Looking for new mamas- postpartum weight loss motivation!

My daughter is 11 weeks old, and I'm looking for other new moms to connect with.
I definitely still have some weight to lose, and I'm having trouble remembering I'm no longer pregnant and can't eat whatever I want :)
I've lost 30 pounds of my 40 gained, so 10 more to go until my pre-pregnancy weight, and then another 20ish until my happy weight.


  • rkemp86
    rkemp86 Posts: 2 Member
    My baby just turned 3 months today! And I still have at least 5lbs to get to prepregnant weight then I'd like to lose another 25lb after that!
  • bluejaiye20
    bluejaiye20 Posts: 5 Member
    My little guy is 12 days old today. I have 35lbs to go to get to pre-preg/goal weight. Out of curiosity, how many days postpartum did you ladies start exercising (ie. More than just going for a walk)?
  • Uniqlove
    Uniqlove Posts: 13 Member
    My daughter is one years old...does that still count. Once I went back to work, I gained all the weight back that I lost while I was on leave.

    Bluejaiye- I had a csection. So I waited 6 months to do zumbaa different workouts. It's hard for me to keep consistent as a new mom. I just started walking again this week.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    My little guy is 12 days old today. I have 35lbs to go to get to pre-preg/goal weight. Out of curiosity, how many days postpartum did you ladies start exercising (ie. More than just going for a walk)?

    At least 8 weeks. You shouldn't start exercising until your OB clears you for it.
  • venusjames1992
    venusjames1992 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello all,

    I know I'm a little late but I had my little guy 2 1/2 weeks ago and I'm looking for weight loss support. I know it's still early but I want to be on the ball. This is especially challenging since I have a 3 and 2 year old as well that I look after while my hubby is working.
  • kvansteen
    kvansteen Posts: 82 Member
    I'm not exactly a "new mom" anymore. My son is now 13 months, and I am still working on losing the weight that I gained. I am still breastfeeding my son and have found that my body tends to hold on to the last 10lbs or so while I am nursing. I am working on keeping healthy with the calories that I choose, losing weight slowly, and exercising more. My husband and I purchased a double jogging stroller from craigslist at the beginning of summer, which has been a godsend for getting out of the house more. I am also restarting bikini body mommy 3.0 (20 minutes a day workouts) and going to yoga class once a week. I try to do the bikini body mommy daily along with at least one walk (even if it's only around the block). I also go for a walk/jog a couple of times a week.

    For any new mommies, I would recommend starting slow. I tried losing weight earlier and went too hard too fast and got quickly burnt out and fell back into old habits. If you are nursing keep eating, nursing burns about 300-500 calories a day, and it is important to factor this into your calorie count, even when losing weight. Do simple things that you don't exactly think of as "working out." When my son was little, he LOVED the sound of the lawn mower (white noise), so I would take the baby monitor out with me and mow the lawn while he napped. I never did dishes while he napped because it would always wake him up, but I could scrub anything so I had really clean floors and tub.

    My doctor always told me "it took you 9 months to put the weight on; it's ok if it takes you 9 months to get the weight off." He also cautions to get the weight off eventually, because an extra lingering 5-10lbs/kid adds up quickly. I managed to get the weight off with my first when she was about 18 months. I don't mind waiting until after my son completely weans to get the weight off this time too.

    Sorry for the long post, but I hope this helps.
  • Kghaines
    Kghaines Posts: 35 Member
    My baby is turning one month on the 30th! I am also looking to get back into the swing of things and will gladly "friend" any other new moms for support!
  • adawn1981
    adawn1981 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi! I am a mom to a 20 month old and a 6 week old!! I would love to have mom friends to motivate me! I've got about 15 pounds to lose.
  • thekitchenrevolution
    I'm going to friend request you all. I have a 3 week old and have about 20lbs to lose. So glad to find you ladies.
  • amy13diggs
    amy13diggs Posts: 2 Member
    Uniqlove wrote: »
    My daughter is one years old...does that still count. Once I went back to work, I gained all the weight back that I lost while I was on leave.

