50 something year old repeat offender ...

Hi; I'm doing this again!! I quit smoking a multitude of times before it stuck so I'm sure weight loss is the same. "Ya just gotta keep tryin". I'm in my early 50's, I'm a wife of 33 years, I'm a mother of 2, I'm a mother in law of 1, and my favourite title is I'm a Grammie to 2. I love hiking (although I did that a lot more before I became so out of shape), I own 5 aquariums (it's like snorkeling without getting wet), I like to travel, go geocaching, I love my friends, and I truly like to laugh. If you have a great sense of humour and are similar in life, thoughts, and that try try again spirit, then perhaps we can become friends.


  • Tryingforbalance
    Tryingforbalance Posts: 38 Member
  • Tryingforbalance
    Tryingforbalance Posts: 38 Member
  • tkaysmiles
    tkaysmiles Posts: 20 Member
    I'm a continual trier too!! I did quit smoking 5 years ago when I started the process of getting healthy. The weight has been something else. But slowly but surely I feel I'll get to that comfortable place!! Good luck on your efforts!!
  • Tryingforbalance
    Tryingforbalance Posts: 38 Member
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    You seem cool! I tried lots of times, I was even on here for a year and quite twice, before I got any traction. Point being : don't give up and you'll get there!
  • Tryingforbalance
    Tryingforbalance Posts: 38 Member
  • myrelisa
    myrelisa Posts: 127 Member
    Hi, I too am a repeat offender! It took me 6 x to stop smoking and I am on my umphtime attempting to get healthy via weight loss. Also married 30 yrs 2 kids 1 granbaby on the way. I need to do this for me and my health. I guess the first step has been taken and I need to follow through. We can try this together!
  • nospringchick
    nospringchick Posts: 6 Member
    I am not a smoker, but am a definite food addict. This summer my repeat offense is with McDonald's Caramel Frappes : ( I want to get under 200 pounds before I have double knee surgery in March/April next spring.

    I think you really need a sense of humor to do this, or you won't stick to it--- or at least it wouldn't be any fun !

    I am 60, and a grandma to 11. I like playing in the dirt in the nice weather, and quilting when it's snowy and nasty out.

    I'd love to not do this solo, and have some fun along the way............
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    I never had a weight problem in my life except for a few weeks after having my two kids. Then I quit smoking after 35 years. I'm finally tackling the weight gain (60 pounds, yikes!) after years of thinking, oh, it will just magically fall off the way the way it magically appeared, but not happening! Best of luck to you!
  • GildaBF
    GildaBF Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all, I'm really new to this, and have a couple of friends, but think more would be better, and I'd like to stick to my age group. It was always easy to lose weight when I was young and had lots of energy, and not so many injured parts! I'm still smoking (booooo) but eating mostly vegetarian. Making a daily effort to live a little healthier. Hopefully I'll lose some cholesterol and some weight in the process!
  • Tryingforbalance
    Tryingforbalance Posts: 38 Member
  • jencook1969
    jencook1969 Posts: 25 Member
    Few free to Add me. 46 year old female, mom to 5, gramma to 3, now 80 pounds to lose, hopefully the third time is the charm!!! Super motivated good addict. My quit date for smoking is Sunday ( I'm taking chantix). :)