How often do you weigh & why?



  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I weigh most every day. Sometimes more than once a day. And then sometimes I'll go several days without weighing. My only reason is because it's what I want to do. I gauge my progress by my jeans and the mirror. The scale is just for curiosity and because it gives me other information like water and fat.
  • beckytcy
    beckytcy Posts: 135 Member
    Every day because that prevents me from saying to myself, "Oh I can splurge a bit tonight because I am not weighing myself for another few days...." It's a slippery slope.
  • momar23
    momar23 Posts: 292 Member
    Daily and I track in my happy scale to watch for trends. If I weighed once a week it would be to depressing if my weigh in day hit at the same time as a weekly high.
  • misterdale67
    misterdale67 Posts: 171 Member
    The first thing every morning.
  • amaried621
    amaried621 Posts: 260 Member
    I weigh myself every few days but only log in my weight on Friday mornings. Weekends are usually where it's harder for me to stay on track so I like to see my progress throughout the week. But I don't live and die by the scale because it can be deceiving. I suggest taking progress pictures because you can see physical differences even when the number on the scale doesn't move. You can also gauge it by how your clothes fit you or do measurements. Sometimes people get discouraged with the scale when it doesn't go in the direction they want but you are actually improving your body. :)
  • cherishpatterson
    cherishpatterson Posts: 11 Member
    Every Monday AM prior to eating and having my coffee. Gives me the most consistent measurement of change without driving me crazy with fluctuations. ;)
  • edwardetr
    edwardetr Posts: 140 Member
    Every day because why not have more data? I use a withings networked scale and can trend it all over time very easily.
  • ironrat79
    ironrat79 Posts: 273 Member
    Once a week, rotating days. I measure success by the way my clothes feel. Good luck!
  • martiniconqueso
    martiniconqueso Posts: 27 Member
    I try to weigh & log it every day, though I occasionally miss if I am rushing out the door, etc. I like having a lot of data available, and I think that when I chart my progress, seeing the more realistic day-to-day results (as opposed to a weekly weight that maybe only trended downwards) helps me keep some perspective on the overall process.
  • Pinnacle_IAO
    Pinnacle_IAO Posts: 608 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm currently trying to lose a little weight (10-15 pounds), and I'm curious as to how often y'all weigh yourselves. Why that often? Just curious. Thanks for any responses. Also: feel free to add me! :)
    I weigh every morning but don't go nuts about normal fluctuation.
    My goal after losing about 100 pounds is to maintain with no weekly trends either up or down.
  • 89omegaman
    89omegaman Posts: 19 Member
    Every day so that I can see the trend and evaluate the impact of what I eat and exercise on my weight.
  • DaveAkeman
    DaveAkeman Posts: 296 Member
    Every morning, and with TWO different scales! I use a FitBit Aria for the BF% measurement and to automatically update FitBit, MFP, and Trendweight, and I use a mechanical bar scale to get a number that doesn't fluctuate as much. I also log it into a spreadsheet I have written for myself that does a lot more statistical calculations and predictions, and even correlations, than even Trendweight.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,653 Member
    I weigh once a week under the same conditions (after exercise and a shower) and then take the average of each week and log it in mfp at the end of the month.

    I do this because I really don't need to see how my weight goes up and down every day. It would drive me nuts!
  • Owlie45
    Owlie45 Posts: 806 Member
    I weigh twice a day usually. Right after bathroom stuff and then right before I go to bed. I usually log once a week.
  • addictedtochocolate125
    Every day because I am a control freak and have issues.....But seriously just because I have got into that habit. I should get out of it...but it's like food....I'm addicted. :D
  • agirlcalledrinn
    agirlcalledrinn Posts: 28 Member
    Every morning. In the past they said once a week. This is primarily to address obsession and anxiety concerns that may lead to binge eating for comfort (Tam Fry, National Obesity Forum Spokesperson). But, Duke University's Obesity Prevention program did a study on overweight individuals, and found that those who weighed themselves daily lost significantly more weight and about 3 times as much more body fat. Everyone was given the same advice. After 6 months, the daily weighers averaged 20 lbs, and 7 lbs for those who weighed about 5 times a week. Several studies have show similar trends, meaning there's a strong correlation. Those who had to weight daily also were more likely to keep better track of food and exercise habits.

    I do, however, only log losses, unless the gain lasts for 3 weeks.

    Steinberg DM, Bennett GG, Askew S, Tate DF. Weighing every day matters: daily weighing improves weight loss and adoption of weight control behaviors. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2015 Apr;115(4):511-8.

    Elina E. Helander, Anna-Leena Vuorinen, Brian Wansink, Ilkka K. J. Korhonen. Are Breaks in Daily Self-Weighing Associated with Weight Gain? PLoS ONE, 2014; 9 (11): e113164 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0113164

    Water retention, muscle building, bloating, etc. is generally the culprit as long as you're maintaining an appropriate deficit. And, I measure once a week just to keep myself realistic. I've found that on bloaty weeks, I'm still losing inches someplace and it helps keep me real.

  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    89omegaman wrote: »
    Every day so that I can see the trend and evaluate the impact of what I eat and exercise on my weight.

    You wont see the effects of 1 day on the scale for like 3 weeks. So everyday you weigh yourself look back in your diary 3 weeks to the day.

    I use to weigh in everyday but realized it's pointless.. I weigh in when I feel like it... that's pretty much it.
  • CJ_Holmes
    CJ_Holmes Posts: 759 Member
    I weigh daily and use an app on my phone called "true weight" that averages out the fluctuation.
  • d08t
    d08t Posts: 43 Member
    Hardly ever. I am far more concerned with how my clothes fit and what I see in the mirror. As long as I feel good about myself and know I'm eating healthy, weight is just a number.
  • edwardetr
    edwardetr Posts: 140 Member
    Every day because I am a control freak and have issues.....But seriously just because I have got into that habit. I should get out of it...but it's like food....I'm addicted. :D
    You should see my excel spreadsheet!