Moms: What were you glad you did/wish you did while pregnant?



  • HikeCyclist
    HikeCyclist Posts: 153 Member
    I wish I had monitored my weight a little more closely, or at the very least gotten into some exercise/food routine post baby. My LO is 2 now and I am just starting to lose weight because I realized I don't want to be obese when I conceive. I plan to talk to the doctor about minimal gaining or maintaining this time around if it is feasible (since I will still be overweight). (Might not have been feasible last time, I had horrible morning sickness, only carbs sounded at all appealing, I was working a lot up until 39 weeks, we were getting ready to move...) Side note: DO NOT PLAN TO MOVE AROUND WHEN BABY IS DUE. It sucked. So. Bad.

    Very glad I breastfeed. Very glad I babywear (walking wearing my 22-lb toddler burns more than pushing her in the stroller).

    Sorry to hijack this thread but…

    Oh man, I know exactly what you mean about not moving! My fiancé and I moved into our new house when our son was three months old and it was even hard then, after he was born! It was hard for me to get anything done (packing, cleaning, unpacking), but I have to say, my baby was my golden ticket to get out of really doing anything helpful haha!
  • chelsy0587
    chelsy0587 Posts: 441 Member
    edited July 2015
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Enjoy it more. The first pregnancy is the last time in your life when your world is all about you. Spend that time doing stuff that's all about you.

    Once that baby is born, everything changes. It's never about you again.

    This!!!! Every single young girl I see that seems to be lusting after a baby and all their "wonderfulness" this is exactly what I tell them. Don't get me wrong, I love my son and I love being a mom but your whole way of thinking changes when you have a little one. They are first and you are somewhere there after, if you aren't mature enough to handle that then you need to rethink having a baby.

    All of this is great advice... I'm 12 weeks pregnant now with my second child. The first time around I was very overweight and very unhealthy... at least this time I'm starting out at almost 50lbs lighter than I was then. I feel like I've gain a lot of knowledge regarding weight loss and nutrition that my body needs. So that would be my only advice, gain knowledge of nutrition and ask for help from other moms (but know how to weed out bad advice!)
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I had hyperemesis gravidarum for 7 months. My experience was bad enough to make me never want to be pregnant ever again, even though I would have liked a second child. I know this isn't the happy news you probably wanted to talk about -- but that was my reality. My advice to you would be don't worry too much about your weight. Just focus on eating well to supply you and your baby with nutrients.

    QFT!!! I had HG for 9 months with all 5 of my pregnancies. It's no fun when you can't even hold down water.
  • LolaKarwowski
    LolaKarwowski Posts: 217 Member
    Glad I gave up Mc.Donald's + Soda. I knew I would never do it for myself so when I got pregnant I had every reason in the world to stop cold turkey. I haven't been at a Mc.Donald's or have had soda in about 3.5 years.

    Still, I was very unhealthy and gained more than I should of. I wish I would of thought more about my food choices.

    And sleep. I wish I would of slept more.
  • dimple_gal
    dimple_gal Posts: 138 Member
    I wish i would have taken pictures, or had someone take them. I have almost none of when I was pregnant, and in fact I avoided the cameras as I thought I looked fat. I wasn't fat, I was facilitating a miracle. Take pictures!

    Oh, and I religiously used Neutrogena Sesame Oil on my belly and waist. No stretch marks!
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    randomtai wrote: »
    I had hyperemesis gravidarum for 7 months. My experience was bad enough to make me never want to be pregnant ever again, even though I would have liked a second child. I know this isn't the happy news you probably wanted to talk about -- but that was my reality. My advice to you would be don't worry too much about your weight. Just focus on eating well to supply you and your baby with nutrients.

    QFT!!! I had HG for 9 months with all 5 of my pregnancies. It's no fun when you can't even hold down water.

    Yep! And 6 years later, there are STILL things can't eat because I got so violently ill after eating them pregnant, they make my stomach churn. Peanut butter. Cinnamon Twists from Taco Bell. Grapes. Scrambled eggs.

    I would have given anything to have just felt ok for an hour a day but I was either extremely hungry/lightheaded or completely nauseous.

    OP, I hope you have an easier time.
  • vinerie
    vinerie Posts: 234 Member
    This is all amazing advice. Thank you ladies!!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,134 Member
    I didn't pay attention to my weight gain. I gained 30# (average gain in 1992-3). I'm glad I read the Caesarean stuff in What to Expect When You're Expecting because I ended up having one. Nothing was said about being popped with a huge crochet hook, so pretty surprised when the nurse pulled that out.
  • spearmintskies
    spearmintskies Posts: 31 Member
    edited July 2015
    I wish I had been more conscious about my cravings and what I was putting in my body. During the second trimester I basically lived off strawberry nesquik. :[ That and sticking to a regular exercise schedule (after the okay from your doctor, of course) I had people telling me left and right that I shouldn't do things, even though I could and was approved to. Lo and behold, I got preeclampsia at 34 weeks and was on bedrest until my son was born at 38 weeks 0 days. I ended up gaining 44 pounds and am nowhere near my pre-pregnancy weight (27 pounds away), even after nearly 3 years.

    Basically, I just wish I was more conscious of my intake and output, rather than just being like "I'm pregnant! Eating for two! (NOT TRUE) Take it easy!" It instilled a lot of bad habits that I'm still trying to get rid of.

