Adding exercise calories from a calorietracker.

My goals are set to loosing 0,5 kg pr week.
This means i can eat 1970 calories while doing that.
2520 calories is my break even.
My ativity level is put as low as possible.

I use a Polar m400 clock to monitor my day.
So yesterday my clock says i have burned 3100 calories including a quick row session for 350 calories.

My question is this.
Should i only add the 350 calories from the exercise, or should i add everything over 2500 calories?
Adding about 600 calories.

Thanks for any help.


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    If your calorie goal is from My Fitness Pal, they're already taking your calorie burns from just living into account. So if you count the 3,100, you'll be double-dipping. You should only count your calories from exercise.
  • crackers8199
    crackers8199 Posts: 10 Member
    edited July 2015
    you should add the difference between your tracker's calculated TDEE and MFP's calculated TDEE to your goal calorie intake.

    this is what i love about my fitbit, it does it for me. fitbit figures out how many calories i've actually burned based on my movement (and HR since i have the charge HR), and then adjusts MFP accordingly for me. if MFP thinks based on the activity level i gave it (sedentary) that i'm going to burn 2200 calories, but fitbit calculates that i've burned 2500, it will add 300 to MFP as a 'fitbit calorie adjustment.' it'll alter this throughout the day, every time i sync my fitbit, and then one final time at 11:59pm. the great thing is that it also takes my runs into account, as i have them come in directly from it looks at those first (they're added onto my calorie goal first), then the fitbit adjustment is done after that. it works wonderfully.

    example: so far today (3:53pm pacific time) i've eaten 1566 calories. my goal today is 2000 calories in MFP, based on the idea that by their estimate i will burn 2242 calories today. fitbit has seen all my activity today and so far thinks i'll burn 2330 calories, so it has already added 88 calories to my MFP goal. this will change again (more drastically later after i go for my run and take the dogs for a walk), and will keep changing all day, all the way up til 11:59 tonight when it'll eventually just use my final fitbit calories burned number for the day.

    i would imagine there's a similar way to link the polar there not?
  • tetra85
    tetra85 Posts: 17 Member
    No, not at this time... I actually bought the m400 because i read that it would support mfp, but then found out that it only worked with iphone app.
    So hoping they will fix it soon.

    Well since mfp thinks i will burn 2500 calories in normal day life with a low activity level, i do think it will be rigth to add everything over 2500 as exercise.
  • crackers8199
    crackers8199 Posts: 10 Member
    yup, that's what i'd do. take however many calories your polar says you've burned at the end of the day, subtract MFP's estimate, and add that number as a calorie adjustment. that's basically what they'll do anyway once they get the automatic calorie adjustment sorted out...