Skinny fat guy help

Ok I am 35 years old 6ft3 and 194lbs. I am a skinny fat guy. Tall and lanky but i have a hanging gut and very little muscle definition. Back when i was younger i was about 240lbs and 3 inches shorter. I went on a diet..grew and have been under 200lbs since.

A few problems I have. I have had 2 knee surgeries. I use to run 3 miles a day. I really cant do that anymore. I used to lift weights. I would hit up the gym 3 or 4 days a week. 

I did hurt my neck in a car accident years ago and it limits my workout with weights to pretty much zero.
As a matter of fact i tried lifting yesterday for the first time in awhile. Very light bench ..tops i did was 135lbs. I could have done more but did not want to strain my neck and upperback. I did some dumbbell presses, flys..and did some bicep curls.

It was a light workout . Light weight.

As usual my neck and back are extremely tight the day after. It is a dull ache and i will go to the chiropractor. After some massage and a back crack it will get better in a few days. So you see my problem.

This extremely limits me with working out.

One thing i do is cko kickboxing...i try to go 3 or 4 times a week. Sometimes i go less but i average 3 days. Its a great workout for me. I get my cardio in. Hit the bag. I get sore but i am never in pain like i am after weights or a long run.

I know my limitations. I know i will never get huge and i am ok with that. I do believe with the right diet i can get a swimmers/runners build. Thats what I am looking for. I need to do something.

My diet isnt the best but it isnt the worst. 

Typical breakfast is oatmeal ,nuts an apple and yogurt.

Lunch is lean meat usually, chicken pork or beef and vegetables and a grain. I eat small meals.

Dinner at times can just be a salad and i pick. Low fat pretzels with peanut butter. 

I snack during the day. A bag of pretzels or something low fat.

I have a protein shake after i workout.

What im doing isn't working. Im still skinny fat, yes i stay below 200..but I need some help and insight.

Again i would be extremely happy with losing my gut and getting a swimmers build...i have the bidy type for it, just not the body.


  • JoAnnRyan123
    JoAnnRyan123 Posts: 110 Member
    Sending support! You have alot going on in the knee/neck/back issues- perhaps a personal trainer with experience in these limitations would be a possibility? If you have/had a physical therapist, maybe they can give you a reference?
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    adamf520 wrote: »
    i would be extremely happy with losing my gut and getting a swimmers build

    Can you swim?

  • adamf520
    adamf520 Posts: 4 Member
    Yes i can swim
  • adamf520
    adamf520 Posts: 4 Member
    I was thinking about going to a personal trainer and or physical therapy near me. They have trainers there and would be able to help me i believe
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    adamf520 wrote: »
    I did hurt my neck in a car accident years ago and it limits my workout with weights to pretty much zero.
    As a matter of fact i tried lifting yesterday for the first time in awhile. Very light bench ..tops i did was 135lbs. I could have done more but did not want to strain my neck and upperback. I did some dumbbell presses, flys..and did some bicep curls.

    It was a light workout . Light weight.

    If you hurt yourself years ago and have done no weight lifting, starting at 135lb is probably too much even at 6'3". Talk with your doctor and if he approves weight lifting, start with lower weight and maybe get a good physical trainer to check form. Maybe just 75lb or even less and add on 5lb after every successful days lift (follow a beginner 5x5 program like stronglifts). After that, get in lots of stretching.

    Start low, and increase the weights progressively, there is no reason to rush it.

    That's if you want to lift weights.