I need some meal plans suggestions

zuly886 Posts: 30 Member
In need of meal plans suggestions for breakfast lunch dinner and snack somethibg low carb and more protein i want to lose 2lbs a week to reach my goal i just need to lose 15lbs thanks feel free to add me


  • LemonMarmalade
    LemonMarmalade Posts: 227 Member
    Deoending on how many you are cooking for, I suggest pre-cooking a chicken, turkey breast and/or roast on the weekend to eat throughout the week. Plan different meals from each of the meats...tacos one night (lettuce shells), beef and broccoli a couple nights later. Broccoli/chicken alfredo one night and chicken salad the next..You can also cook up a few packs of bacon to have on hand for breakfasts etc... Salad, cauliflower, broccoli (if you like/eat veggies) can be added to round things out.

    Once you've done it awhile it gets easier. Variety will help keep you from boredom especially in the beginning. Good luck! :)
  • louised85
    louised85 Posts: 2 Member
    Egg whites, tomatoes and mushrooms for breakfast always fills me up or fruit and yogurt for a change, then blended chicken and veg soup or salad for lunch as they are quick and easy, evening meals could be omelette with salad, meat/fish and veg, chicken/beef/prawn stir fry without the rice or noodles. Just a few ideas :smile: best of luck to you!
  • cflynn99
    cflynn99 Posts: 6 Member
    If you only need to lose 15 pounds 2 pounds a week is pretty aggressive. My diary is open if you're interested in meals...I maintain at 1700 calories I'm 5'5" 117 lbs.
  • KelleyJoL
    KelleyJoL Posts: 19 Member
    I stress over what to have, too. The number I am cooking for is always changing, and sometimes on short notice. I have 3 teens at home that will sometimes suddenly make plans with friends so that I have either a gazillion bodies in my living room snacking on things I shouldn't, or I am home alone with the snacks. YIKES! Tonight I am home alone with a cupboard full of snacks and wondering what to cook. I like to ask myself: what can I give myself as a nutritional gift? How can I love myself? I could give me a yummy salad! (and some chocolate??)
    Seriously, one of my favorite things to make for myself is a breakfast burrito. I put a tortilla into a cereal bowl, pour scrambled egg mix into it (one egg) and microwave for about a minute. I add a tb of shredded cheese and salsa. Fold the tortilla into a burrito shape. Cook a little longer IF necessary. Eat. Enjoy. When the kids have been home, I've been trying to encourage them to show off their skills with the grill. Hamburgers, brats for them, veggie burger for me. My 18 year old has been learning chicken recipes. My 13 year old has been learning how to slice, dice and chop veggies. I hope this helps