Looking for People Who Get it

Hey all! I have over 300 pounds to lose and I would love to have people to talk to on here. I am sick and tired of the fluffy weight loss meetings. Those are just for people who need to lose a little weight. I want to talk to folks who understand the problems that arise from being super morbidly obese. We can get through and past this, by supporting each other! I am bound and determined to lose this weight. I don't care about being skinny anymore. I want to be healthy. Being this big is holding me back from life and I am tired of it! Who's with me?


  • Jacqui_Runs
    Jacqui_Runs Posts: 68 Member
    I don't need to lose the same amount as you, but I love supportive friends. Keep at it girl, you can do it. I also think there's a thread somewhere around here for people who have to lose larger amounts of weights, if you'd like to locate people who relate to you a bit more. ☺️
  • Mizz_Mo
    Mizz_Mo Posts: 64 Member
    Welcome - and I think you will find this is a great place! You already took the biggest step with logging on and being accountable!
  • amyl0uis3
    amyl0uis3 Posts: 3 Member
    I think you need to give yourself credit for logging on & accounting for your calories etc! Stick at it, even the smallest change can have the biggest impact on your life. Walking is a great exercise if you don't wish to strain yourself - start small & aim big. You can build up stamina over time to then be able to walk miles. I love walking because it's not hard on your knees & you really enjoy yourself doing it. Sportstracker is a great app for logging your walks - I'd highly recommend it. Invest in a couple of 1 or 2kg dumbbells too - these will help to shape & tone your arms. Smaller weight & lots of reps is perfect - again, you don't end up straining yourself. Don't push yourself too hard to begin with. Aim for 3 balanced meals a day & if you're wanting to cut out sugar, sugar free jelly pots hit the spot & only have about 5 calories in them. Apples & bananas are great snacking foods too. Get excited about food. There's literally thousands of great things you can enjoy & still lose weight. You can do it. :)
  • WellingTX
    WellingTX Posts: 617 Member
    One of my favorite quotes from this site is "90 days from now, you'll wish you started today."

    Love the advice others have given on this chain, slow and steady is the way to go. For me, the difference has been thinking that I'm making a life style change. Not where I'll be in 30 or 60 days but 1 year or 2 years down the road.

    If you stumble, be kind to yourself. Feel good about the steps you've taken and build day after day.
  • Chelseamatic1
    Chelseamatic1 Posts: 14 Member
    I am with you and here to support. I have 100 lbs to lose
  • Pinnacle_IAO
    Pinnacle_IAO Posts: 608 Member
    Hey all! I have over 300 pounds to lose and I would love to have people to talk to on here. I am sick and tired of the fluffy weight loss meetings. Those are just for people who need to lose a little weight. I want to talk to folks who understand the problems that arise from being super morbidly obese. We can get through and past this, by supporting each other! I am bound and determined to lose this weight. I don't care about being skinny anymore. I want to be healthy. Being this big is holding me back from life and I am tired of it! Who's with me?
    I lost 100 pounds...and it was simple but hard - very hard.
    Good luck to you, and add me if you'd like.

  • Rockinteacherchick
    Rockinteacherchick Posts: 17 Member
    edited April 2016

    I tried now, but it appears you are no longer a member. Add me if you come back! =) Sorry I was late in seeing this!