Breakfast HALP



  • neenbeck
    neenbeck Posts: 34 Member
    Kimegatron wrote: »
    If I do end up eating breakfast, it will be 2 eggies scrambled with some onions, feta, and a half of a vegan chipotle sausage. It is really good, I swear! My meat eating fiance requests some of it as well. I usually don't make/eat breakfast because I'm too busy, so I will usually eat a lunch of a whole wheat english muffin, 2 tofurkey slices, tomato, sprouts, 1 eggy, and sometimes a spread of mashed avocado

    I love vegan sausage! I'm vegetarian, so vegan meat of any kind is basically my life blood. Been experimenting with seitan lately... Seriously if you do it right it can taste exactly like bacon.
  • neenbeck
    neenbeck Posts: 34 Member
    Alluminati wrote: »
    i skip breakfast about 80% of the week.

    Seriously, same boat. Except I think I skip breakfast more like 99.99999 percent of the time. I ate it today and I feel great. I can really see a difference, just with one day.
  • neenbeck
    neenbeck Posts: 34 Member
    macgurlnet wrote: »
    Overnight oats are a super easy breakfast. Mix it all up in a jar the night before (some can sit for 2 days and still be good), add something crunchy in the morning if you want, and done. The one I've made recently comes out to about 200 calories, and it only goes higher if I add in more banana. I added some mini chocolate chips & coconut today and it was PERFECT - and still under 300 calories.

    I also will scramble 6 or so eggs with some shredded cheese, spinach and/or sausage, divide those into 6 muffin cups (spray with olive oil spray first) and bake! Added bonus? They'll keep in the refrigerator all week or you can freeze them, too. I've done what @atypicalsmith does and made "egg mcmuffins" and, again, super delish.

    Specifics are here (they use both eggs & egg whites; I prefer the 6 whole eggs).:


    Lyssa, great ideas!!! Just what I was looking for! Thanks so much- I'll be trying all of these!
  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    neenbeck wrote: »
    macgurlnet wrote: »
    Overnight oats are a super easy breakfast. Mix it all up in a jar the night before (some can sit for 2 days and still be good), add something crunchy in the morning if you want, and done. The one I've made recently comes out to about 200 calories, and it only goes higher if I add in more banana. I added some mini chocolate chips & coconut today and it was PERFECT - and still under 300 calories.

    I also will scramble 6 or so eggs with some shredded cheese, spinach and/or sausage, divide those into 6 muffin cups (spray with olive oil spray first) and bake! Added bonus? They'll keep in the refrigerator all week or you can freeze them, too. I've done what @atypicalsmith does and made "egg mcmuffins" and, again, super delish.

    Specifics are here (they use both eggs & egg whites; I prefer the 6 whole eggs).:


    Lyssa, great ideas!!! Just what I was looking for! Thanks so much- I'll be trying all of these!

    Here's some more meal prep ideas - not all breakfast, but they all look yummy!

    Experiment a little with breakfast foods - and don't worry too much about skipping. There are some days when I just don't feel like eating so I'll bring a greek yogurt and eat that once I get hungry. Some days I'll just get a coffee at Starbucks and call that breakfast - I don't get them with skim milk so I'm getting a fair amount of protein, even though it is a bit of a sugar bomb. Macchiatos aren't too bad on calories, especially for a tall.

    Try to decide over the weekend what you want to do for breakfast during the week - whether that's the same thing each day or something different is up to you. I usually do the same thing (or variations - like with the oatmeal) for both breakfast and lunch, then dinner varies each day.

    There are dozens of websites full of recipes - pinterest is a great place to look, and if you know what kinds of foods you wanna eat, just start googling and you'll find something that strikes your fancy.

  • Blueseraphchaos
    Blueseraphchaos Posts: 843 Member
    I am very much not a morning person, yet i get up at 5 or 6 am to go to work, lol. I usually either eat a protein or granola bar or i cook eggs with veggies in them the night before and reheat in the morning (same with bacon if i want that). Some scrambled or hard-boiled eggs with a piece of fruit is a decent breakfast. I also have a ton of instant oatmeal that my kids brought home from a program, so sometimes i eat that...or i get the healthy choice or weight watchers microwavable meals and eat them. (not only am i not a morning person, I'm also not much of a breakfast
  • JKM0225
    JKM0225 Posts: 140 Member
    Always eat breakfast. Never skip any meals in your day. What you had for breakfast is light & a good idea. Try Carnation Instant Breakfast or a protein shake. You can try juicing your fruits and veggies. It is very important that you eat breakfast because it gets your metabolism and blood sugar off to a great start.
    Liquid ideas for breakfast are good for those who don't like heavy meals to start off the day with. There are soooo many smoothie and juicing blends on Pinterest or anywhere on Google.

