What is something you look forward to once the weight is gone?

What better motivation than to dream *BIG* & see your efforts turn those dreams into reality!?

For me, I look forward to the fall time... I want to slip a pair of skinny jeans on and a pair of knee high brown riding style boots! Skinny jeans has NEVER been apart of my wardrobe! & as for the boots....well, even the extra calf room ones they make now were on the tight side! I hope to wear a regular size and not have to use that extra zipper room this fall! Cannot wait to go shopping for those fall pieces! Keep dreaming BIG, you are your own motivation!!!!

What do you look forward to?


  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I am looking forward to seeing more and more muscle definition.
  • plaffo786
    plaffo786 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm looking forward to shopping for clothes without getting upset about not fitting 10-12
  • lilcole08
    lilcole08 Posts: 18 Member
    I too look forward to buying cute, smaller sized clothes! I avoid so many cute clothes because of how I look in them. I don't want to have to worry about that anymore. It's time to go shopping and be happy after, not depressed.
  • kthompson601
    kthompson601 Posts: 174 Member
    I'm looking forward to actually DOING things! I want to sky dive, ride roller coasters again, take a self defense class, and learn to surf. My weight holds me back from so much activity. Now that I've lost 74 pounds, I find it's so much easier to get around, and I can spend hours at museums and art galleries without getting out of breath or having pain in my feet or knees. I am hitting up an amusement park in one month and I plan to ride every coaster, front row, multiple times, to celebrate fitting in to the seats!
  • Fivefarthings
    Fivefarthings Posts: 33 Member
    To be able to fit back into some of the gorgeous clothes in my wardrobe! It's been too long!
  • fitnatic130
    fitnatic130 Posts: 53 Member
    Exactly the same as yours to be able to wear skinny jeans with knee highs. But also to be more active and able to play more with my 4 boys chasing a toddler round is no fun qhen your overweight so I hope to be 132lb or less (im 173 atm) by next February when he turns 1. We got this guys
  • Clarewho
    Clarewho Posts: 494 Member
    Wearing a nice dress for my Xmas girls night and not having to compromise!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    No longer eating at a deficit. Except for GW of 140#, I've reached the other goals I set for myself. I can fit through doors, buy clothes from "regular" shops, health markers are great.
  • jaga13
    jaga13 Posts: 1,149 Member
    I want to run around with my kids and not constantly tug at my clothes or wonder how much my stomach is sticking out. I want to feel comfortable in my clothes.
  • Frozenmango
    Frozenmango Posts: 207 Member
    Feeling truly comfortable in my own skin. I know most of that is mental, but I felt so much better a couple years ago when I was in better shape, far more confident. I also look forward to being able to wear a bikini and feel glamorous in it!
  • Mycophilia
    Mycophilia Posts: 1,225 Member
    BULKING. Oh my god, I'm gonna eat all the things!
  • LoreA1960
    LoreA1960 Posts: 108 Member
    I'm looking forward to better health and being more active. Gotta give these old knees a break!
  • mousie1973
    mousie1973 Posts: 438 Member
    I want to be able to go on rides at 6 flags with my daughter and I want to do the high ropes course with my son and daughter.
  • Zombella
    Zombella Posts: 490 Member
    Being healthy and happy.
  • CurlyCockney
    CurlyCockney Posts: 1,394 Member
    I'm looking forward to learning to ride a horse at the Riding For The Disabled stables. Poor horse wouldn't be able to take my weight at the moment LOL!
  • sweetteadrinker2
    sweetteadrinker2 Posts: 1,026 Member
    Buying cute, age appropriate things! I'm in my late teens, but I've always dressed in "older" clothes because the cute teen/early 20s clothes never looked good on me. Soon I will look good in leggings!
  • las07s
    las07s Posts: 150 Member
    I used to run, rock climb, and kayak. Sometimes all within the span of one day! I was light and fit. All I felt was exhilaration, not exhaustion. That's what I can't wait to feel again... I can't wait to feel like all of this "strenuous" activity is a piece of cake again. :heart:
  • RegainFiks
    RegainFiks Posts: 180 Member
    I look forward to wearing those nice summer clothes and to no longer try on cute clothes only for them not to fit. I really look forward to gain confidence and be a happier person.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    To fit more comfortably in a airplane seat.
  • VioletteJ88
    VioletteJ88 Posts: 19 Member
    Just want to feel healthy. No more covering my belly bulge. I want a life of healthy eating and no guilt over a bad meal once in while.