Better way to squat?



  • hnaquin280
    hnaquin280 Posts: 26 Member
    Drewlssix wrote: »
    I have a Total Gym Fit, with a removable Squat Stand; it's the only way I can do it without losing my balance because I am lying in an incline position.

    Lying while squatting?

    To the OP have someone who knows what they are doing check you out. You might be able to reposition the bar or try another squat all together. I rest the bar directly at the base of my neck because low bar seems to push me forward, front squats are hard with high weights because my wrists don't seem to flex enough to rest the bar on my chest and overhead squats limit my weight significantly.

    You might push your squats harder at a given weight. That's a simple way to increase intensity if you feel confident. I wouldn't recommend simply adding reps/sets at a fixed weight. You start to move from gaining strength to building size (assuming your diet allows) and if you are purposely training heavy that's not what you are working towards.

    Thank you! I figured I'd start doing that anyway. Everyone tells me to squeeze my traps together, and I've tried that, but I'm literally skin and bones on my back haha I'm working on trying to fix that.
  • hnaquin280
    hnaquin280 Posts: 26 Member
    You need your grip closer to squeeze your traps together to make a shelf for the bar. Can't get them close enough then you need to work on shoulder mobility.

    I've definitely tried that. But my back is literally skin and bones unfortunately. I barely have muscle back there so there's not much cushion or shelf ):
  • hnaquin280
    hnaquin280 Posts: 26 Member
    Your bar position is probably off...


    +1 The bar shouldn't be on your neck.

    Also you don't have to only increase weight to get a better workout. There are two other variables besides intensity that you can use, volume (how many times you lift the weight) and frequency (how many times you train the body part). If you can't increase intensity, put more volume into your routine or squat twice per week.

    And last but not least, odd ball squat variations. Not better, just different.
    Zercher squats

    belt squats

    Thank you, this was all very helpful :)
  • hnaquin280
    hnaquin280 Posts: 26 Member
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    besee_2000 wrote: »
    Take a crossfit starting class. Super fun, I promise!

    You currently have poor form lifting weights? Why not try crossfit? Sounds like a great idea.

    No, currently my form is pretty good. I'm just saying when I'm using the bar, it hurts my back and neck so bad that my form gets messed up because I'm only focused on trying to ignore the pain.

  • lauramillat
    lauramillat Posts: 41 Member
    If you really do lack "padding" there, maybe try a thicker pad on the barbell?

    For my home gym I opted for a cheap fix for the barbell, I bought a simple pool noodle and cut a section off, sliced it down one side and popped it onto the barbell.

    Cheap, very cushioning and you can make multiple out of one noodle. I have one on my barbell in the rack, then another one on my stand alone barbell for hip thrusts.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I think the discomfort will lessen if you keep with it.
  • foursirius
    foursirius Posts: 321 Member
    Sounds like you're placing the bar incorrectly. A second idea would be to try the low bar position.
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    edited July 2015
    besee_2000 wrote: »
    Take a crossfit starting class. Super fun, I promise!

    Not great advice, not at all.

    OP, post a form video of you squatting... the bar should be resting on your trapezius muscle, not your spine... the amount of people that I see placing the bar incorrectly is astonishing.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    When you go to heavier dumbbells, you can just hold them at your side, one in each hand while you squat. If even heavier,grasp one with with both hands and hold vertically near chest, called a goblet squat. My trainer has me do these variations all the time.

  • piperdown44
    piperdown44 Posts: 958 Member
    You can always try a Mantaray.
    We have one at the gym I workout at. Attaches to the bar and spreads the weight out.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    The bar should be resting on your traps. Not your spine.
    this. you should be engaging your upper back and shoulder muscles when holding the bar and pulling your elbows back (sort of like the down part of a lat pulldown). that helps creste a kind of shelf with your lats gor the bar to rest on
  • jjburger77
    jjburger77 Posts: 31 Member
    hnaquin280 wrote: »
    Is there any way to squat with weights besides dumbbells and smith machines and squat racks? I've been squatting with dumbbells for a while, and I'm getting to the point where I can squat heavier than I can lift so the dumbbells won't work for me anymore. I tried squat racks and everything, but since my back is so bony, it hurts my spine so much that I can't even concentrate on my form. Even with a pad on the bar. I'm just super frustrated with the whole thing.
    lorrpb wrote: »
    When you go to heavier dumbbells, you can just hold them at your side, one in each hand while you squat. If even heavier,grasp one with with both hands and hold vertically near chest, called a goblet squat. My trainer has me do these variations all the time.

    I agree with this post. We do goblet squats all the time in the Tacfit class I take at work. You can go pretty heavy if adding weight is what you are looking for. If the dumbbell isn't working, take a kettle bell with the bottom up with your handles cradling the bell part and squat. Make sure you keep it up near your face and elbows locked into your ribs. I guarantee that you will feel it!
  • MondayJune22nd2015
    MondayJune22nd2015 Posts: 876 Member
    I agree with this post. We do goblet squats all the time in the Tacfit class I take at work. You can go pretty heavy if adding weight is what you are looking for. If the dumbbell isn't working, take a kettle bell with the bottom up with your handles cradling the bell part and squat. Make sure you keep it up near your face and elbows locked into your ribs. I guarantee that you will feel it!

    I feel those words!
  • nicolegoedel
    nicolegoedel Posts: 1 Member
    I had the same problem at first too! My friend helped me realize I had the bar up to high and I needed to place it below my spinal bone (C5) (also it's super dangerous to have that much weight resting on your entire spine!). If that doesn't help, though, you could try front squats. The bar goes in front of your chest and you squat that way. I like to Cross my arms to balance the bar. A friend of mine uses his thumbs but there was a lot of pressure there for me. Hope that helps!
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    goblet squats are good - another one I do also is if you stand on the platform of the assisted chin-up machine and do a goblet squat from up there - so the dumbbell goes below "ground" level.

    I don't have lack of back fat problem so don't have the same issue, however, when I first started lifting when I did put the bar too high up it hurt and felt like I had a bruised vertebra - but since then my form has been fixed and I no longer have issues.

    I agree with what people have said re working other muscles to build up more back - if that's what you want that is - then you won't hurt!

    But yeah - so many different types of squats - try some different ones before just wanting to up the weight with your current style.

  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    edited July 2015
    I can't do back squats (with heavy weights) to save my life, so i do front squats (but i can't do the Zercher).
    When i'm pressed for time, i do this Youtube workout which features the front squat i'm talking about.
    The Squat she does is at 3:40
    It looks a little awkward, but i find it's the easiest squat to do (for ME).
  • XavierNusum
    XavierNusum Posts: 720 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    When you go to heavier dumbbells, you can just hold them at your side, one in each hand while you squat. If even heavier,grasp one with with both hands and hold vertically near chest, called a goblet squat. My trainer has me do these variations all the time.

    OP, this is really not a bad idea. For two reasons. 1) you get an immediate solution to bar irritation and 2) if you add a shoulder shrug at the dop (straight up and down NO rolling) you will build the musculature that makes the "padding" for barbell back squatting.