Always hungry help !



  • tomnev1
    tomnev1 Posts: 184 Member
    No magic solution but drinking water really helps.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I've been studying nutrition and body building for a few years. In school to be a nutritionist/personal trainer. Feel free to add me if you have any questions about anything. If I don't have an answer already available, I'll find out for you as soon as I can. It'll help me too because I'll learn more by helping :)

    oh dear
  • ukphotolady
    ukphotolady Posts: 22 Member
    One way of overcoming this is the treat your body as if you were a baby again. That is to eat 4 hourly and not between. ie; 9am, 1pm, 5pm and the 9pm. Once you have eaten it's imperative to use distraction techniques until the next meal time. You can tell youself it's only 2 hours until the next meal and that you can wait. Speak to your body and take charge. Once you have trained your body, which may take a couple of weeks, then it will not crave food until the right time. How much you eat then is important too. I am not an expert btw but my mother-in-law developed a theory that we have lost the ability to discaplin our bodies. Babies naturally go 4 hours and we train ourselves out of this and into snacking habits. They are habits because it's not how it would be in nature. You could try it for a week and see how you get on, then extend it to another week. She was slim, but ate really well at meal times, so I think she had a point. We always knew what time it was by her stomach too, lol. (all the best)
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    It's not going to be easy at first. Nothing comes without a little sacrifice. Just think of how you used to eat even though you weren't even hungry and where that got you. That should be motivation.
  • shelybean1
    shelybean1 Posts: 53 Member
    Protein shakes are really helping me... I feel like I'm never hungry. They are the best on making you feel full!!
  • wordbetsy
    wordbetsy Posts: 9 Member
    karimk80 wrote: »
    I agree. I need to lose 3kg and am hungry but it's OK as I can lose it quickly. The problem I have is that being of South Asian heritage any fat build up is round my tummy which is dangerous.

    I feel your pain im dominican but i wasn't blessed with the genes of my mother unfortunately i gain weight around my belly and not the other places ...

  • wordbetsy
    wordbetsy Posts: 9 Member
    wordbetsy wrote: »
    What is your calorie goal set to?

    Most people are hungry because they've set their goal too low. Unless you have a lot of weight to lose, 0.5 to 1 lb per week loss is a sensible goal for most people.

    My goal is 1200 calories per day though im not sure if its too low of a goal or too high ?

    there you go. is that to lose 2lb per week?

    try eating more fat and protein to keep you full.

    Yup , so fat and protein got it !
  • wordbetsy
    wordbetsy Posts: 9 Member
    shelybean1 wrote: »
    Protein shakes are really helping me... I feel like I'm never hungry. They are the best on making you feel full!!

    Was actually thinking of those , any you recommend?