We all need a little support!

Hi all! I wanted to introduce myself and hopefully get/give support to others like me. I am taking back control of my life and working on getting fit and healthy. I got married last September, it's sad to say but I've let myself go a little bit - I have probably gained 20-30lbs since then and I want to go back to how I was before and even a little better. I've always struggled with my weight and am one of those all or nothing kind of girls. I have tried almost everything and have spent so much money on gimmicks , gadgets on Dvd's trying to get myself motivated and it lasts for about a week or two and then one slip up and I'm off the wagon. I am hoping that tracking EVERYTHING I eat/drink will help me to stay on track and keep me motivated and responsible. Plus with new friends and support I think we could help each other with positive motivation, accountability and support to stay on track, reach our goals and get back control! What do you say? Let's do this together!


  • TriciaSmith2015
    TriciaSmith2015 Posts: 66 Member
    Hi there! I can relate to your story. I can gain 3 to four pounds per week, which can be dangerous if I get very busy and am not paying attention. I lost 50 pounds on weight watchers after having my son. I wanted something different this time; I think this might be the key.
  • mamanewland
    mamanewland Posts: 281 Member
    Hi! You can do it. I'm down 45 so far. Add me as a friend!
  • jennythin247
    jennythin247 Posts: 3 Member
    I think you'll do great! Tracking has definitely opened my eyes about what I eat and hidden calories. Its slowly changing the things I'll grab when busy and now I pack all my meals for work (which isn't easy, I work 12 hour shifts as a nurse!) You may add me as a friend if you like.
  • Debmal77
    Debmal77 Posts: 4,770 Member
    Hi and welcome to MFP. The best advice I was given here was to buy a food scale. The best $20 I have ever spent on myself. Weigh and log everything you eat. Stay in the calorie deficit that MFP gives you and the weight will come off. Add me if you like. You can do this!!