Want more friends for mutual support and sharing of recipes, tips and general lurrrvin!

I've lost 26kg and counting :smile:

Would love some more friends on here for support, accountability and fun! x


  • bladebiker
    bladebiker Posts: 133 Member
    26kg's that absolutely brilliant, how much do you want to lose, anyway great effort, love to see that sort of commitment and discipline, I lost 38 kilos about two years ago mainly through running, so I know how much commitment that takes. Well done
  • Run4fitness12
    Run4fitness12 Posts: 34 Member
    Wow well done! I am starting again (again!) after losing 3 stone and putting 2 back on after getting an office job. Looking for friends to help me get back on track. Have added you x
  • loverunbefit
    loverunbefit Posts: 22 Member
    Thankyou bladebiker :) instead of going on weight, I'm going on look and feel. My ideal body size/shape would be Scarlett Johansson- toned and fit, but still womanly. I'd like to lose another 15-20, but really depends on muscle mass, etc.

    And well done!!!! 38 kilos is a LOT. Mine has been simply through running, yoga and strength training at home and cutting out processes carbohydrates and calorie counting.