Goodbyyyye Chocolate, Hello... Um...?

OK. So. I have decided. I am giving up chocolate for an entire week. I know a week doesn't sound like much, but recently I am jobless, dont have school to focus on, have been stressing about my boyfriend (who has done nothing wrong and is completely wonderful, I am just a little bit crazy) and basically sit around the house all day... and find myself, EVERY DAY eating mounds of chocolate. Something I haven't done in a very long time. So I think it will really help me to not eat ANY chocolate for an entire week and then see what my results are... because so far they have been at a standstill for a few months, and my tummy bulge has been bothering me. I am wonderfully lean and fit everywhere but my tummy and this chocolate fettish prooobbbaabbbly has something to do with it... probably. :tongue:

AND so I am making myself accountable and I will log on every single day for the next week to tell you all that I have not had ANY chocolate. This all seems a bit ridiculous to me especially because I have been using the site for the calorie counter and not the motivational aspect for a very long. But I am realizing this may be the only way to curb my binges!

Also it is important to note that i dont ACTUALLY sit on my butt all day, I workout 6 or 7 days a week with JM 30 day shred or general strength training 3 or 4 days a week and usually about 30-45 minutes of cardio every day... and other than the chocolate I eat extremely healthy but also allow myself ONE bagel per week as a treat (used to eat them every day!)

Thanks all! Can't wait to report back tomorrow night right before bed with GOOD results!


  • knelson422
    knelson422 Posts: 308
    That is a great idea. I gave up chocolate for a year because my dad is giving up drinking for a year. It was a good swap. Anyway, there are times when it is tough, but I do feel a ton better. I think that is why I have dropped over 30 lbs, because I don't eat it at all, not in anything. I feel a lot better too. You can do it!!! I have a little over 6 more months left Chocolate free, and I don't know that I will go back. Seriously, I could down a bag of chocolate chips in a day - and I make AWESOME chocolate chocolate chip cookies and brownies. You can do it. See how you feel after a week. Good luck!!
  • waverly9876
    waverly9876 Posts: 605 Member
    Good job on trying that out. I was a bagel lover and would eat them every day. I stopped for a long time but I just found out that they came out with alternative bagels. They are full of nutrients and only 110 calories for the whole thing. I now eat a half of one with a tablesoon of peanut butter on it. As for chocolate, I am a huge chocolate lover. I now am addicted to the deep chocolate vitatops and they are only 100 calories and have like 5g of fiber and 4g of protein (something like that). I am not telling to go off your attempy but if you end up realizing you love those things, heres an alternative that is healthy and good for you :-)
  • lifesabeach2629
    im right there with you! i'm not doing much this summer b/c school starts august 1st for me so getting a summer job would kinda be random and only for like a month. so i'm trying to work out 2x a day and really achieve my weight loss goals. (im almost there!) chocolate is DEFINITELY a weakness for me but i just have to learn to find something else to help the urge pass. i turn to music most of the time. no boyfriend at the moment way to satisfy the craving (hahah)
  • ruffledviolet
    I've been chocolate-free since November. Good luck!!
  • brooke_g0501
    brooke_g0501 Posts: 66 Member
    Good Luck! Chocolate is a hard thing to turn down! I ate a brownie (my fav!) that a student brought me today!! Maybe starting off by going without for a week, then slowly bringing it back, so that you let yourself have a chocolate treat once a week or something. I am strict during the week but then let loose on the weekend, now that I'm at a weight I'm happy with. Of course, I could do without the little stomach too, since having my daughter 20 months ago!!
  • marchegt
    marchegt Posts: 156 Member
    Ahh thanks all! :)
  • slp2112
    slp2112 Posts: 107
    are you allowing yourself chocolatey things? Because my suggestion would be a glass (8 oz) of skim milk with two tbsp of Hershey's sugar free chocolate syrup (total of 95 calories). You get a) 8 grams of protein from the milk and b) carbs to help you recuperate from all your workouts. And c) it helps with the chocolate cravings.

    I have a glass of chocolate milk pretty much every night. And then as a wonderful surprise, Livestrong published an article today that was all about the benefits of chocolate milk for runners :)
  • mercedes25
    mercedes25 Posts: 47 Member
    I am going to follow along with you, in hopes that knowing someone else is doing it with me will help!

    Good luck!!
  • marchegt
    marchegt Posts: 156 Member
    I am going to follow along with you, in hopes that knowing someone else is doing it with me will help!

    Good luck!!

    Awesome!! Feel free to post here each day for your progress, it would be great motivation to see someone else doing the same!!!
  • marchegt
    marchegt Posts: 156 Member
    are you allowing yourself chocolatey things? Because my suggestion would be a glass (8 oz) of skim milk with two tbsp of Hershey's sugar free chocolate syrup (total of 95 calories). You get a) 8 grams of protein from the milk and b) carbs to help you recuperate from all your workouts. And c) it helps with the chocolate cravings.

