Curse You, Pot Belly!

This is merely a venting post.

Cliff's notes: Thin (size 4-6) all my life, stopped exercising and gained 40 pounds over the course of two years about 5-6 years ago, after a few fits and starts, finally back on track with my pre-weight gain eating and exercising

At the height of my weight gain, I was a veerrrry tight size 12 in jeans. Were I honest with myself, I was probably a 14-16. My size 6 jeans and shorts couldn't even get past my thighs.

Went jeans shopping this past weekend and was able to actually able to get a size 8 on easily. I was also, to my shock, able to get on a 6. Buttoning them was a different matter. The 8's buttoned, but produced a heck of a muffin top and the 6's were close but no cigar. The jeans that actually fit my tummy were a 12, but they were too baggy otherwise.

Since my stomach is the place where I gained the most fat, it looks like I have the same old belly. But, I know that's not true because I've lost inches on my waistline and my obliques are visible from top to bottom. I've lost fat all over, so because I'm smaller overall, my smaller stomach still looks big because more fat is stored there and it's going to be the last place to go.

I'm keeping on track and know that I will be in proportion sooner or later, but it's just annoying. I *am* ecstatic that my legs are back to normal and my butt only has a couple of inches to go


  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    I'm still not used to being a small in most tops again. I always grab mediums and larges to try on and end up having to send the poor fitting room attendant back for the smaller size. I now understand what people mean when they say that your brain takes a while to catch up with your weight loss
  • MonaLisaLianne
    MonaLisaLianne Posts: 377 Member
    I am lighting a candle for those of us with big bellies everywhere! I now wear a size 8 in pants - unless they have a high rise, in which case I can't fasten them =( I *do* find that doing core exercises helps some. Planks, crunches, squats, etc. Have to stick with them though, or the big-belly comes right back, no matter how many pounds I lose!