Okay. I'm doing it.

lexolux Posts: 4 Member
Sick of having to buy bigger clothes. Recently got dumped, prob a good thing since I've gained 40 pounds dating this nice young woman.

Started yesterday- time to cut the crap, clean up the diet, and stop making excuses. Here we go!!!!


  • LilMissMath
    LilMissMath Posts: 1 Member
    good choice. and there's a great community here to cheer you on.
    I just got serious about it last week. Tracking really helps.
  • BasicGreatGuy
    BasicGreatGuy Posts: 857 Member
    No excuses is the path to walk. Good on you for taking that important first step, OP.
  • ConnieR
    ConnieR Posts: 16 Member
    Right on! We can do this...I know if I don't I'll have to start buying bigger clothes too.
  • lexolux
    lexolux Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks all. I've done this before, just very hard getting going again. Helps being single lol. Just sucks that I'm going to have to isolate myself socially since everything in the Bay Area revolves around food and booze.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Go get it!
  • tracy0919
    tracy0919 Posts: 46 Member
    edited August 2015
    You shouldn't need to isolate yourself socially. It seems you would still have some good choices at restaurants and eatery's, and liquor has fewer calories than beer. When I began this journey, I knew I would have to figure out the food thing, because Austin is known for it's fabulous restaurants. I make sure to order grilled meat, all sauces and such on the side or without, vegetables, etc. I eat low carbs, and am still able to eat out and keep to my macro's and calories. Best of luck to you!
  • lexolux
    lexolux Posts: 4 Member
    Austin is a great city, in fact it's where I did this the first time. Everyone is super attractive and fit in that place, what The hell :):smile: I guess my initial "push" I need to avoid temptation by not being around unhealthy food and people. Once I get back into my routine, I'll have the discipline to not order French fries...... :neutral:
  • robper13
    robper13 Posts: 219 Member
    You will find lots of motivators/supporters here, welcome! I can relate about Austin, recently moved back to the area. But have managed to stay the course and lose....and still eat some good food. You WILL do it! You can add me.
  • __KailahBooBoo___
    __KailahBooBoo___ Posts: 17 Member
    It takes being "fed up" or motivated to get to where you want to go! You can do it! I really hope you reach your goal! Good luck to you!
  • lexolux
    lexolux Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks all!!!!! Yea- plus being single now is a bit of motivation. I'm 30 pounds heavier than all my dating profile pictures lol. Opppppppps!!!
  • Exercisewoman
    Exercisewoman Posts: 52 Member
    I'm a good motivator if you want to add me. I've been on here ages. Sounds like you can do it if you put your mind to it. Be patient and make small goals at first.