    I have a glass of chocolate milk pretty much every night. And then as a wonderful surprise, Livestrong published an article today that was all about the benefits of chocolate milk for runners :)

    I do loove chocolate milk and drink it after almost every run! I will definitely still be drinking that... but cutting out chocolate chips, chocolate ice cream, M&M's, chocolate chip cookies... those are honestly really the only junk food I eat so cutting out "chocolate" in general will really help me!!

    good to know chocolate milk is beneficial!
  • marchegt
    marchegt Posts: 156 Member
    That is a great idea. I gave up chocolate for a year because my dad is giving up drinking for a year. It was a good swap. Anyway, there are times when it is tough, but I do feel a ton better. I think that is why I have dropped over 30 lbs, because I don't eat it at all, not in anything. I feel a lot better too. You can do it!!! I have a little over 6 more months left Chocolate free, and I don't know that I will go back. Seriously, I could down a bag of chocolate chips in a day - and I make AWESOME chocolate chocolate chip cookies and brownies. You can do it. See how you feel after a week. Good luck!!

    Thanks!! And awesome for you for giving it up for so long!!!!!!
  • marchegt
    marchegt Posts: 156 Member
    Good job on trying that out. I was a bagel lover and would eat them every day. I stopped for a long time but I just found out that they came out with alternative bagels. They are full of nutrients and only 110 calories for the whole thing. I now eat a half of one with a tablesoon of peanut butter on it. As for chocolate, I am a huge chocolate lover. I now am addicted to the deep chocolate vitatops and they are only 100 calories and have like 5g of fiber and 4g of protein (something like that). I am not telling to go off your attempy but if you end up realizing you love those things, heres an alternative that is healthy and good for you :-)

    YUM BAGELS! lol... i always ate them with philadelphia 33% less fat cream cheese... estimated the amount but didn't measure... and after not eating nthem for a week i dropped a significant amount of weight! But i do love my bagels so still allow myself one every week.. the bagel thins are good too but I dont get as much satisfaction out of those! Maybe after a few weeks of one bagel a week, i can turn to bagel thins :)
  • mchrisagis
    Good for you. Chocolate is my trigger food as well. I have not had chocolate since December 31, 2010. I have set a goal to not eat it until my birthday in September. You can do it!!!
  • marchegt
    marchegt Posts: 156 Member
    im right there with you! i'm not doing much this summer b/c school starts august 1st for me so getting a summer job would kinda be random and only for like a month. so i'm trying to work out 2x a day and really achieve my weight loss goals. (im almost there!) chocolate is DEFINITELY a weakness for me but i just have to learn to find something else to help the urge pass. i turn to music most of the time. no boyfriend at the moment way to satisfy the craving (hahah)

    BAHAHA. Love it.
  • marchegt
    marchegt Posts: 156 Member
    I've been chocolate-free since November. Good luck!!

  • marchegt
    marchegt Posts: 156 Member
    Good Luck! Chocolate is a hard thing to turn down! I ate a brownie (my fav!) that a student brought me today!! Maybe starting off by going without for a week, then slowly bringing it back, so that you let yourself have a chocolate treat once a week or something. I am strict during the week but then let loose on the weekend, now that I'm at a weight I'm happy with. Of course, I could do without the little stomach too, since having my daughter 20 months ago!!

    Oh how I love brownies!! And thats a great idea for a treat once a week... i can usually stay on track during the week too but on the weekends i fall WAY off the wagon if chocolate is involved! Im pretty happy with my weight too but then I eat handfuls of Peanut Butter M&Ms and then i feel gross and fat! no more! lol
  • diamondeshea1
    Im going to give up cookies,one week at a time starting today....I picked up cookies and my sweet tooth after giving over my drinking habit to the Lord....I have been sober since Feb 2010 and went right into the snacks and now that im tryning to loose weight the sweets are my weakness,so one day at a time nNO MO cookies for me................
  • slp2112
    slp2112 Posts: 107
    I'm super impressed by your discipline and the things you're cutting out seems like stuff your body won't miss all that much.

    Good luck!!!! Keep us updated!
  • marchegt
    marchegt Posts: 156 Member
    Ok all! Day 1 of chocolate free and feeling great!!!! Hope somebody on here sees this so I have motivation to keep checking in!!
  • mercedes25
    mercedes25 Posts: 47 Member
    Ok all! Day 1 of chocolate free and feeling great!!!! Hope somebody on here sees this so I have motivation to keep checking in!!

    Way to go! I am chocolate free too! Execpt for my chocolate peanut butter! (I am not really considering it "chocolate" since it is healthy)
    I am just mainly focusing on cutting out the brownies, cookies, and candies that are chocolate!

    Good luck!