No motivation today

Annadel Posts: 146 Member
edited 12:22AM in Fitness and Exercise
I am lacking all motivation to work out today. My weekend was full of splurges , I kept telling myself I will pick up during the week. Today I am just not motivated. My mood is off too due to some stress at work. Any suggestions ?


  • Marcia_11
    Marcia_11 Posts: 143 Member
    Tell yourself "just 5 minutes" and do 5 minutes of exercise... after that 5 minutes you may feel like doing 5, 10 or 15 minutes more. Every little bit helps!
  • JLervold86
    JLervold86 Posts: 93 Member
    Workout! Honestly you never regret working out, only not working out....even if its a quick 20 minute cicuit with sit ups, push ups, lunges, squats and burpees, you'll feel better afterward!
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    Fake it till you make it
    Seriously, just work out. You'll feel better that you did. Make yourself do it.
  • Hang in there girl we all getthese dzys don't beat ur self up over this
  • Jeep429
    Jeep429 Posts: 18 Member
    Throw on some music and just dance in your house for about 15 minutes....upbeat and carefree stuff to help you let go of the stress and get a lil exercise in! Hope that works for me sometimes ! :wink:
  • Raihaanah
    Raihaanah Posts: 121 Member
    well,well,well...isnt this just sitting here trying to force myself to get up and workout since i missed going to the gym today because of the heat....only suggestion..log in what u ate today and see the calories add up, then you'll get motivated because u want to get those extra calories burned off ASAP! about to workout with billy me..orrrr Walking with Leslie Sansone from ON DEMAND
  • wwhite94
    wwhite94 Posts: 176 Member
    Tell yourself "just 5 minutes" and do 5 minutes of exercise... after that 5 minutes you may feel like doing 5, 10 or 15 minutes more. Every little bit helps!

    Best advice out there. start with 5 and then keep going once you get started you will be fine plus it will help with your stress level.
  • sarabellum
    sarabellum Posts: 88 Member
    Whenever I have a day like you're describing, if I don't work out, I end up feeling worse and guilty and just plain gross...but if I just suck it up and do something, ANYTHING - even if it's just taking a walk with my ipod blasting my favorite music, I end up feeling a million times better.
    Focus less on getting your workout in, and just try to make yourself feel better!!!
    Hope it works and hope that you feel better and more like yourself REALLY soon!!! Days like this are no fun at all :)
  • nancypants1
    nancypants1 Posts: 7 Member
    If you cannot get motivated for a workout, so something for just 15 minutes whether it is a brisk walk, using wii or xbox. You may find if you break up the routine, you may want to walk longer or use the games longer. Endorphins will be released, and you will feel better for doing it.:bigsmile:
  • EmilyAnn89
    EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member
    i wasn't motivated today either. i just made myself start walking, and then once i got walking i ended up going for 30 minutes. anything is better than nothing!
  • Just get out there and do it. I felt the same way today and I just got back from my 2.43 mile walk!
  • LuluGirl140
    LuluGirl140 Posts: 364 Member
    Me tooooooooooo!!!!
  • midmomike2
    midmomike2 Posts: 213
    I hear ya! For me, sometimes just getting started is the hard part, then I get started and pretty soon before I know I got in a workout and so glad I did! Just take that first step ( or lift, or stride, or curl, or....)!
  • lizzycomp
    lizzycomp Posts: 64
    Think about all the work you've done to get where you are now...and how much closer you are to your goal then when you first started. We all have those days when we don't feel like working out or logging in...and we all feel better once we do. You owe it to yourself. YOU deserve to reach your goal....for YOU! And you will be thankful you pushed through days like today.:wink:
  • SuperWoman910
    SuperWoman910 Posts: 5 Member
    There are all these cliches about getting back on the horse, and getting back on the highway, etc. But the truth is it's hard and it sucks.
    However, you can do one of 2 things; 1. you can give up and say frig it or 2. you can forgive yourself and move on. If I were you I WOULD CHOOSE 2.
    Hope this helps a little
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    Fake it till you make it
    Seriously, just work out. You'll feel better that you did. Make yourself do it.

    Ditto! If you exercise for 30 minutes, you will be so glad you did it. But if you don't do it, you will be bummed. Glad > Bummed.
  • Annadel
    Annadel Posts: 146 Member
    All you fabulous ppl inspired me so I got off my butt and 15 mins of jumping jacks/ pushnups. Not the most high intense workout I usually do but better than nothing. Thank u all!!
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    All you fabulous ppl inspired me so I got off my butt and 15 mins of jumping jacks/ pushnups. Not the most high intense workout I usually do but better than nothing. Thank u all!!
    :drinker: Yay for you!
  • NoWeighJose74
    NoWeighJose74 Posts: 581 Member
    I am lacking all motivation to work out today. My weekend was full of splurges , I kept telling myself I will pick up during the week. Today I am just not motivated. My mood is off too due to some stress at work. Any suggestions ?

    Working out is a great stress reliever. Channel your anger (if that's what's causing your stress) into your workout. :smile:
  • allibawtez
    allibawtez Posts: 47
    I felt the same way today, but I just kept thinking about my goal and how I want to look. Plus, I literally feel like crap when I miss a day, and that puts me in an even worse mood. It definitely doesn't make me feel better to skip out, because I know I'm only hurting myself.
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