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Here we go!

gen4068 Posts: 5 Member
I started on July 22, 2015. I'm tired and it's time for a change. I've tried everything and dished out a lot of money, and nothing kept me motivated. Maybe this is the right time for me to wake-up and take care of me. I have a lot of dreams to travel and enjoy life. None of that can be done with me caring around 124lbs more than needed. My start weight was 269lbs. After the 5 days, I'm down to 265lbs.

After getting through Ramadan, I told myself I should be able to cut back on food. So I've implemented the process of only eating 2 meals a day. Pretty much anything I want as long as it allows me to be at 247 to 250 by the end of 5 weeks, per my chart.

In order to ensure that I reach this goal, I also do an average of 65 minutes per day on the bike. As long as I maintain this daily, it looks as if I can reach my first goal by the end of 5 weeks. After that I'll have 5 more phases (5 weeks each) to go before I'm only maintaining.

I have a treadmill but it only can operate properly for weight 250lbs and under. So after the first phase is over I hope to implement the treadmill (Fingers crossed). I was literally going to give it away. It kept skipping when I was using it. I thought it was broke. Then my husband and cousin used it with no problems. That's when I discovered it's my weight. Crazy!!

By phase 4 I hope to be running with my husband. My ultimate goal is 145lbs (5 more phases). However, I'm loving the results of what I'm doing on the bike, low impact on my knees, and I sweat a lot. I may have to reward myself in phase 4 with a bike and joining a biking group. My husband is all in as well with getting bikes. I'm really excited!!!

If this works, I really think I will have discovered the secret of weight loss for me. Having the ability to workout to manage my food intake is awesome and having the website calculate everything is so wonderful.

Here I go!


  • slimmingpal
    slimmingpal Posts: 8 Member
    Good luck to you! You've made a great start just stay positive!
  • gen4068
    gen4068 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you!!!
  • xCrazyRidex
    xCrazyRidex Posts: 12 Member
    I think what you're doing is great.. but I don't think that eating 2 meals a day is healthy. I've read before that it would help you lose weight in the first week but later it might lead to health issues... My advice is that you eat small meals instead of 2 large ones or 2 small ones cuz it would only put your metabolism on starvation mode (that's what I read). However, if you're going to do that in your first phase only then I think it should be fine..
    Best wishes!!
  • gen4068
    gen4068 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for the advice. There's a a lot of research on 2 meals. You would be surprised how it's really enough food. It's nice not feeling full and waking up on an empty stomach. I've tried the small meals, big meals, and a lot of other stuff and I've never gotten the results I'm getting by only eating 2 meals and including cardio. I'll keep you posted once I reach 5 week. I'm just ready for the old me :).
  • gen4068
    gen4068 Posts: 5 Member
    So I am now at a wall. For the past 4 to 5 days I haven't been able to get below 262lb. I'm following my meal plan and doing 45 to 60 minutes of exercise. The scale is not moving. My butt looks bigger and I'm in the 3rd week of the first 5 week phase. I just knew this would work but again one must starve themselves to get a pound off. I'm getting frustrated and stressed. I'm so tried of being fat. It's ridiculous that all this hardwork isn't working.
  • hlnebel
    hlnebel Posts: 71 Member
    Don't lose hope! It's very, very common to hit a plateau during weight loss. You will lose a lot very quickly at the beginning of your journey, but the losses will taper off. This is also common! And completely normal! So just keep working at it, keep your calorie count where it should be, keep working out, and the pounds will start to come off again. Good luck!
  • LeslieB042812
    LeslieB042812 Posts: 1,799 Member
    First of all, congratulations on getting started and committing yourself! :smile:

    With that said, when I read your first post, it felt a little bit unrealistic, so it wasn't surprising to me that you've "hit a wall". I think television shows like Biggest Loser create unrealistic expectations that people who are working to lose weight will lose it every day, but it really doesn't work like that. It's very common to lose a lot of weight in the first week or two as your body is adjusting to the new routines, but then it will slow down to a more normal rate of weight loss. It's very normal to not lose any weight for a week or two (or sometimes to even gain) and then to drop the weight all at once. I recommend tracking the trend over time, rather than focusing on a few days.

    Also, your plan doesn't mention weighing and measuring your food (all of your food!). That's the most important thing for weight loss. Whether you eat lots of meals or just 2 a day doesn't matter (whatever works for you is fine), but it is essential that you weigh every solid (and even liquids if you can) and measure every liquid and LOG everything. If you stay under your calorie goal consistently, then you will lose. If you don't track, it's very easy to eat just slightly larger portions (even of "healthy" foods) and end up eating too many calories to lose.

    I highly recommend checking out the "sticky" posts in the getting started forum, especially the "guide to sexy pants" one. They have some really solid tips and tools and if you follow the advice, you will eventually lose. It may not be on your time table, but it will happen.

    Good luck! You CAN do this! :smile:
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    edited August 2015
    Well you've got a very strict plan--and you've set up weight goals and times to meet those goals.

    My worry is if you miss one of your goals, you'll get discouraged and quit. 65 minutes of exercise per day, in my opinion, spells failure. There are going to be days where you don't feel like exercising and or other circumstances, (road bumps) in our lives that insure that we can't meet those kinds of schedules.

    You don't need to exercise to lose weight. All weight loss is---is calories in versus calories out. Exercise is great for getting into shape, and helping you to lose weight a little faster than normal, but your life isn't a replay of the "Biggest Loser" on T.V. 97% of weight loss is the caloric amount of food and drink you're consuming in a day.

    You need a plan that accommodates those bumpy days, and keep in mind this is a marathon, not a sprint to some imaginary finish line that spells "quick." This is a life style change, and one that means for the rest of your life.

    You can do this, but it has to be realistic, and it has to last from one day to the next, then the next, etc. etc. etc.

    Good Luck!