    Bluejaiye- I had a csection. So I waited 6 months to do zumbaa different workouts. It's hard for me to keep consistent as a new mom. I just started walking again this week.

    I had the same experience. My LO is one year and I had lost all pregnancy weight while on leave. Then I gained it back plus more
  • healthychops_gets_fit
    healthychops_gets_fit Posts: 35 Member
    My little boy is 16 weeks! I am feeding him so I have to be sensible with my calorie intake. Feel free to add me x
  • rhiannonarmstrong31
    rhiannonarmstrong31 Posts: 31 Member
    Uniqlove wrote: »
    My daughter is one years old...does that still count. Once I went back to work, I gained all the weight back that I lost while I was on leave.

    Bluejaiye- I had a csection. So I waited 6 months to do zumbaa different workouts. It's hard for me to keep consistent as a new mom. I just started walking again this week.

  • rhiannonarmstrong31
    rhiannonarmstrong31 Posts: 31 Member
    Hey guys I have 3 kids my son is 8 months old. I hate diabetes with the pregnancy and was bed bound with heart trouble.
    Now I'm notbpregnant my heart is fine but it ment I put on 4 stone! I've lost 2 and a half but I was over weight before.
    I have around 2 and half to lose now.
    I'm controlling my calorie intake. No food after 8. Lots of water and daily work outs..
    Be strong ladies
  • formerlynobel
    formerlynobel Posts: 96 Member
    edited July 2015
    Add me! My boy is 8 months old (first time mama, gestational diabetes, unplanned C-section), and it's only been the past month or so that I've been working out regularly again. I used to be pretty fit before, so it's an uphill climb now. Still have trouble fitting it all in! I gained about 30-35 during pregnancy and I still have about 10 lbs I'd like to lose to get me to -5 from pre-pregnancy.
  • sid80
    sid80 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, im a mum of a 22 month old and a nearly 3 month old baby... i succeeded in losing my baby weight before and also maintaining that.. this time round i need to lose another 20lbs to be back to pre pregnancy weight and then another 20 to 25lbs extra to be at my happy weight. Am so glad to have found this forum, although im not new to my fitness pal, i am fairly new at logging and posting comments etc within the community of mfp. Feel free to add me, I'd love to interact with you ladies.. we can all do it with perseverance and determination!

  • Esther4real
    Esther4real Posts: 2 Member
    Add me please... My baby just turned 7 weeks
  • Tanicia1
    Tanicia1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all my son just turned 2 months on August 6. I have been able to loose the weight I gained during pregnancy plus 5 but I'm just hoping 15-20 pounds. Hoping to meet other moms looking to loose. Good luck everyone
  • ARC1603
    ARC1603 Posts: 113 Member
    Feel free to add me ladies. I'm a mum to two boys, my eldest is two and I had my youngest three months ago.

    I've lost all my baby weight now, but still have more to lose. With my first I also lost the weight easy while I was on mat leave and put it back on as soon as I got back to work! I'm hoping it doesn't happen again because I'm only going back part this time! I have about a stone to lose to get back to my pre pregnancy weight for my eldest!!

    Definitely take it easy with exercise if you've had a c-section! I'm still only able to really do walking. My upper ab muscles also split and still haven't rejoined, so I basically have no core strength which also puts a lot of pressure and risk of injury onto the back too. Even if I do a lot of walking with both boys in the double buggy (they're both big boys!!) I am still sore around my stomach and scar some times.
  • kcmfitness
    kcmfitness Posts: 2 Member
    I have a 9 month old and need to lose these last 10 lbs. I have been going on 1.5 to 2 hour walks with her. Burning anywhere from 260-340 calories if not more. Then I do a 1000 calorie burn workout consisting of jumping jacks... squats... crunches and situps. I am new at this stay at home mom stuff but it's much easier than going to the gym. If you have access to a treadmill.... trust me when I say this.... put incline at 10 and speed of 3.5 or higher for 45 mins. Then the week after do that for an hour. YOU WI'LL build a booty!