that put me to my knees. I flush my system with cranberry juice and water. I drink as much as I can possibly hold and try to NOT go to the bathroom for as long as possible. So far I haven't had to have any surgically removed. (unlike my poor husband)

    thats kind of like what i am doing, was going to bathroom and almost fell on the floor it hurt so bad down there, ive had pain up un the hip area and below the ribs and some in the lower back a little off and on all day and i just feel funky. I think i will give it a little longer and drink more water and see what happens. this was the very first thing this morning. Last night b4 bed i had a horrible headach and felt like i was going to throw up.
  • teampen3
    teampen3 Posts: 10
    Thinking about you today. Hope you're finding some relief.