How much H2O?

How much water a day do you drink? Should you drink?


  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    I think 8 glasses (250ml?) per day. Thats what I drink anyways.x
  • mizfrankie
    mizfrankie Posts: 100
    Yup. 8 x 250ml per day. But I think that might include the water you get in the things like apples and stuff...but it's best to drink that much. It helps with weight loss anyways :) and helps with all sorts of other things like headaches and energy levels!
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    I drink about 3 liters because I work out a lot and sweat a lot. You should at least drink half your weight in ounces.
  • nomorefatbitch
    Hmmm. I never really THOUGHT about the water content of anything else. I am not one of the purists regarding water. I include flavored water, coffee and tea. I don't know that it matters though, because I get so many fluids in me (far more than the recommended amount) that I could float away on the water alone!

    (Sorry I accidentally clicked the reply button twice. It let me edit my post - but not delete it.)
  • nomorefatbitch
    Hmmm. I never really THOUGHT about the water content of anything else. I am not one of the purists regarding water. I include flavored water, coffee and tea. I don't know that it matters though, because I get so many fluids in me (far more than the recommended amount) that I could float away on the water alone!
  • LLaDonna
    LLaDonna Posts: 126
    On one of these forum topics, a member suggested dividing your body weight in half to determine the ozs one should drink. I've been on MFP for two weeks now and have yet to drink 64 oz a day...let alone the additional water needed if I were to follow this formula. Yesterday was my best hydration day with 7 cups of water :(
  • jkleman79
    jkleman79 Posts: 706 Member
    I drink about 3 liters because I work out a lot and sweat a lot. You should at least drink half your weight in ounces.

    Yup this is what I have always been told by trainers and nutritionists. Works for me! As we say in my field though EveryBODY is different, and different strokes for different folks.

    Do what you feel like doing and what works thats what matters.
  • sweetCJ
    sweetCJ Posts: 144
    I drink between 10 and 14 glass of water per day... I just love water and I don't drink anything else like juice, milk or soda's. I drink cold water in the morning, room temp water with food and warm-ish water right after food. They say you should drink minimum 8 glass per day and max is like 16 glass.
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    I've been on here for 2 months and when I first read that I'm supposed to aim for 8 cups ( which are 8 oz.), I thought- YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING?!!!...and as I consciously forced myself to increase it, I was racing my then-full-term pregnant daughter to the bathroom all the time-haha.......ONCE AGAIN THINKING, YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME- I CAN'T LIVE LIKE THIS.

    Now, the bladder ( a muscle which needs toned) is working to its fullest capacity- and I don't have an issue with it.
    I'm still working on getting those last 2 glasses in, but I am AMAZED at the fact that I can drink 5 or 6 glasses without forcing myself to do it.
    The more you feed your body something, the more it craves it. Lord knows it works for junk food/sweets.
    It also works for the good stuff your body NEEDS.

    That's my story......gotta go-haha
  • Meggie_pooh
    Meggie_pooh Posts: 316 Member
    i drink at least 6 glasses. If i drink more than that, I tend to over hydrate myself. But this week we are in a heat wave, and I've been drinking anywhere between 10-15 glasses plus I throw a couple gatorades in the mix!
  • kbizzleoo
    kbizzleoo Posts: 114
    I have the most amazing water bottle ever. It has an auto seal ...and for some reason it just ...makes me happy. Before I found it I was a big disposable plastic water bottle drinker. Point of the story - it holds 24 ounces. If I drink half my body weight in ounces a day I would need to drink 71 ounces. I probably go through 5-6 of my water bottles a day so I've been drinking AT LEAST 120 ounces of water a day and I STILL feel like I'm always dehydrated. It's not hard for me to drink that much either - I just naturally feel the need to drink it and then all the sudden it's 6pm and I'm 120oz in.

    I just don't get it. Like head hurts sometimes after running because I feel dehydrated (and thats usually when I drink Gatorade) Then my urine (sorry) is always bright yellow and its supposed to be a clearish yellow.

    It's like I'm a fish or something. I just can't get enough water.
  • apeydawn
    apeydawn Posts: 52
    I have a 20oz bottle that gets filled normally 5 times a day!
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    I have found that the 20 oz. BPA-free bottles are the easiest for me- I can keep track of how many times I fill it ( which is about 3 1/2 times to make my 64-70 oz/day) AND even if it sits in the drink holder of the car, it doesn't get that weird plastic taste to the water ( maybe that's the lack of the chemical in the plastic?)
    Reusing pop containers or empty bottled water bottles get rather slimy too even if I wash them out often. Just a suggestion.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member

    As an aside - I find if I eat dairy (specifically milk) I feel dehydrated and nothing I can do will make that feeling go - even my skin feels dry. Hence why I avoid dairy.
  • Jessica5000
    I heard that you are supposed to drink 1 litre for every 50 lbs you weigh. Also if your urine is clear, you are drinking too much. If it's very yellow, not enough.