I know this sounds lame but need encouragement

losingitinBC Posts: 15 Member
edited July 2015 in Motivation and Support
I started this journey May 1st. Im 43 and have PCOS which has typically made it harder to lose weight.
I have lost a total of 24 pounds since may 1st. I started at 233 pounds and Im only 5 foot 3. Intellectually I know this is actually a decent amount and Im loving how I am feeling so vibrant.....but....I look in the mirror and really dont see any change.My clothes fit a bit better but its not really that noticable and I guess I need to know that this is common or that it doesnt take long to break through etc... I want to see these changes and am getting discouraged despite my success.
any shares welcome...especially if you experienced this stage....which is hopefully short lived.ugh.
I know...lame ;)


  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Look at the scale, look at he tape, look at your fitness improvement.
    Take selfies along the way.
    Everyone else will be able to see the difference, its just many people are the last to see it on themselves.
    I never worried at that stage, but one day the difference will be so noticeanle you will realise your face has changed.

    As you continue to lose then you will realise things get better such as double chins and spare tyre goes down, muscles start to appear, so just stick with it. You know in your own head it is working and you need to resist any negative thoughts.
  • losingitinBC
    losingitinBC Posts: 15 Member
    thanks for responding :) .yeah I weigh,measure,take pics....but its the feeling that its not working because I,myself, dont see it, that drags me down.Thats why I posted....to hear about how long this stage lasted with others and what helped shake them out of the discouragement.
  • pplastics
    pplastics Posts: 135 Member
    For my own weight loss, I didn't see anything in the mirror until around 35 pounds. I started (couple years before I joined MFP) at 250. I'm 5' 6".

    Other people started commenting at around 40-45.

    It's not lame, it's normal. I understand not just wanting to feel better; you want to see it! For now be motivated by your 24 pounds. Google what that looks like.... here's one example

    20 lbs is a lot!!! Just imagine 30 or 40! Keep doing what you are doing and you'll get there.

  • lisajahn3
    lisajahn3 Posts: 35 Member
    It is a struggle, that is why support is so necessary! I had lost 20 pounds before joining a support group and then I lost 36 more. Still many people don't comment, but I notice the difference in how I feel! Especially because I have been exercising too and lost inches! You can do this! Keep at it and reach out always!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Just keep it up and you will be glad you did. I wore the SAME clothing from 307 lb all the way to about 250. That's insane but true...then my sizes started changing super fast.
  • SuperWhoTime
    SuperWhoTime Posts: 8 Member
    One thing my nutritionist has reminded me is that "I didn't put this weight on over night, therefore this weight will not come off over night". I tell my self this when I start getting into my "I want it now" moods. It helps me a bit. I've also heard that you, yourself won't really notice the change until you have reached a lose of 35 or so pounds. I still have 25 lbs more to go before I hit that 35 lbs lose. I can not wait to see how I am going to look. I am hoping I feel better too. I don't know you, but I am proud of you for the amount of weight you have already lost! I know you can make it to your goal and I do wish you the best of luck! Keep up the great work!
  • tburgess242002
    tburgess242002 Posts: 231 Member
    When I begin this trip I weighed 280 pounds I'm down to 208 pounds now but I have hit that wall at 220 to 215 pounds and I was there for five months and basically I feel they're not gaming any but not losing any you can add me if you want to I know exactly how you feel is so frustrating you're doing all the hard work as you always was but as you lose more weight it take more time to lose the hard part is what they tell me anyway I believe them because I'm stuck here so be nice to have you my name is Terry
  • bclarke1990
    bclarke1990 Posts: 287 Member
    I've gone from 235 to below 145 and sometimes I still don't feel like I've changed that much. A lot of it is mental, and that's something you'll work on as you continue to drop the lbs. Just keep it up and try to stay positive; look at the brighter things in life :)
  • knikolay
    knikolay Posts: 3 Member
    I too have PCOS. It is a struggle. I lost 35 pounds last year, gained it back and now am starting again. 231 pounds. It makes me sick how easy it comes back on. But this time I'm not giving up!
  • losingitinBC
    losingitinBC Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks everyone.It is soooo totally a mental thing.Perhaps a bit of body dysmorphia too? May be I really just dont know how big or small I am.Im sticking with it.Im too stubborn not to.Feeling a bit better for having read the responses though. :smiley:
  • Kris771975
    Kris771975 Posts: 1 Member
    I have just recently started my weight loss journey and I know and understand how hard it is to stay motivated, but pay attention to the little things that you notice. If something feels just a tad loose, don't question it, just tell yourself that every loose fit leads to a bigger fit!! Just keep it up and take it day by day!!!
  • jsfrias
    jsfrias Posts: 1 Member
    I started this journey May 1st. Im 43 and have PCOS which has typically made it harder to lose weight.
    I have lost a total of 24 pounds since may 1st. I started at 233 pounds and Im only 5 foot 3. Intellectually I know this is actually a decent amount and Im loving how I am feeling so vibrant.....but....I look in the mirror and really dont see any change.My clothes fit a bit better but its not really that noticable and I guess I need to know that this is common or that it doesnt take long to break through etc... I want to see these changes and am getting discouraged despite my success.
    any shares welcome...especially if you experienced this stage....which is hopefully short lived.ugh.
    I know...lame ;)

  • Spewze72
    Spewze72 Posts: 82 Member
    I'm also 5'3", and I started at 220 lbs. It started to show properly at about the second stone, so from a loss of about 25lbs upwards I suppose - I originally lost 40lbs in total but have regrettably put about 15 of that back on since last summer, so I'm here again at about 195lbs.

    Keep at it, it takes time and you'll waver occasionally - especially when the mirror doesn't seem to reflect the determination - but it really is worth it. One day at a time :smile:
  • marikiesmit
    marikiesmit Posts: 7 Member
    Does not sound lame at all! Thats why dis community is here. Send me a message or add me then we can help each other. Goodness know I need the motivation as well. :)
  • katyJcastle
    katyJcastle Posts: 2 Member
    Hey, Im new to the app again, I've been on here before but I never stick to it, but this time round I am really determined to do it. It would be amazing, if I had you guys to support me, and I know how you feel, everytime I look in the mirror I don't feel very good, but I try to stay as positive I can, it is hard at times but it's so worth it. You guys are great.
  • 5288edwardf
    5288edwardf Posts: 4 Member
    How about forming a walking group locally? All girls together or mixed and gets neighbours and locals together. With that going what next... Walking train for kids to school, local clubs etc. All getting you in with others. Go swimming. No one gives a *kitten* in a pool and can't see you below the water! Great for overall exercise. Cycle late night or early morning. Come to Essex and help me lose my flan?! :D
  • 5288edwardf
    5288edwardf Posts: 4 Member
    Every step is a step forward. Don't lose heart. Look around you. People larger than you everywhere. every person you see has their own personal battle.