just turned 59

Ayers59 Posts: 4 Member
I just turned 59 in May and I am looking to turn the clock back a little or at least slow it down. So, I started up with a trainer today at Fitness 19. He ran me through a bunch of burpies and other weird moves, a lot of abdominal exercises, ( I hate those). He generally kicked my *kitten*, but that's what I signed up for. I started riding my bike to work, 5 miles each way so that will help. My kid got me started on MFP and so far, I can't seem to eat enough for my daily requirement, I burn it off on my biking and the gym. Guess I picked a bad day to quit beer with chips and dip.


  • RenaTX
    RenaTX Posts: 345 Member
    edited July 2015
    I think many people who start a "diet" make food choices that are lower in calories and they aren't able to reach the number of daily calories MFP has set for them. In your case, you are adding in exercise as well to this equation and that will give you more calories to work with.

    What I have always been told is if you are faced with this is to eat the food you ate before you joined MFP but just be aware of the portion sizes and they can fit into your daily calorie goal. So have your beer with chips and dip as it doesn't hurt to treat yourself .
  • fattylivis
    fattylivis Posts: 82 Member
    First congrats on the 59th. Getting ready to turn back the clock before the 60th? Lol. I don't add the exercise to mfp so it shows that i did eat enough. Once i get closer to my desired weight i'll start documenting the exercise. Probably not the best option but at this moment in time seeing that "within your calorie intake" is more important. Good luck on the journey
  • Ayers59
    Ayers59 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks, I didn't lnow I had a comment. That makes since but I like to see a ton of calories left when I hit the summary button. I am seeing results even though I haven't weigh myself since I got started. Today I am wearing a pair of pant I couldn't into for over a year, they are almost never worn, woo hoo!