Taking it day by day = seeing small miracles along the way

Hi, my name is Melody.

I have struggled with my weight my entire life and too often focused on being skinny and doing the all or nothing thing and then it was always being short lived. I learned this from my family members who have also struggled. I don't want to do that anymore as I understand after years of trying that this doesn't work. I have lost weight before and kept if off but then the 20 pounds creeps up on me because I stop caring and go overboard. I want to live everyday day by day when it comes to diet and exercise rather than thinking about the big picture, end result. I understand it is good to have a goal, which I do have, but I focus too much on the goal and then I give up. If I live day by day with diet and exercise I think I will be successful in reaching my goal and sticking to it because I will see small daily results and words of encouragement with my fitness pal and each day I have met a goal rather than focusing on the big, end goal. I also get to be involved in challenges with all of you which is something that I need for encouragement and being a little competitive helps me reach my fitness goals as well.

It is hard for me to live day by day with diet and exercise without thinking the long term overall picture and getting wrapped up in that and discouraged because I am a planner and live other aspects of my life by planning for the future because too many times I have been in survival mode and the only way to avoid devastation was to plan and that is how I have been successful in meeting some of my financial and career challenges. Living day by day just with diet and exercise is what I need to do and this program allows me to see small miracles along the way which helps me stay focused and encouraged. I am a very driven individual and I am constantly on my game and consistent with most things in my life in order to avoid playing catch up or back in survival mode. I'm like the energizer battery....I never give up. I never had things come easy or given to me. I always worked for everything. Had to learn the hard way alot of times because I didn't have positive reinforcement or positive people in my life. For some reason this diet and exercise thing keeps getting the best of me - I just never stay consistent. I need to make this a long term habit. I want to not get tired of it this time!

Please encourage me and let me know if I have encouraged you. I love to help others - it makes me feel good and helps me stay on track.

Thanks for reading :-)


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Welcome! You can add me for support!
  • Justing1516
    Justing1516 Posts: 208 Member
    Hey awesome intro! Keep your head up and yes day by day is the way to go! Getting discouraged is a big problem I have as well! I wanna lose it Now not later lol. Slow is better ! I'm here for ya and I will do whatever I can to help you along the way! It truly helps to have someone along this journey and competition well let's say Bring it on !!!!!
  • melodynyce
    melodynyce Posts: 13 Member
    Yes! Bring it on. Thanks for your message and your support! :-)
  • Taye1
    Taye1 Posts: 2 Member
    I agree, day by day!!! ;)