Do any of you "bank" your calories?



  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    fitchlets wrote: »
    I try to bank calories throughout the week between eating in a larger deficit and exercise calories so I can treat myself on Saturday. Seems to be a good balance for me, anyone else?

    Not really. I eat what I want and treat the weekends much like any other day.
    I do look at my weekly calorie goal though instead of just my daily goal.
    Do what works best for you.

  • fitchlets
    fitchlets Posts: 58 Member
    slaite1 wrote: »
    No, I eat my exercise calories after I exercise because that's when my body needs the extra nutrients(or I will eat a portion of those calories as carbs before my workout since I have a really good idea what 50% of my workout calories will be).

    Eating those calories when you aren't exercising is kinda counter to the process in my opinion. But to each their own.

    Meal timing is irrelevant. If you're saying you FEEL you need the extra calories when you're working out-that makes sense. But you don't have to exercise the same day you eat more.

    OP-I always bank calories! Even when I was prepping for a fitness show. Some people do better with structure, I like having the extra food to look forward to.

    That is me to a T. I enjoy that one day of extra food with also keeping up with losing.
  • DarlaX1973
    DarlaX1973 Posts: 9 Member
    I never have cheat days, I bank my calories for the heaviest meal of my day, which is dinner. I plan my dinner in the morning, I'm having pizza tonight and dessert so I had a light breakfast and lunch. I never feel deprived and since I started planning ahead even for bad pms days I haven't gone over my calories. I don't know if anyone else does this but I started doing this two weeks in and suddenly losing weight got easier.
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    a lot of people do one word of caution would be that if you're training hard, banking calories can be a detriment to your fitness and recovery...but this really depends on your training and how much you're banking.


    I train hard, so by the end of my "week," I'm STARVING. I'm working on upping my calories again. hoping that I can find a good balance where I'm good through the week and still not "that person" on the weekends. this is a tricky game, we play. ;)
  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    I'd love to bank, but my doctor says don't do it. So, I don't do it!
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    zyxst wrote: »
    No. It would be too easy for me to head into a restrict-binge cycle.

    I found that to be the case when I went from maintenance back to a deficit. I was still trying to eat 2500 calories on Saturday and I went nuts banking too much during the week. Some girls can eat 1300 calories daily. Not me.

    1300 is my goal during the week. I don't hit it exactly every day, but that's about the average.
  • hartmamp
    hartmamp Posts: 80 Member
    I don't do it on purpose, but it tends to work out that way. As someone else mentioned, with the structure of a weekday schedule with work, etc., I'm eating pre-packed meals and snacks most of the time, and I usually end up 100-200 calories below my goal of 1600. 1600 is also a more aggressive deficit to begin with (1700 would give me 1/2 lb a week loss). Then naturally on the weekend when eating out/wine/more snacks are more frequent. In the end, I still get my 1/2 lb a week deficit.
  • jhen47
    jhen47 Posts: 15 Member
    It all boils down to 3500 calories = 1 pound. 3500 - calories burned + calories taken in = weight lost or gained over a given time period. Adjust for your personal goals.