I'm full on little but people think I have an eating disorder

I'm one of those people who gets full easily (yay????) But I find I have to force food down my throat so I don't look anorexic, if I don't people comment on how little I'm eating. At night I'm so full I wake up full then I have to stuff more food into my stomach which will later lead me to fell full once again at night. BTW I'm eating (trying) minimal calories 1200. 5'3''and less than 113lbs. Is there something wrong with me that I feel full and I should be going against my hunger cues or an I normal?


  • SunnyPacheco
    SunnyPacheco Posts: 142 Member
    I have trouble sometimes eating to my maintenance calories, but I don't eat a lot of calorie dense foods. You're at a healthy weight for your height but if you're worried about eating too few calories try to add in more calorie dense foods like peanut butter, nuts, avocado, full fat dairy products, etc. Drizzle some olive oil on your bread or veggies or meat. Tons of calories in that. If your portions are smaller but higher in calorie you may have an easier time eating more. If all else fails drink your calories.
  • KeepGood
    KeepGood Posts: 386 Member
    jtboner wrote: »
    I'm one of those people who gets full easily (yay????) But I find I have to force food down my throat so I don't look anorexic, if I don't people comment on how little I'm eating. At night I'm so full I wake up full then I have to stuff more food into my stomach which will later lead me to fell full once again at night. BTW I'm eating (trying) minimal calories 1200. 5'3''and less than 113lbs. Is there something wrong with me that I feel full and I should be going against my hunger cues or an I normal?

    I know exactly what you are feeling. I was (still am?) the same way. I've been under weight for many years and have only in the past few months managed to start turning that around. I've not reached my goal yet but i'm definitely on the way.

    One of the biggest problems I'm finding is 'training' the stomach to deal with food. I fuelled myself of coffee/tea and ate very little, I got to the point where I didn't enjoy a meal, it was always too much. Over time your body gets used to doing that and the hunger cues disappear then when it comes to real eating, it feels like you are having to force feed yourself. It is normal for your body to do that, it's a survival thing but it's not healthy. Force feeding myself is exactly what I've had to do. After a few weeks of making (really forcing the issue) myself have healthy sized meals I found that I was starting to feel hungry when it came to a meal time; that's something I hadn't experienced in a long time. Over a few months I've managed to bump up my intake.

    If you can focus on eating at the correct times and good portions for enough time you can get your body back on track. It does feel like it's never going to happen but it does get there eventually :smile:
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    I know quite a few folks with your issue. It's not common but it's not that unusual either. 113 doesn't sound odd for 5'3", depending on age and body type. It sounds like eating all the time is making your life miserable. If you want to gain, the above recommendations are really good. May I recommend Boost High Calorie drink as a way to "drink your calories"? 400 or 500 cals in 8oz. My son drinks them. He has to eat about 3500 cals a day to maintain 130 lbs at 5'8" and they are quick to get down and don't take up much room in the stomach.

    That being said, when you go to your physician mention that you feel full all the time. There is actually a small stomach syndrome and there are also other medical reasons you might feel this way. You are probably fine but it never hurts to have an MD check.

    Good luck to you!
