Celiac's Disease and Colitis diet?

So for the past year I've been on off and on diets, trying to get to a goal weight of about 140lbs or so, May of 2014 I weighed my highest at 205lbs. Today I weigh 160lbs.
With that short back story I get to my question/post, 2 weeks ago I developed a terrible gnawing, burning, rolling, stabbing and dull at the same time excruciating pain in my upper and left side of my stomach. Accompanied with nausea, terrible bloating, complete loss of appetite (you couldn't have forced me to eat) and as TMI as it may be, diarrhea. I waited about 2-3 days, as it wasn't too bad at first but kept getting worse, that Monday I couldn't take it, went to my doctor and they immediately sent me to the Emergency Room labeled Appendicitis. After high doses of pain medication because I was crying and dry heaving too much to talk, and a CT scan and blood tests, my appendix and gallbladder are fine, but I had a severe case of Colitis, which is inflammation of the intestines (that can actually be a number of different things).

They put me on antibiotics, steroids and gave me pain meds to last a week. The first few days I didn't eat anything, I couldn't and I wouldn't. Then once the steroids started working, I got hungry. I got really hungry, every day that passed I wanted to eat a little more. The only thing I could eat though was applesauce, bananas, and pudding. Even those 3 bland items made my stomach twist and burn and it left my system within 2 hours or so anyway. Any type of new food that I would try to eat was like entering hell all over again. Now, in the past few months, before all this, I learned that gluten/bread does bother my stomach, it makes me bloated and makes me ache and feel terrible, I went off of it completely for a few weeks the beginning of the year and felt much better, but I slipped back a bit. The beginning of this month I went on a week long trip, and m entire diet was pretty much crap like donuts/fried foods and etc. And barely 1 week after that, this all happened. Which is why we are all pretty sure it's Celiac's.

It'll be 2 weeks this Monday, I feel better, but I still can barely eat. It doesn't matter what food I eat, anything new hurts my stomach. So I am reluctant to eat, but I'm becoming light headed and weak now, I'm starving and pretty sure I'm malnourished and dehydrated. I'm craving meat though, as weird as it is, the only thing I want to eat is meat. Red meat, steak/pork/etc. I want it so bad I can barely stand it, but I can't eat it. I've never craved meat like that before, so I'm not sure what that could pertain to. My question in this is, for those of you that have had issues with colitis/celiacs or something similar, what did you eat? Any recommendations?
I'm seeing a gastroenterologist about all this on Monday, but I figured I would ask on here to see who else has dealt with something like this. So far I've lost 12lbs since I have been sick (less than 2 weeks). But I don't feel good, I feel run down and like even going to the store and walking around makes me exhausted. This definitely isn't how I wanted to lose the rest of my weight.. but I was hoping maybe you guys could help lend a guiding hand. Sorry for the long post, I find it better for people to know the situation before giving advice.


  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member

    I wish you a speedy recovery.
    Go to your Monday Dr appointment and follow his(her) advice. Ask him(her) if you need a special diet. Check with your medical insurance if Licensed dietitian visits are covered.
    Good luck
  • Cheetah770
    Cheetah770 Posts: 4 Member
    I have been have some problems on this track but doesn't sound like mine is as serious as yours. I have been gaining weight since I retired a year ago. I am only 4'11" and very self-conscious of my weight. I am tired all the time. I have diaherrea a good bit and my stomach hurts when I eat. I have an appt. with a gastroenterologist but they are so backed up I couldn't get an appt. till the end of Aug. It seems I am tired all the time and don't feel good so I don't feel like exercising and I think I have been eating more to try and feel better. Since it didn't work I am now tracking my calories. Without exercise it will take me a month to even tell any difference, but at least I won't be gaining weight.
  • sealensfit
    sealensfit Posts: 51 Member
    Hey there!

    My mom has crohn's disease and my best friend has celiac. I know when my mom is having intestinal issues she usually sticks to plain white rice and plain white bread. Bananas are a big no-no for her, and I know dairy products are not always great for intestinal problems. If you think it could be celiac, don't eat the white bread, but the rice should be okay! Tummy issues are the absolute worst - it sucks because you feel like you just can't do anything :(

    Hope you feel better and get some relief soon!
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Don't dehydrate! Make sure you're drinking enough water. If you truly cannot bring yourself to drink, call the doctor. A few days without food may not be a big deal, but without water, things go bad very quickly.

    I hope you get some answers soon. Feel better!
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    You might be o.k. eating soft chicken -- like chicken soup with carrots and potatoes.
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    My husband has pretty severe IBS and it seems it's triggered by sugars, cruciferous veggies, and dairy. You can start a low FODMAP diet and/or an AIP diet to see if it helps, but in our experience, the only thing that helps calm the stomach is medical marijuana. It's a better choice than the Valium he was prescribed for 10 years.
  • Speckle38
    Speckle38 Posts: 53 Member
    Speak to your doctor first and check for any significant conditions such as Coeliac, Crohns or colitis because the dietary restrictions will be different from if you have IBS with unknown causes. If medical causes are ruled out, then look at doing an elimination diet such as the low FODMAPS, and make sure you do it under the guidance of a dietician. I have 2 close friends who have done the low FODMAPS recently. One did it with a dietician over several months of elimination, then weekly individual dietary challenges to identify the exact triggers for her IBS. Gluten isn't a problem, but wheat is. The other did it at the suggestion of her GP, and it hasn't helped her at all because she hasn't been able to stick to it for more than a week at a time.