    Stretch marks are genetic. Anything you put on your belly will help with the itching and probably feel pretty good, but it won't prevent stretch marks. Be conscious that your body is building a human and going beyond its normal boundaries. If you get them, they'll be marks of pride. At least, the ones on my hips are.

    Adding that I breastfed my son for 8 months and that was the closest I was to my pre-pregnancy weight (I was 2 pounds away) and when I became overworked, I lost my supply. I gained all the weight back.
  • vinerie
    vinerie Posts: 234 Member
    I wish I had been more conscious about my cravings and what I was putting in my body. During the second trimester I basically lived off strawberry nesquik. :smile:

    So the big question is, how do you control the cravings? I suspect it's easier said than done.
  • spearmintskies
    spearmintskies Posts: 31 Member
    I think what worked for me was finding substitutes. Halfway through the nesquik phase I switched to nonfat milk blended with whole, fresh strawberries. (seriously, I don't know why I wanted strawberry nesquik so bad)

    It's kind of just like when you have regular cravings outside of pregnancy. Find something equally satisfying but healthier for you. And also, I think I wasn't drinking enough water. That still applies as well.
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    Indulge in smaller amounts. Have a little juice glass instead of a pint sized mug.

    Take a lot of baths. If you're sweating, it's too hot... but there is nothing better than heaving your tired bag of bones into a warm tub to let the water soothe you.
  • spearmintskies
    spearmintskies Posts: 31 Member
    edited July 2015
    Oh, also, there was something I did that is debatable and a lot of you may go against it, but I also had a bit of alcohol while I was pregnant. When I was about 28 weeks along I was so stressed out that I was having meltdowns and all I wanted was to put my feet up and have a glass of wine, but I literally had women tell me my child was going to be deformed/retarded if I did that and I would be a bad mom. I ended up being so stressed out that I called my ob/gyn to ask for her opinion and she said, "Hey, if that's something you really want and you're that stressed out, go ahead and have a serving. Your baby is big enough now and the risks you'll even remotely have from a small glass of wine are much lower than the health risks of the level of stress you're experiencing now."
    I did it with that one glass of wine and one small glass of beer later at about 30 weeks. My baby has always been in the peak of health and I really do think those (very few, and moderated) glasses of wine really helped me with my stress levels overall.

    Like people have said above, pregnancy is an individual thing. Everyone handles it differently, and the rule that Moderation is Key still applies.
  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    I was NOT about fitness when I was pregnant. When I had a craving, I ate it. I did walk about every night with family, though. This time around when we decide to have another one, depending on where my weight is at it will be healthy enough to only gain 20lbs. and I have all the tools from losing weight before pregnancy to keep me confident that I will lose it again once baby is here. :) I've totally got baby-fever too! I also think that next time around, I'll try pregnancy workouts like yoga and hopefully I'll be fit enough to jog during as well. :)
  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    Well I wish I would have taken out my navel ring earlier....other than that I've had three babies and each pregnancy came with different cravings and different struggles. 1st one all I wanted was bland carbs or cinnamon rolls I also had insomnia the 1st trimester, with this baby I gained 30 lbs.
    2nd one I craved salt, which for me was really bad since I had suffered with Pregnancy induced hypertension in my first pregnancy (this continued through all 3 of my pregnancies). With this pregnancy I slept well and had lots of energy so I was able to exercise, still managed to gain 40 lbs.
    My last pregnancy all I craved were Cheerios, fruit esp grapes and Greek salad. I had terrible insomnia throughout the entire pregnancy, I had no energy and sat around as much as I could. With that pregnancy I gained only 25 lbs.
    Let me just say pregnancy cravings are like no other cravings, it's a whole other level, you may have the best intentions of eating a certain kind/amount of food and getting plenty of exercise, but you're body may have other plans.
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,531 Member
    I started at a healthy weight and was normal bmi. I ate healthy when I was hungry and didn't eat when I wasn't. Nausea & run down & tired first trimester but the baby kept growing. Baby #1 gained 28 lbs, Baby #2 gained 30. Both babies were "aerobics" babies meaning I continued my aerobics class during both pregnancy all way to full term. Baby #1 had problems in 2nd trim cuz my abs were tight as a rubberband and hurt like the dickens for at least 1-2 weeks (*on couch, pillow to my sides hurt).
    Good luck. You'll be fine. :)
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    My midwife had me have some wine near the end of my pregnancy to help me relax. It was always a small glass (4-6 oz) and less than once a week. So you're not alone, @spearmintskies
  • andylllI
    andylllI Posts: 379 Member
    I wish I'd napped more and read web-based groups for pregnant women less. Seriously the derp! And gone swimming more.
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    I am glad I checked out "shape of a mother" (google it) to give me a heads up on what to expect, body wise after birth. Nice dose of reality, so you dont feel lame if you end up with stretch marks or whatever post-baby. Its totally normal, totally not a big deal.

    I gained a normal amount of weight, if a little on the low side with my pregnancies. I had both kids while fat, and after a long wait, because I am sub-fertile. (PCOS)

    anyways, I took the prenatals, did light activity, and ate whatever felt comfortable at the time.

  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    I also had 1/2 glasses of wine toward the end of pregnancy - my dr said it was fine to do maybe once or twice a week. Anyway, I gained over 70lbs going from an almost 15 year starvation diet to eating semi regularly (I worked with a therapist and RD with blind weighing).
    If I could do it again, I'd track everything. My cravings were salad with blue cheese (I know) and smoothies.