First Official Summer Challenge - Week 4!

WOW, we've survived a long holiday weekend of the First Official Summer Challenge, and we're still going strong. This week, even with a holiday, there were NO WEIGHT GAINS! THat's pretty impressive! All Team members are accounted for. We are past the halfway point, with only 3 weeks remaining. Time to start looking at your goals for this challenge and see where you are at. Almost everyone is doing very well. There are a few folks that aren't doing as well as they had hoped, BUT this is NO TIME TO GIVE UP! If you aren't doing as well as you hoped, look at your food, exercise, and water, and make the change. Ask for help if you can't see where the problem is, or if you just need extra support. Just because this challenge only has 3 weeks left, does not mean that you can't continue on your journey. I'm hoping someone will take the torch after this one is over and start a new challenge, which I would love to be a part of. Those of you that are doing well, keep up the good work and keep going!

This week's challenge: Cut your lunch hour short by 15 minutes and go take a walk or walk up and down some steps. Fight off the "I'm a failure" blues. The only failures are those who do not try.

Superstars for Week 4 are:

Team Pink - angelzxy321 - 1.56% (3.4 pounds Lost WHOO HOO)
Team Purple - Sandie001 - 1.71% (4 pounds Lost WHOO HOO)
Team Orange - Gatorflyer - 1.25% - (2.2 pounds Lost - Hey, there's a first for me!)


And now, for all the results:

I think last week's layout works the best so until I hear otherwise, I'll stick with that. 1st number is the starting weight, second is week 4 wt, third is the amount lost for the week, 4th is the percentage lost for the week, 5th is your total lost since we started, and 6th is the total percentage lost since we started. Since there were so many numbers, I did go ahead and add numbers even for those with no loss, so you don't get lost with the numbers. Remember, even if you didn't lose, don't panic. It's a new day and week! Please let me know if I goofed on the numbers! You won't hurt my feelings, I promise. Also, if you have any questions or suggestions on a better way to display this, please let me know.

Overall Team Standings:

Orange: 4.28% Lost
Pink: 3.15% Lost
Purple: 2.94% Lost

Individual Team Member Standings:

**149lore (190.6 )(184)(1.00)(.54%)(6.60)(3.46%)
Wanderlaura (198.4)(193)(0.00)(0.00%)(5.40)(2.72%)
Restlessme (165)(166)(0.00)(0.00%)(-1.00) (-0.61%)
Sandie001 (237)(230)(4.00)(1.71%)!!!(7.00)(2.95%)
Lynnie07 (195)(184)(1.5)(.81%)(11.00)(5.64%)
TOTAL (986)(957)(6.50)(0.67%)(29)(2.94%)
@NOTE: This group has lost a member due to 2 consecutive non-checkins.

**MomOfMikeandLiam (132.5)(131)(0.00)(0.00%)(1.50)(1.13%)
angelzxy321 (222.4)(215.2)(3.40)(1.56%)!!!(7.20)(3.24%)
slimdebbiecakes (178.8)(177) (2.00)(1.12%)(1.80) (1.01%)
Thatlindychic (aka Ljc3) (196)(188.8)(1.20)(0.63%)(7.20)(3.67%)
GinaPuff (250)(237.4)(1.20)(0.50%)(12.60)(5.04%)
cc2r151 (179.4)(173.2)(2.60)(1.48%)(6.20) (3.46%)
TOTAL (1159.1)(1122.6)(10.40)(0.92%)(36.50)(3.15%)

**Snookemz (352)(327)(1.00)(.30%)(25.00)(7.10%)
Gatorflyer (182.2) (174)(2.20)(1.25%)(8.20)(3.29%)
twooliver (215.5)(211.9)(1.60)(0..75%)(3.60)(1.67%)
sdgirl27 (157)(151)(0.00)(0.00%)(6.00)(3.82%)
fitnessbugg (143)(139.6)(0.00)(0.00%)(3.40)(2.38%)
fab50G (167) (161.1) (0.90) (.56%)(5.90)(3.53%)
TOTAL (1216.7) (1164.6) (5.70)(.49%) (52.10) (4.28%)


Orange team is still ahead, but the gap is lessening. Pink has also jumped over Purple for 2nd place. THings sure change in 1 week! Still lots of opportunity to catch up for all other teams. Let's Push it this week, everyone. Have a fantastic week!



  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    WOOOHOOO!!! Great job everyone!!!

    Especially the Orange team!!! Hope I can raise it up next week! Congrats Sue for doing so great!!!!

    Let's keep it up!!
  • lynnie07
    lynnie07 Posts: 52
    I have already reached my goal of 10 lbs so have to revise and make it another 7 lbs for a total of 17lbs. Thanks for all your support and efforts Sue. You are doing a great job.
    Excellent results everyone, keep it up!
  • angelzxy321
    angelzxy321 Posts: 1,019 Member
    Go pink team!! :smile:
  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    Lynnie thanks for the reminder. I had intended to say something about goals, and recording what everyone's goals are by June 20. I too reached my goal (175) and have changed to a new goal of 170. Whoever is interested, please tell me what final weight you hope to achieve by June 20. Lynnie, is your goal wt 178?
  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member

    In my rush to get the results posted, I neglected to mention our end weight goals. Below are the goals some of you gave me, for the weight you hope to be by June 20.

    Congrats to Lynnie and myself for reaching our goals early and being brave enough to set new goals! There are several others that are close to reaching their goal and everyone still has the opportunity to reach your goal. If you feel like you may have set too (low) a goal, this is a good opportunity to readjust and strive for a new goal. Remember, on order for us to reach all of our goals, we must set reasonable smaller goals and build up to more ambitious goals. Great job, everyone!

    (SW) (CW) (GW)
    **149Lore (190.6) (184) (NONE)
    angelzxy321 (222.4) (215.2) (210) ** 5.2 pounds away from Goal **
    cc2r151 (179.4) (173.2) (164) ** 9.2 pounds away from goal **
    fab50G (167) (161.1) (155) ** 6.1 pounds away from goal **
    fitnessbugg (143) (139.6) (133) ** 6.6 pounds away from goal **
    Gatorflyer (182.2) (174) (170) ** 4 pounds away from new goal **
    GinaPuff (250) (237.4) (NONE)
    Lynnie07 (195) (184) (178?) ** 6 pounds away from new goal **
    **MomOfMikeandLiam (132.5) (131) (126) ** 5 pounds away from goal **
    Restlessme (165) (166) (NONE)
    Sandie001 (237) (230) (NONE)
    sdgirl27 (157) (151) (147) ** 4 pounds away from goal **
    slimdebbiecakes (178.8) (177) (164) **13 pounds away from goal **
    **Snookemz (352) (327) (NONE)
    Thatlindychic (Ljc3) (196) (188.8) (NONE)
    twooliver (215.5) (211.9) (205) ** 6.9 pounds away from goal **
    WanderLaura (198.4) (193) (NONE)
  • fab50G
    fab50G Posts: 384 Member
    Go Orange! Great job everyone.
  • 149Lore
    149Lore Posts: 75
    My goal is 175
  • WanderLaura
    WanderLaura Posts: 135
    Yay!! I have a goal! We have 3 weeks, right? I wanna be at 185... omg I'm nervous!