DailyBurn website

Who uses it? What are your thoughts abt it?

Thanks in advance!!


  • blueriotgirl
    blueriotgirl Posts: 151 Member
    I use it. Ive had it since end of march. I love the fact that it gives you specific programs to follow if you want to or you can pick your own based on time available and intensity. It has many different workouts from yoga to pilates to ketlle bells and i don't get bored with it. Im doing the cardio sculpt program right now and am almost finished with it. I have lost almost almost 25lbs using it as well as mfp for calorie counting since december. Try the free trial if you don't like it cxl it. I dont get the extra stuff like coaching that they offer because i have my motivators here if i need them. It also offers modifications for the exercises if you dont want or can't which i like cause i have bad knees. I really enjoy it i tried p90x and was like um no way but 45 mins of boxing on daily burn goes very quick. Abd you dont need to have the extra equipment if you dont have it you can do the exercise without them snd the daily challenges are cool too cause you can track your progress and the give you modifications for them as well. For example the have a pullup challenge but if you dont have a pullup bar or cant do one they offer other options like pushups or rows with dumbells Hope this helped.
  • SK24373
    SK24373 Posts: 36 Member
    I LOVE IT! The only thing is that if you like lifting, you may need to supplement heavy lifting days to get that in. I am doing blackfire and on my "rest days" or days when I don't have 30 minutes, I do other workouts from other programs which are great. I have also done P90X, Chalean, Insanity, and love Jillian Michaels and Jackie Warner. Blackfire looks easy but it kicks my *kitten* and I love it. I also love some of the other trainers and the fact that you can choose by trainer, program (goals) or the minutes you have (15 - 60). I highly recommend trying to free 30 day trial! I just went on an 18 day vacation and used it by streaming it on my ipad!