    I don't like breakfast either. I would prefer to just eat dinner and be done but find something small and light to kick-start your day. Even GoGurt... But it's important you put something in your belly :)
  • Quinn_Baker
    Quinn_Baker Posts: 292 Member
    I know alot of people on here are saying that breakfast isn't necessary, but any health PROFESSIONAL I have ever talked to or heard talk says it is. It gets your metabolism going in the a.m. it also helped me lose 26 lbs. That being said, my favorites are:
    Oatmeal, plain with toppings or flavored (I just use instant)
    Eggs and toast with fruit
    Toast with PB and fruit
    Whole wheat or protein waffle with PB and fruit
    Protein Shake

    Hope this helps!
  • shay77223
    shay77223 Posts: 29 Member
    I usually have a greek yogurt of some yummy flavor, or a smoothie. I blend 2 cups various fruits, half a cup cucumber, 2 cups spinach and a cup of milk. Then I freeze portions in ice cube trays or muffin tins. Pull out a portion the night before and stick it in the fridge. Breakfast is ready when you get up:)
  • neenbeck
    neenbeck Posts: 34 Member
    I know alot of people on here are saying that breakfast isn't necessary, but any health PROFESSIONAL I have ever talked to or heard talk says it is. It gets your metabolism going in the a.m. it also helped me lose 26 lbs. That being said, my favorites are:
    Oatmeal, plain with toppings or flavored (I just use instant)
    Eggs and toast with fruit
    Toast with PB and fruit
    Whole wheat or protein waffle with PB and fruit
    Protein Shake

    Hope this helps!

    I've heard the same thing for years. Also my husband is a total morning/breakfast person, so he's always trying to convince me to eat it.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I know alot of people on here are saying that breakfast isn't necessary, but any health PROFESSIONAL I have ever talked to or heard talk says it is. It gets your metabolism going in the a.m. it also helped me lose 26 lbs. That being said, my favorites are:
    Oatmeal, plain with toppings or flavored (I just use instant)
    Eggs and toast with fruit
    Toast with PB and fruit
    Whole wheat or protein waffle with PB and fruit
    Protein Shake

    Hope this helps!

    The calorie deficit helped you lose 26 pounds. Some people (like myself) find it easier to maintain a deficit if they eat breakfast. For other people, it doesn't matter as much and they lose weight without eating breakfast.

    If your health care provider tells you to eat breakfast due to your personal situation, you should follow their advice. But there is no medical reason that EVERYONE should force themselves to eat breakfast if they don't want to and they feel good without it. There are many people here who have had great results with intermittent fasting, which is pretty much the opposite of what you are advising.
  • echmainfit619
    echmainfit619 Posts: 333 Member
    What is HALP? Some new diet acronym?
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    I usually just have coffee for breakfast, because I prefer to eat a lot from dinner til bedtime. There's no reason to force yourself to eat breakfast if you aren't hungry.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    What is HALP? Some new diet acronym?

    LOLcat (and therefore the Internet at large)-speak for "help"...or were you being facetious?
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    JKM0225 wrote: »
    Always eat breakfast. Never skip any meals in your day. What you had for breakfast is light & a good idea. Try Carnation Instant Breakfast or a protein shake. You can try juicing your fruits and veggies. It is very important that you eat breakfast because it gets your metabolism and blood sugar off to a great start.
    Liquid ideas for breakfast are good for those who don't like heavy meals to start off the day with. There are soooo many smoothie and juicing blends on Pinterest or anywhere on Google.

    I don't like breakfast either. I would prefer to just eat dinner and be done but find something small and light to kick-start your day. Even GoGurt... But it's important you put something in your belly :)

    No. Your metabolism is always going, you don't need to "start" it in the am. If you are not hungry, there is no need to eat breakfast (barring medical conditions like diabetes).
    I know alot of people on here are saying that breakfast isn't necessary, but any health PROFESSIONAL I have ever talked to or heard talk says it is. It gets your metabolism going in the a.m. it also helped me lose 26 lbs. That being said, my favorites are:
    Oatmeal, plain with toppings or flavored (I just use instant)
    Eggs and toast with fruit
    Toast with PB and fruit
    Whole wheat or protein waffle with PB and fruit
    Protein Shake

    Hope this helps!

    You don't need to get your metabolism started in the am. For every professional that says it is needed there is another that says it's not. It is a misconception that has been repeated for years with no scientific backing.