Calorie Anxiety

funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
Does anybody else get really anxious about calories? Or is that just me? I especially get anxious when I have about 500 calories left for dinner. I get this feeling in my stomach like "oh my god, I don't have enough for dinner" when I obviously have plenty. And then on TOP of that feeling, I immediately start snacking away all my calories... even if I'm not hungry. I go to the kitchen, grab a snack, and reassure myself that I'll have enough calories for dinner. Then, as soon as I'm done with that snack, I go back for another... And another... And sometimes another before all my calories REALLY are gone. I just did this a minute ago, but stopped after two snacks -- some cottage cheese, a bite of chocolate pudding (threw the rest of the container away because I realized it wasn't what I wanted), and cantaloupe. I had 400 something calories for dinner. Now I have less than 300.

What really bothers me is just the anxiety. I've even had days where I've planned for a nice, big meal out to eat (900-something calories worth) and I still get that feeling like I'm running out of calories. It makes me want to cry. I'm so damn anxious; I feel like I have a mini panic attack every time I eat (except for breakfast, for some reason, I can eat breakfast just fine).

And, right now, I know 300 calories will be enough for dinner. I'm not even hungry today, but I'm STILL freaking out about it.

Edit: Maybe it is just me , because I get this same feeling when I spend other people's money (like my parents') or when I watch other people spend their own money. I can't stand watching my parents pay for things; it makes my heart pound.


  • jowings
    jowings Posts: 157 Member
    I can definitely empathize. I used to do the same thing, but I would get so anxious that I wouldn't eat anything and hoard all my calories for dinner because I was so anxious about not having enough. The thing that helped me was A. Planning out my meals in advance, or at least making sure that I had options when I got home for dinner. Then, when I panicked, I could tell myself exactly what I was going to have for dinner and reassure myself that it would be all right. B. Having the back up healthy snacks in case I was hungry and needed a little boost. That way, I had something to calm my nerves and I wasn't blowing calories on a fatty or unhealthful "panic snack." I am much better now, and time has certainly eased the anxiety. Good luck, and I hope this helps.
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    First of all....congrats on your weight loss! You are obviously doing a LOT of things very RIGHT! But, I can also understand where you're coming from too, because I tend to feel anxious unless I pre-plan my day and actually decide WHAT I'm going to eat in advance. I actually enter my food choices into my diary early in the day so I can look at it and KNOW I'll be okay. I pack my own lunch, and snacks, so I know what I'm eating, and my husband and I decide what to have that evening before I leave for work. Do things change occasionally - yes, of course. But I immediately adjust my diary to see if I need to make further adjustments.

    If this doesn't seem doable, maybe you could try logging what you eat in the evening BEFORE you actually eat will help to make you stop and think about your choice.
  • danielled6875
    danielled6875 Posts: 53 Member
    Yes...i freak when I see the calorie counter go up close to 1000. Even tho i know i still have left of my goal intake and my exercise calories i totally freak. I think for me its gotten to my head.

    I saw your came so should be so proud of yourself. Add me to your friends if you want.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    It happens even when I plan my food out for the day. :frown:
  • kate2004rock
    kate2004rock Posts: 223 Member
    I can definitely empathize. I used to do the same thing, but I would get so anxious that I wouldn't eat anything and hoard all my calories for dinner because I was so anxious about not having enough. The thing that helped me was A. Planning out my meals in advance, or at least making sure that I had options when I got home for dinner. Then, when I panicked, I could tell myself exactly what I was going to have for dinner and reassure myself that it would be all right. B. Having the back up healthy snacks in case I was hungry and needed a little boost. That way, I had something to calm my nerves and I wasn't blowing calories on a fatty or unhealthful "panic snack." I am much better now, and time has certainly eased the anxiety. Good luck, and I hope this helps.

    She's TOTALLY right about planning--I'm pretty new to this. But Iknow myself, and If I have a plan I can definitely stick to it. I often put all my exercise and food in rather early in the day, adjust as necessary, and make a smart plan for dinner. Couldnt resist those brownies someone just HAD to force me to take at work? Add it right in, and realize I might just only be eating the vegetables I make for my fiance and I's dinner--and he gets all the meat.

    Case in point, I just couldnt resist a sub sandwich from a fatty calorie-loaded deli chain (Lenny's) today. I was SO hungry because I was in the doctors office wayyy to long past lunch (just a check up, no worries!). So now I know, its red potatoes and salad for dinner...while my fiance is getting all the leftover, coming-out-of-the-freezer-from-Easter Ham.
  • maygans
    maygans Posts: 196 Member
    I'm the same exact way, I never think I have enough calories and sometimes have major anxiety over what i'm going to have for dinner. What helps me is realizing that if I go over, it's ok! There's a deficit already there so if I eat 100-200 calories over my "goal" hey no big deal, I'm still losing weight. It takes a lot of mental work for me to accept this though, and I mean a LOT!

    I also have the weird anxiety over other people spending their own money or me spending my parents money, I don't really know why. It's taken me my entire life to be able to graciously accept a gift or when someone is paying for something (or paying me for something, like babysitting!) without feeling intensely guilty about it then and later.
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    It happens even when I plan my food out for the day. :frown:

    I feel for you! If you are feeling anxious, even after you've logged your ffod and planned for the day, then you need to try some other deep breathing......distracting yourself with SOMETHING (Anything) else. And give yourself some POSITIVE self-thoughts.....seriously......write down 5 things you're greatful for......TELL yourself that you are in control and are doing fine......meditate, or pray or try yoga. Google "relaxation techniques" - I'm not any sort of expert, but I do know that our brains play tricks on we need to find ways to talk back to ourselves in a positive way....and to employ relaxation techniques to rid ourselves of the anxiety. Good luck my dear!
  • RichGebs
    RichGebs Posts: 345
    I do everyday of my life... hate it so muh I just want to go back to eating the way I used to and I am tying to do that but its so hard to get out of the stage of looking at the alories on tha package before thinking about eating something...
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I do everyday of my life... hate it so muh I just want to go back to eating the way I used to and I am tying to do that but its so hard to get out of the stage of looking at the alories on tha package before thinking about eating something...

    Yep. I hardly ever eat for taste anymore.... even with sweets. The other night, when I was looking through a few lean cuisines in the freezer, I checked every single nutrition label beforehand and decided to eat the lowest calorie one even though it was something I didn't like.
    AmBeRLyNnGETTINThIN Posts: 56 Member
    I think ur anxiety comes from fear of gaining it back, so u keep urself so on track that it drives u crazy! I think that its good to have a little bit of calorie anxiety, because that means u are consciously thinking about what it is you are eating. Take a breath and count to 10 when u feel anxiety and see if that helps....but dont have a snack attack whatever u do!
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    You're doing really well. What I try to do is check where I'm at before eating dinner. I may even enter what I plan to prepare before I eat. This way I can make adjustments before i do any damage.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I don't think your anxiety is very good at should try to keep your calories around a certain amount, but I wouldn't stress too much if you're a couple hundred over or under. As long as your in the general range, you're doing great.

    I'm not an expert, but judging from your comments it seems like you're starting to have some problems with food. You look younger, so please try and talk to a high school guidance counselor or a counselor at your college's health care center about it!! Otherwise, maybe tell your parents that you think you're beginning to obsess too much about it, and ask if you can talk to someone about it. Good luck. This may not be what you want to hear, so I'm sorry, but I think it's important to hear.
  • ilikeowls
    ilikeowls Posts: 21
    I agree with the poster above, it's not sustainable to panic about calories, a healthy awareness of what is going in is good, being obsessed and actively upset by them is not. I've seen your other posts too, and so I think you need to break this.

    Please speak to someone who can help you in that respect. It's good you recognise that your behaviour is changing, so then you can prevent it being a real problem. If it's making your life a misery you could do Cognitive Behavioural Therapy if needed, which challenges your reasoning behind a particular course of action, or simply speaking to someone who lets you know you have other options can help.

    As a teenager I spent many years struggling with eating disorders, and CBT and treatment to break the cycle helped enourmously. I don't want to see you get to the same place I did, so please think about speaking to someone qualified.

    The wonderful people here want to help, but ultimately you should speak to someone who is qualified, someone at school, don't be embarassed, I can guarantee they'll have heard it before. Please take care!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I get anxious that I ate too much even when I know I didn't. I often hugely overestimate my calories (like 100+ per meal) to make sure that even if I ate more than I think, it's been accounted for.

    This sounds dangerous, and I hope you aren't promoting purposefully undereating. "hugely overestimating" is unnecessary to achieve healthy weight loss.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Try Kelly Howell's Guided meditation cd called Sacred body, it's for weightloss and it can really help you relax and repattern your brain to not be so anxious about calories.
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